Hey, if she doesn't care, why should I? :lolBitchTits said::lolThe guard's reaction was even funnier than watching the poor guy plunge to his death: "Happens all the time".
Hey, if she doesn't care, why should I? :lolBitchTits said::lolThe guard's reaction was even funnier than watching the poor guy plunge to his death: "Happens all the time".
raYne said:That was the first Quest I did when I got to Crucible.
Just follow him around in the afternoon/evening.That's what I did.He should go up to the top of the 3(?) flights of stairs leading to the Palace. You should have an opportunity to push him off without any negative circumstances.
There's only two conversation options, neither of which lead to a "leave my the **** alone" sort of command.MirageDwarf said:Generally, if someone is following you, and if you talk to that person, you get an option to choose either to allow him/her to follow or to wait.
Which dungoen is that? Is it part of a quest, or just a random one?GreekWolf said:Ebrocca is quite possibly the best dungeon ever created in a Western RPG.
If you ever wanted to know how it would feel to explore a classic 1970's Dungeons & Dragons scenario... this is it.
Southeast of Highcross, if I recall correctly. I think there's a part of it that's related to a Quest, but the majority of it's just there to explore.GhaleonEB said:Which dungoen is that? Is it part of a quest, or just a random one?
In general, the dungeon designs in Shivering Isles are a BIG step up from the main game. Some of the optional, random dungoens have been simply immense and a lot of fun to explore.
:lol! I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.Banjo Tango said:2 - There's a naked man following her around named "Carodis Oholin" that she picked up in "Knights of the Nine", and she CAN'T get rid of him. If she kills him, he just comes back... and this is putting a damper on her vampiric lifestyle, since he'll follow her into a house and start crying if she bites someone.
It's both, actually. I don't want to give away too much as not to ruin the OMGWTFBBQ experience.GhaleonEB said:Which dungoen is that? Is it part of a quest, or just a random one?
In general, the dungeon designs in Shivering Isles are a BIG step up from the main game. Some of the optional, random dungoens have been simply immense and a lot of fun to explore.
Err.. they don't. The only reason it kept reactivating is because you left the Priest alive/conscious. If given the chance, he removes the hearts or uses them to summon more Knights.GhaleonEB said:So. The Knights that come out of the oblisks.
Same thing happeded to me. I saw him pickpocket this girl hoeing in the garden. She ran to the guards, they kicked his ass. I guess he's just got a naughty streak in him, though I wish he wasn't a trainer.davepoobond said:so um, this dude in Chaydinhal who teaches you some skill or whatever, and is purpotedly an important part of the community (he's a black dude with corn rows) was sneakin around, and i guess he tried to steal a horse, and then he got his ass killed by the stables owner and a legion soldier.
it was an axe and a sword vs. his bare fists.
what. the. ****.
i stole all his clothes and stuff though. i don't understand why this dude is dead now though. i'll never be able to train with him again.
There was no priest. Every time I killed all the Knights, the "battle music" stopped for a few moments. He wasn't around.raYne said:Err.. they don't. The only reason it kept reactivating is because you left the Priest alive/conscious.
There's always at least one Priest. It's just that in this case he just didn't see you. I've had the same similar things happen to me. ie He could've gone off to fight some random monster or you could be just out of his line of sight/hearing distance. They don't have to come in physical contact with the obelisks to control them either.GhaleonEB said:There was no priest. Every time I killed all the Knights, the "battle music" stopped for a few moments. He wasn't around.
But I think that answers my other question - time to find that SOB that ran me halfway accross the entire Shivering Isles the other night. :lol
I do know that.raYne said:There's always at least one Priest. It's just that in this case he just didn't see you. I've had the same similar things happen to me. ie He could've gone off to fight some random monster or you could be just out of his line of sight/hearing distance. They don't have to come in physical contact with the obelisks to control them either.
The battle music isn't really an indication as it's tied to you being spotted/in battle. Not to there being enemies around... You should know that by now.![]()
Cheater! I hope you're playing a rogue.Jonnyram said:I just did Dementia for the achievement (man, that was actually pretty tough) and now I'm gonna revert back to my previous save and do Mania.
It's actually ruined the game for me. I popped my head back into Cyrodil last night to pick up some things from home, and was shocked to see how bland everything looks compared to Shivering Isles.MirageDwarf said:Mania is so ****ing beautiful that I always travel during day time in Mania. I'm also planning to be a Duke of Mania.
Nice avatar. :lolJonnyram said:I just did Dementia for the achievement (man, that was actually pretty tough) and now I'm gonna revert back to my previous save and do Mania.
GreekWolf said:It's both, actually. I don't want to give away too much as not to ruin the OMGWTFBBQ experience.
I'll give you three hints -
1. Search Mania, in the area north of the Jester's Spine.
2. You'll have to do some poking around to figure out how to get in.
3. EbroccaCrematorium
Sorry about that, my spoiler was kind of confusing.Great Rumbler said:I found the entrance that's under a sliding-panel trap and the other that's in a small out-building. Where is the Crematorium entrance in relation to the main part of the ruins?
GreekWolf said:Sorry about that, my spoiler was kind of confusing.
There's no Crematorium entrance, it's inside the dungeon itself. Needed for the Din's Ashes quest.
Also, for whatever reason, some people are getting Ebrocca confused with Brellach, which are two completely different areas. You'll know you're at Brellach when you see Golden Saints guarding the entrance.
Definitely.Great Rumbler said:Ah, I see. Can I get to that area going through the main entrance?
I've forgotten the official name of my class - witch hunter or witchfinder or something? I play a stealthy role anyway, so yeah both Duke quests were pretty easy. So far there's been an unusually low amount of forced fighting actually. I engaged a few of the Knights of Order back at The Fringe, but maybe things get more serious from here?GreekWolf said:Cheater! I hope you're playing a rogue.
Not really, just sell/stash themjoesmokey said:1) Is there much use for poisons since I'll mainly be casting spells? Should I sell all that I make?
Willpower isn't all that important, so some strength (to carry all that loot/equipment) and speed might be preferable. In any case you should max your endurance as soon as possible since (unmodded) HP increases are not retroactive. You'll eventually be able to max all your attributes, including luck if you start training it early on, provided you put some effort into building up the modifiers.2) Is there any reason not to dump almost all my points into intelligence and wisdom, and a random 3rd one?
Some skills can take quite a while to raise naturally and getting your attribute modifiers to +5 every level can become a chore if you don't train. In conclusion, train if you've the money.3) Is it worth doing the training that is offered at the Guild Halls, or should I just wait until the skills increase naturally?
I saw the shoes but didn't understand it - what's the reference? There's TONS of stuff on the roofs up there.Sho Nuff said:Did you see the shoes on the roof Consolevania reference? :lol
In the consolevania review, he spent a great deal of time explaining how much fun it is to throw shoes onto the roofs of buildings.GhaleonEB said:I saw the shoes but didn't understand it - what's the reference? There's TONS of stuff on the roofs up there.
Ah, gotcha. That's great. :lolJonnyram said:In the consolevania review, he spent a great deal of time explaining how much fun it is to throw shoes onto the roofs of buildings.
It rocks, really a change of pace, I was having so many problems with the old silver bow + silver arrows I was carrying around. Often had to tone down difficulty. While I still have trouble with some bosses, generally, I can survive with a bit of sneaking about. So yeah, worth the moneyThe Chef said:what in the world!?
Well...how is it?
The other profiles aren't your main (ie Live) profile. So why would there be?Calamachino said:I was connected to xbox live.
But actually, all DLC works on my user profile, but not on my other profiles. Which is not gonna fly. Theres gotta be a fix.
That's exactly how it's supposed to work. All DLC is available by any profile on a system, as long as it's the system it was downloaded with in the first place.Jonnyram said:Actually I bought Shivering Isles on my sub-profile and it works just fine on my main profile. Same for some of my XBLA games. I don't know why it works - I guess it's just automatically validated because the sub-profile is on that device too. If they were to ever remove this loophole, I'd be totally gutted.
You're probably right about the Dawn/dusk fang. I've been using it in conjunction with the Umbra, but haven't been paying that much attention when repairing it. I'm far more interested in the added damage I can cause.Finished off S.I. last night - yeah, I was doing invis+sneak=6x damage most of the time. Am I right in thinking duskfang/dawnfang heals itself when you kill? I'd been using it all the time since I picked it up, and when I finished the questline, it was still 96% and I noticed the nourish blade stat. There's another sword in S.I. that's even stronger, but the auto-heal makes me much more fond of this one.
Jonnyram said:Finished off S.I. last night - yeah, I was doing invis+sneak=6x damage most of the time. Am I right in thinking duskfang/dawnfang heals itself when you kill? I'd been using it all the time since I picked it up, and when I finished the questline, it was still 96% and I noticed the nourish blade stat. There's another sword in S.I. that's even stronger, but the auto-heal makes me much more fond of this one.
Calamachino said:But actually, all DLC works on my user profile, but not on my other profiles. Which is not gonna fly. Theres gotta be a fix.