you can't put a price on sparks
::facepalm crying::
130 hours.
i just figured out you can grab stuff with L2.
130 hours.
i just figured out you can grab stuff with L2.
Deacan said:For bandits to have Draedric armor you will have to be around level 20, so am sure you should be finding better weapons by then.
I too must hang my head in shame; however, I have a different reason. I've put a 130 hours into my main character, and he is only level 16.davepoobond said:::facepalm crying::
130 hours.
i just figured out you can grab stuff with L2.
tak said:I too must hang my head in shame; however, I have a different reason. I've put a 130 hours into my main character, and he is only level 16.
davepoobond said:actually its probably smarter to do that, but if its that you can't get any higher at all, then...wtf are you doing? haha, i'm like at level 26 at the same amount of hours.
Havoc said:Thanks for the help.
Is there any way in-game to know the total hours I've been playing?
disappeared said:Still though, the whole CPU/NPC levelling scale in the game is screwed unless you mod it.
no, I've actually avoided leveling up. It makes things a little easier on a few quest.davepoobond said:actually its probably smarter to do that, but if its that you can't get any higher at all, then...wtf are you doing? haha, i'm like at level 26 at the same amount of hours.
Havoc said:Can anyone give me tips on leveling up reasonably? I keep reading that the monsters always catch up to you in level. How often do you guys level up?
jet1911 said:I'm probably going to buy the PC version today, what are some good mod that I could download?
That's a pretty good suggestion. I fall squarely into the "current implementation of scaling is better than no scaling" camp, but I'd like some texture to it - pockets of weaker or stronger creatures and corresponding rewards in loot. Running into the odd paean along side the hulking warrior to smack down in one crushing blow would be enjoyable, as would be finally conquering a tough dungeon through smart playing and intelligent skill selection. We're in agreement that the world felt too uniform.Kung Fu Jedi said:Very debatable. It depends on your approach and how you feel about the scaling to begin with. Still, we're at 12,000+ posts in this thread, and this debate continues to rage on.
Obviously there are ways that the can improve the scaling in the next Elder Scrolls game, and I'm sure they will. However, the scaling as is, does serve the purpose for which it was intended, even if it does feel a little out of whack at times.
I've purposed in this thread before that I'd like to see leveling based on geographical zones. Close to cities creatures would level, but not very rapidly, and they would cap out at much lower levels to reflect that those areas are well patrolled by guards. Further away from those areas, and the leveling is much higher/faster, signifying that you are out in the wilderness, and the creatures there are stronger and more challenging.
I guess we'll have to wait to see how the system gets tweaked, as I'm sure it's here to stay. Morrowind was a great game, but after a time you basically became a god, and nothing could challenge you. This was designed to prevent that from happening.
jet1911 said:I'm probably going to buy the PC version today, what are some good mod that I could download?
GhaleonEB said:That's a pretty good suggestion. I fall squarely into the "current implementation of scaling is better than no scaling" camp, but I'd like some texture to it - pockets of weaker or stronger creatures and corresponding rewards in loot. Running into the odd paean along side the hulking warrior to smack down in one crushing blow would be enjoyable, as would be finally conquering a tough dungeon through smart playing and intelligent skill selection. We're in agreement that the world felt too uniform.
Tunesmith said:You get the engine update by simply patching the game when you're connected to Live.
Thanks for the info. :lol I'm about to start over using your advice, was only 90minutes in anyway.Dyno said:*posts knowledge*
Apharmd Battler said:You mean after you instll the Shivering Isles add-on...correct?
I've been meaning to pick up the expansion but just haven't seen it while I've been in stores. I've heard nothing but good things about it from all my friends who've played through it.
Dyno said:T
Major and minor skills. In fact these terms are misleading. In order to make a powerful character the skills you plan on using THE LEAST should be major skills. If your 7 major skills go up slowly then you will level slowly. What this allows is for your 14 minor skills to go up many times. Once you do finally level, you should have +4 or +5 in at least three attributes. If you want to ensure this you can keep a tally on paper every time you level a skill.
You and me both. Obviously, I don't want anything to distract the world's mightiest dev team from Fallout 3, but I'll bet that if you stuck Steve back in a broom closet with a computer for a couple of months, he could crank out some brand new content for us.Captain Glanton said:Seeing this thread re-surface makes my heart yearn for some more Oblivion content.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Very debatable. It depends on your approach and how you feel about the scaling to begin with. Still, we're at 12,000+ posts in this thread, and this debate continues to rage on.
Obviously there are ways that the can improve the scaling in the next Elder Scrolls game, and I'm sure they will. However, the scaling as is, does serve the purpose for which it was intended, even if it does feel a little out of whack at times.
I've purposed in this thread before that I'd like to see leveling based on geographical zones. Close to cities creatures would level, but not very rapidly, and they would cap out at much lower levels to reflect that those areas are well patrolled by guards. Further away from those areas, and the leveling is much higher/faster, signifying that you are out in the wilderness, and the creatures there are stronger and more challenging.
I guess we'll have to wait to see how the system gets tweaked, as I'm sure it's here to stay. Morrowind was a great game, but after a time you basically became a god, and nothing could challenge you. This was designed to prevent that from happening.
Sysgen said:Unfortunately this is true and it's not the way an Elder Scrolls game Player Character should be shaped. Bethesda broke their own game in the name of god knows what? Sold this off long ago and never finished a couple of story lines. One day I'll pick up the PC version and d/l a leveling mod. I once argued that I would never do such a thing and for purity sake play as the developoer intended the game to be played. Little did I realize that the developer couldn't be trusted to make decisions for their own game.
Captain Glanton said:Seeing this thread re-surface makes my heart yearn for some more Oblivion content.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Very debatable. It depends on your approach and how you feel about the scaling to begin with. Still, we're at 12,000+ posts in this thread, and this debate continues to rage on.
Obviously there are ways that the can improve the scaling in the next Elder Scrolls game, and I'm sure they will. However, the scaling as is, does serve the purpose for which it was intended, even if it does feel a little out of whack at times.
I've purposed in this thread before that I'd like to see leveling based on geographical zones. Close to cities creatures would level, but not very rapidly, and they would cap out at much lower levels to reflect that those areas are well patrolled by guards. Further away from those areas, and the leveling is much higher/faster, signifying that you are out in the wilderness, and the creatures there are stronger and more challenging.
I guess we'll have to wait to see how the system gets tweaked, as I'm sure it's here to stay. Morrowind was a great game, but after a time you basically became a god, and nothing could challenge you. This was designed to prevent that from happening.
jet1911 said:I'm probably going to buy the PC version today, what are some good mod that I could download?
disappeared said:I really like that idea, and it's actually one I've thought about before - not just in Oblivion, but in a few sandbox RPGs before. It makes perfect sense when one thinks about it . The strong monster types wouldn't be seen anywhere near areas where powerful guards and large groups of people. No, they'd be waiting just off of that old path that nobody but you has treaded on in five years...waiting to pick you off.
And to Dyno, your leveling explanation makes perfect sense. I actually never considered that before!
I've been thinking about starting a new Elder Scrolls thread about what everyone would want to see in the next one, setting, monsters, quests, gameplay mechanics, etc. It's been nearly two years now, and most of us have had a chance to see what Oblivion's all about. So we know what to base our opinions on.
Yes? No?
BigDug13 said:If you've already played it through once, you should definitely download Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. Completely changes the game (for the better) and gets rid of the stupid "everything levels with you" aspect.
davepoobond said:ok, so i jacked the Rumare Slaughterfish scales from Aelwin after i finished the Go Fish quest in Weye...
funny thing is that its considered a freakin quest item so now i can't use it (its a quest item and wont let me eat or mix it), sell it (its a quest item), or give it back to aelwin since he thinks he has them.
anyone know how i can get rid of it?![]()
Ploid 3.0 said:Get put in jail. It's stolen, the guards should take it from you.
Ploid 3.0 said:Ouch then. I hate passing so many items just to get to the armor hammer to repair stuff or something else. The item sort tabs don't list everything.
davepoobond said:yeah, that's what i usually do. its just annoying, though. i wish i didn't steal from the guy now. cause his whole savings that i stole from him was only like 70 gold wtf is that.
disappeared said:The game I'm playing right now I'm trying to role-play the hell out of. My character is a good guy (the type that I want to craft into an aged hero who owns a cabin up in the woods after all his adventures are over), and I really weigh my options when it comes to quests and who I should do what for. I sleep at night, eat food, custom class, the whole works. It's fucking awesome.![]()
Sounds like a vsync issue.Xenon said:Holy crap, what a major frustration Oblivion PC has been for me. After spending a few hours researching mods I get everything all loaded and setup my 360 pad on my PC.
Well that was my first major mistake. It doesn't support the fucking thing! At least not out of the box. After searching I was able to find an ini hack to get it sort of working from Bethesda's site. Why they didn't just include it considering the changed the interface to work on a game pad I'll never freaking know. I still have issues mapping to the triggers...ugh. Oh and screw KB/M for anyone who suggests it! I still can't believe the shit condition of PC gamepad support, no wonder why the consoles are mopping the floor with them.
Aaaaaaaannyway, I start playing a little an I get a constant stutter. Its not framerate because I'm getting 50+ in the cavern. I drop the settings to low and still get the same stutter. I start looking for a cause. First thing I see was the usual update your drivers, especially sound. So I upgrade my video(7600GT) and then my SB audigy, whoops blue screen & reboot & reboot &reboot.... After an a few hours recovering regesrty and dancing, no moshing with my SB drivers, I get sound only if I have all drivers removed =\ any attempt to install the cards drivers = bluescreen/reboot.
So I rip the card out and install my MB's(GA-P35-DS3R) sound drivers, but they bomb out as well. No reboot but no sound either. Again I mess around with system restore, regedits and reloads until I have sound! Now I just need to repair all the collateral damage so I can have a working machine then its mission accomplished!
Once I have my PC back in order I see the Oblivion icon taunting me. Unfortunatly I cave and fucking run it. Same stuttering shit. I have too much time in to turm back now. Finding tons of possible fixes I start going through the ini line by line, tweaking. FPS up, stutters less but still stutters =(
All I can say is Im so happy I played the game on the 360 the first and was able to just play the fucking game without the usual PC bullshit
/rant [goes back to tweaking....]
disappeared said:The game I'm playing right now I'm trying to role-play the hell out of. My character is a good guy (the type that I want to craft into an aged hero who owns a cabin up in the woods after all his adventures are over), and I really weigh my options when it comes to quests and who I should do what for. I sleep at night, eat food, custom class, the whole works. It's fucking awesome.![]()
Drek said:Sounds like a vsync issue.
Been playing Oblivion on 360, its a decent game but I'm returning it and will pick it back up again later when I have a better video card on my PC. The level scaling is horrible. It just seems to me like Bethesda lives off the fact that no one else is making these kinds of RPGs anymore. Now we're left with one developer delivering a promising framework but busted pieces (don't get me started on all the bugs I've ran into). The fan base saves the game on PC so I don't see any reason to keep banging my head off the wall with the 360 version.
Syb said:From memory you'll be able to play your game, but wont be able to access the DLC until you re-purchase it. Im not 100% sure on that, hopefully someone else can confirm it.
You'll be fine. I just disconnected my 360 from Live, deleted the 'Wizards Tower' and proceeded to start the game. It gave me a warning message which explained that the "save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available."neoism said:Are you not sure about the playing it offline, "thing" I heard if you buy anything online "DLC" and save a game after, it modifies your save and you can't play it offline.
thanks for the info you gave though. I guess if no one knows or tells the answer, I'll just go to WalMart and buy a memory card try it and see, if it doesn't work I'll send it back!
Syb said:You'll be fine. I just disconnected my 360 from Live, deleted the 'Wizards Tower' and proceeded to start the game. It gave me a warning message which explained that the "save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available."
I choose to continue, my save loaded up and I was able to play offline. Everything was normal except that the Wizards Tower no longer appeared on the World Map. Im using the GOTY edition btw.
IronicallyTwisted said:The more I reminisce over this game the less I think I actually liked it.
It was just Generic RPG Adventure with a shitload of content packed in. The only memorable section was the Dark Brotherhood questline.