syllogism said:I was under impression you'll only lose stolen items if are wanted and get arrested you , just like in Morrowind.
There's other ways but i wouldn't want to spoil the fun
syllogism said:I was under impression you'll only lose stolen items if are wanted and get arrested you , just like in Morrowind.
Vark said:There's other ways but i wouldn't want to spoil the fun![]()
Robobandit said:yeah, or if you choose to pay a fine. However, what I was asking is that will the guards automatically know that you've stolen something. I don't mind if they catch you for some other reason and nab your stolen shit too. I was talking about if you hadn't done anything else and they just "knew" that you had stolen something when there weren't any witnesses to the crime.
bry-bry said:Yeah, I'm going to guess that the previewer just assumed stealth mode meant he was free to steal anything, or he couldn't see any witnesses to the theft. But there must have been a witness in the church, otherwise a thief wouldn't be able to operate in cities (which obviously is not the case).
Robobandit said:yeah.. there may have been someone with invisibility lurking in the room somewhere who saw him lift the gem. (Like that npc that turned invisible and ran off to the guards)
Sp3eD said:New screenshot put up today.
This game needs to come out now.
3.6 Ghz, 2 GB RAM, X1900...Robobandit said:I shudder to think what kind of ungodly hardware would be required to play the game as represented in that screenshot
GreekWolf said:3.6 Ghz, 2 GB RAM, X1900...
GreekWolf said:3.6 Ghz, 2 GB RAM, X1900...
Kung Fu Jedi said:Well, that or an Xbox 360!
and an HDTV
Sp3eD said:New screenshot put up today.
This game needs to come out now.
Unison said:Wow, that looks great... I wonder how much worse the 360 version looks.
Unison said:Wow, that looks great... I wonder how much worse the 360 version looks.
GreekWolf said:3.6 Ghz, 2 GB RAM, X1900...
jet1911 said:Like that but at 1280*720.
Unison said:Wow, that looks great... I wonder how much worse the 360 version looks.
Unison said:I am just skeptical / worried for no good reason, I guess. Oblivion seems on all fronts to be a great game and it's coming out so soon that I can't help but fear for the worst.
I have a 6600GT and have been flip-flopping about which version I should get (I've decided on the 360 version), and fear buyer's remorse. I really, really hope I'm making the right decision to go with the 360 version, but I wish I had some idea of what the game would look like / run like on my system (3.0 ghz P4 / 1GB Ram / 6600GT).![]()
I've played the Elder Scrolls since Arena. I love them all and know there's way more to the series than just graphics. I can't wait for Oblivion.
FallenOne666 said:Well it'll definitely look better than the PC version running on those specs, no question. However, why not just wait until release day and the flood of user impressions (there's bound to be people running the same specs as you) if you are so worried?
Sorry, I meant a dual core CPU. There's no way you're going to get anything close to that screenshot from anything less. And you're probably right about the crossfire.Robobandit said:Probably two x1900 cards in crossfire.. and a Dell 30" or 30" Apple cinema display :lol
3.6 ghz = shit, too.. unless it is a dual core 3.6ghz processor.
Kung Fu Jedi said:It's been said time and time again by the devs, and now it's been confirmed in a number of previews, that there is virtually no difference between the X360 version and the PC version, as long as the PC version is very high end with a great video card. The IGN piece confirmed it as well. Buy the PC version if you've got a kick-ass rig and want the toolset. Buy the 360 version if you don't care about the toolset and want to play the game on a bigger screen and in a comfy easy chair. I don't think you can lose either way.
Ark-AMN said:Man, I still wonder about my computer. I mean, sure its got a 256MB 7800GTX (no SLI though) and 2GB of 667Mhz DDR2 RAM, and the 360GB RAID 0 HD. But then I keep coming back to the 3.6Ghz non-dualcore P4 I got (**** Dell and their no AMD policy).
I was sold into not getting a dual-core by some people telling me there was no overall benefit from it speed-wise unless you're multi-tasking. Now I think they were fooling with me.
Oh well, SteveMeister still assures me I'll be fine. Hope so![]()
I need the PC version for the toolset (going to be great to make mods with good melee combat unlike Unreal 2.0/Source) and because I have no 360.
Ark-AMN said:Man, I still wonder about my computer. I mean, sure its got a 256MB 7800GTX (no SLI though) and 2GB of 667Mhz DDR2 RAM, and the 360GB RAID 0 HD. But then I keep coming back to the 3.6Ghz non-dualcore P4 I got (**** Dell and their no AMD policy).
I was sold into not getting a dual-core by some people telling me there was no overall benefit from it speed-wise unless you're doing multi-tasking things. Now I think they were fooling with me.
Oh well, SteveMeister still assures me I'll be fine. Hope so![]()
I need the PC version for the toolset (going to be great to make mods with good melee combat unlike Unreal 2.0/Source) and because I have no 360.
Sp3eD said:New screenshot put up today.
This game needs to come out now.
Ark-AMN said:Well, I usually try not to run any games over 1024*768, even on my 17" flat-panel LCD. Text gets too small for me to read.![]()
GreekWolf said:People who are griping about the removal of soft-shadows need to forget about it. There are still shadows on almost everything in the game on BOTH versions, and it looks incredible. There are even shadows on individual blades of grass.
GreekWolf said:Gaming Steve's new podcast is pretty sweet. He describes a dungeon crawl early on in the game, where the water level slowly increases, until the lower portions of the cave are completely flooded. He's wading through waist-high stagnant water, slashing at these flying imps which are peppering him with fireballs from above. As he progresses further into the cave, he stands on the corner of a ledge, overlooking a large lake. All of a sudden, these giant crabs leap up from the water and begin to clip his ankles. He almost died from the encounter, because the attack caught him completely by surprise. After finishing them off, he continued his journey deeper into the dungeon, which branched off into several different sections. I don't think he explored every little nook and cranny since there was limited playtime. Eventually, he reached the very end of the cave and there stood a magnificent treasure chest. Now this is where is gets funny - as he cautiously approached the loot, he noticed that the rocks in the corner of the room began to move. To his horror, a "crab as big as a house" popped up out of the ground and began to lay the smack down on him. :lol
He described the experience as terrifying, but also gives a great sense of accomplishment when you finally defeat the beast.
Unfortunately, there weren't any exits aside from where he entered the dungeon, so he had to backtrack towards the entrance. He lists this as a minor annoyance, but it also encourages you to explore other regions of the cavern which you probably missed the first time through. He mentioned that it took it roughly 30 minutes to get to the treasure chest from the time he walked in.
Another funny situation occurred as he finally made his escape out of the cavern. As he walked out into the sunlight, he noticed a fight taking place right at the dungeon entrance. Apparently, an Imperial guard had been chasing a thief through the woods, and it had inevitably come to blows. Poor GamingSteve ( dense as he is ), didn't know who to help.. or even if he should interfere with "official empire business." After much deliberation, he pulled out his sword and attacked the guard, who looked at him like he was crazy and screamed, "NOT ME, YOU IDIOT! ATTACK HIM!!" So, they chased off after the thief, who raced to the top of a hill, throwing down insults at both the guard and GamingSteve. Eventually, they caught up to him and ran him through with their swords... and the Imperial guard was gracious enough to let Steve loot the bandit and keep all the goodies.
He emphasized that none of this was pre-scripted... it was all due to the incredible radiant AI.
Here's a link to the podcast -
Man fuck myself for lack of self control. That would've been totally awesome to find for myself in the game but because I totally suck I've gone and ruined it. Amazing, but still.Hitler Stole My Potato said:Saw this over at Gaming Trend. This quest sounds completely awesome and certainly goes beyond the standard Morrowind stuff:
There is a side quest to look for Rythe Lyhandas, a painter. I came across it, while going through random open houses. Inside this one house was his wife. She told me he had gone missing while locked in his studio. She knew he hadnt gone out, but when she checked the room, he was gone. She gave me the key (Guess I looked trustworthy?) and I checked the room. Inside was a special painting. When I clicked on it, it transported me into the painting. The first thing I noticed was that all the graphics had changed to look like an oil painting! VERY cool effect! As soon as I got in, I found the painter who told me that he used a magic brush for his paintings. This brush allowed him to paint from inside the painting and whatever he thought of, painted itself (there is a whole back-story he told, but we wont get into it now). It seems that a thief got into his studio, stole the brush, locked the painter into the painting, went in himself, and then painted Paint Trolls to protect himself. Unfortunately for the thief, he couldnt control them and he was killed. The brush is on the thiefs body, but the painter isnt a warrior, so he needs you to retrieve it. He gives you six bottles of turpentine (to be used as poison for the trolls) and off you go. You have to kill all the trolls and get the brush from the body. The whole area has the oil painting effect and when you get near the body, you get a washed out effect that makes it look like the painting isnt done. This added a real nice effect to the whole thing. It made it seem more real surprisingly. Anyway you retrieve the brush, get out and get a reward. If this is the type of creativity seen on other missions, I will be truly amazed. This mission was one of the most memorable moments for me.
Sp3eD said:Yep, from everything I have been reading, the shadows are only gone from Havok based items. It would get kind of crazy on the hardware to have to render all the geometry for shadows in situations like in peoples houses and such.
With the grab command you could probably crash the game by dumping the rooms contents in front of a candle.
That being said, are creatures and people considered Havok based? I know you can drag bodies, but are they even going to have circle shadows?
op_ivy said:my understanding is that all npcs, and major structures (including trees) will have shadows.
DrM said:damn, i am also worried about my PC...Athl 3200+, 2 GB Ram and Geforce 6800GS. 800X600 calling....
SteveMeister said:Another panorama forest shot went up on the main site today.
SteveMeister said:Another panorama forest shot went up on the main site today.
SteveMeister said:Another panorama forest shot went up on the main site today.
SteveMeister said:Another panorama forest shot went up on the main site today.
SteveMeister said:Another panorama forest shot went up on the main site today.
Robobandit said:I don't suppose you know the specs of the rig that produced that, huh? :lol