When is the 3 Day early access suppose to start because it ain't happening right now?
There is exactly a single line of text (written in 3rd Era and referring the same era, IIRC) ever referring to Cyrodiil being jungle, and that's some pamphlet Morrowind, if i recall correctly. Well, that and and Heimskr's preaching in Skyrim, where he quotes a line about Tiber Septim apparently using Thu'um to transform the entire province to something else. Which could be a myth (he is a fanatic preacher after all, his ramblings are not necessarily trustworthy), or actually much lesser effect, Thu'um are powerful but affecting an entire province would require immensely powerful magic (of course, if Tiber Septim is partially a god or such...).
EDIT, Apparently Mythic Dawn Commentaries refers to Cyrodiil being jungles before too. Hmm.
In any case, i wouldn't call Cyrodiil being temperate forest being automatic contradiction to established lore, which is relatively vague about this. And pretty irrelevant considering the typical MMO space compression.
And that reminds me, i looked at Mournhold map. 15 buildings, give or take. Right. So... where's Almalexia? Mournhold is the temple-city inside Almalexia, according to established lore (it is basically fantasy-Vatican City). Now it could have been built later, but the Tribunal has been long in power by the 2nd Era.
Perhaps it is also a victim of the space compression i mentioned.
The difference between the Alliance War and the Dragon War is that the latter was set during the Merethic era, before even the 1st Era and more formalized calendar. It is quite literally lost in myth and legends. Now i'm not sure but i got a feeling it wasn't well known during the events of Skyrim.
2nd Era is much better documented... though perhaps there is space for the Alliance War. Me, i find it rather silly though, considering how the reason for it is basically Oblivion's story with some elements from Arena and Daggerfall...
I really wished that they would have worked harder to set the different races apart from each other architecturally. Getting rid of the walking tree cities and making the Altmer cities incredibly, well, boring come to mind.
Some people mentioned that exploration is rewarded, how so? So far I've seen come up from traveling off the beaten path is finding side hubs and "dungeons" with a boss inside. Sometimes you can find environment interactibles that show you a dungeon's location. I haven't seen anything insanely cool yet though.
Also I am struggling with combat. I tend to either fight really easy enemies or really tough ones and I'm not sure if I'm playing right. Everyone else around me seems to melt mobs. Is it cause I'm a melee? I'm playing a two hand tanky build, templar class. I just don't do much damage. Any tips?
They didn't do the moving trees in Valenwood? FFS, I wish Zenimax just left TES to Bethesda. This could be devastating to the franchise if it's a big flop.
As for TES lore, I don't even try to wade too deep into that muck. People can't even agree on what is canon or not canon (MK's writings, for example). And once you get past that, a lot of the deep lore is quite theoretical and abstract. On one hand, it's incredibly impressive, and perhaps unmatched in gaming. On the other, it's ridiculous.
Disclaimer: I've read almost nothing about this game, despite being a longtime TES fan.
They didn't do the moving trees in Valenwood? FFS, I wish Zenimax just left TES to Bethesda. This could be devastating to the franchise if it's a big flop.
As for TES lore, I don't even try to wade too deep into that muck. People can't even agree on what is canon or not canon (MK's writings, for example). And once you get past that, a lot of the deep lore is quite theoretical and abstract. On one hand, it's incredibly impressive, and perhaps unmatched in gaming. On the other, it's ridiculous.
Disclaimer: I've read almost nothing about this game, despite being a longtime TES fan.
There is one thing I'm not a fan of - having to download the client twice if you want to play on the EU and the US server. Why?
Apparently you can copy the folder and just remove the EU part of the name and it's a US client.
Apparently you can copy the folder and just remove the EU part of the name and it's a US client.
There is exactly a single line of text (written in 3rd Era and referring the same era, IIRC) ever referring to Cyrodiil being jungle, and that's some pamphlet Morrowind, if i recall correctly. Well, that and and Heimskr's preaching in Skyrim, where he quotes a line about Tiber Septim apparently using Thu'um to transform the entire province to something else. Which could be a myth (he is a fanatic preacher after all, his ramblings are not necessarily trustworthy), or actually much lesser effect, Thu'um are powerful but affecting an entire province would require immensely powerful magic (of course, if Tiber Septim is partially a god or such...).
EDIT, Apparently Mythic Dawn Commentaries refers to Cyrodiil being jungles before too. Hmm.
In any case, i wouldn't call Cyrodiil being temperate forest being automatic contradiction to established lore, which is relatively vague about this. And pretty irrelevant considering the typical MMO space compression.
And that reminds me, i looked at Mournhold map. 15 buildings, give or take. Right. So... where's Almalexia? Mournhold is the temple-city inside Almalexia, according to established lore (it is basically fantasy-Vatican City). Now it could have been built later, but the Tribunal has been long in power by the 2nd Era.
Perhaps it is also a victim of the space compression i mentioned.
The difference between the Alliance War and the Dragon War is that the latter was set during the Merethic era, before even the 1st Era and more formalized calendar. It is quite literally lost in myth and legends. Now i'm not sure but i got a feeling it wasn't well known during the events of Skyrim.
2nd Era is much better documented... though perhaps there is space for the Alliance War. Me, i find it rather silly though, considering how the reason for it is basically Oblivion's story with some elements from Arena and Daggerfall...
They didn't do the moving trees in Valenwood? FFS, I wish Zenimax just left TES to Bethesda. This could be devastating to the franchise if it's a big flop.
As for TES lore, I don't even try to wade too deep into that muck. People can't even agree on what is canon or not canon (MK's writings, for example). And once you get past that, a lot of the deep lore is quite theoretical and abstract. On one hand, it's incredibly impressive, and perhaps unmatched in gaming. On the other, it's ridiculous.
Disclaimer: I've read almost nothing about this game, despite being a longtime TES fan.
cant seem to zoom to the face so i can see the changes. any ideas?
cant seem to zoom to the face so i can see the changes. any ideas?
Lé Blade Runner;106524104 said:Hum. If the game-world itself is well-made, I might get this for the PS4 and play for a month or two.
Holy mother of god, trying to download ESO on my laptop on my university campus internet and I've gotten 3% in 1 hour... Ugh. It's days like these where I sometimes miss physical copies.
Is this game really digital only? Elder Scrolls games always had sick packages and collectors editions...
Edit: Oh, I suppose it is only early access now... physical release is coming.
I'm stuck at work and there's not nearly enough ESO chat going on here to keep me going until I can get home and play.
I'll throw in some basic questions I have to see if we can get some chat going.
1. How do you get started in crafting? I have lots of materials I've picked up on my travels but haven't seen any recipes for sale.
2. Ditto for fishing.
3. Where do you buy inventory upgrades?
4. I joined Daggerfall. Is it best to do the first two islands and then come back to the mainland and carry on?
5. Why isn't it home time yet?
Alright, two things:
1. I'm starting to panic a bit about my current main. Having no idea where to start for an archer build, I looked at how Force was doing it in the betas and used that as a starting point. Since it seemed physical rather than class focused, he did medium armor and focused on stamina. But later videos I'm finding now show he dumped everything into stamina, buffed it on his armor, and soft capped it. So the build is very tailored in a way I wasn't expecting. I'm finding myself using more class abilities than physical, and will probably have an even split in later levels. Should I switch to light armor instead for magicka focus, or stick with medium?
Oh, and I haven't used a single attribute point still because I can't being myself to commit to a focus.
2. What do you guys do with all the regular weapon and armor drops you get but don't need? Deconstructing doesn't seem to add very much progress, so I'm starting to wonder if I should sell them instead. I've just been breaking them down, but after expanding the back and backpack once reach, I only have 2k gold.
I've yet to encounter a bugged quest too but I guess I've just been lucky. Game is still pretty fun and I love exploring. Some areas have some really nice music.
Well, I like the game. Never truly liked any MMO before now. For once, I want to do the quests.
World is immersive. No obtrusive UI. It feels like SP TES but online (which is very good). I can't wait to tackle some co-op with people.
Is there a GAF guild based in the Aldmeri Dominion?
Also, I forget, how does guilding work cross-alliance?
Edit: Turns out that quest is bugged. You don't really have to wait, that's just what people came up with after not getting the drops. It seems only one spot is dropping the items so we have like 50 people trying to kill one mob every 4 minutes. Not good.
I guess the Guild Stores sort of act as an AH? No idea, never really thought about it. However, I did think it was strange you can loot/steal everything without any real action taken against you. I think for this reason alone an AH would be a bit pointless, as there's so many items freely available to just loot/pick up.
but how're you going to make money? Do you have to be in a guild? As a mostly solo player I worry about it, since I couldn't find a clear explanation about how selling stuff works. I love selling stuff in MMORPGS!
Yeah you pretty much have to join a Guild. The guild store is the AH.
I found a neat little area in Khenarthis Roost that I farmed for a while for iron ore. I have like 400 ingots now lol. Rawhide tho...edit:Unrelated, but god damn I love how plentiful resource nodes are. I guess they tried to account for the fact that the nodes aren't instanced, but no one is actually gathering. So I get materials by the truckload.
I've been researching like a motherfucker when I can. I guess I'll start selling any non-Intricate gear beneath green level? I don't know, I want to level up those skills but the gold is probably more worthwhile than the small inspiration gains I guess.I'm no authority on builds, and I have yet to mess around with bows in general, but for crafting, you'll most likely want to sell trash gear, gather materials from nodes, and research items you find with traits you don't have. If you have a crafting buddy, you can also trade each other your crafted items, then break them down for bonus XP.
There's an AD guild on EU server, and guilds are cross-alliance, though you can't PVP together for obvious reasons.
but how're you going to make money? Do you have to be in a guild? As a mostly solo player I worry about it, since I couldn't find a clear explanation about how selling stuff works. I love selling stuff in MMORPGS!
I have no friends playing, my bestie abandoned me for the eventual PS4 version.I'd join a GAF guild but I'd have to change my account name, and I don't know if I can.