Mr. Luchador
Oh my god, keep it.
haha I wouldn't be able to resist running around shouting out Queen Lyrics and acting like the greatest Rock Stallion Diva of all time
Oh my god, keep it.
Is there controller support in this yet?
I don't think the TES archetypes translate well to an MMO. I've been trying to play my typical TES daggers/bow build but you can't switch weapons on the fly until level 15, and bows are pretty clearly meant to be a secondary thing, since no main skills really seem to do anything with them.
Plus, stealth mechanics feel hella pointless, since you're almost always in a group. It's hard to actually make use of being invisible, so I basically just have to run around mashing the stabby ability (which I just upgraded to Impale, which... seems busted).
Is there any ranged caster in this? The official website has no info on "classes" and I haven't played any Elder Scrolls games before :/ I typically go caster in other MMO's so just wondering what is similar here?
I've heard this game retcons some of the lore. Does anyone have any details on this ?
Quoting myself.
are there only 4 classes in the game?
So I played Wildstar all day yesterday and ESO pretty much all morning and while I love them both for different reasons, I'd have to say this game is the better of the two for a person like me. First off the character creator kicks ass. I've never been as happy with my starting look as I have been in this game. Second, exploring the world is far more enjoyable and it definitely has that ES vibe to it, and finally I'm still a fan of voice acting in my MMOs and this game has it in spades. Wildstar has better combat, without question, but the game feels like I'm being led around by the nose where as ESO is a game I feel like I can just roam around in and explore. It's frankly pretty appalling how bad of a reputation this game has gotten considering how much fun it is to actually play.
No but you can use Pinnacle to add controller support. That is what I have been using and outside of using my kb for chat/keying in my password, I have been playing with the controller the whole time. The profiles they have are pretty good, but I customized one of them to give me a bit more control of stuff.
Actually, where TESO takes place in the timeline corresponds to an era known as the Interregnum, where the Reman Empire collapsed and the Empire became a bunch of squabbling provinces for a few centuries, with pretender emperors taking the throne for very short periods of time. This would precede the coming of the Septim Empire, which would serve as the basis for the Empire as we know it in TES. The Interregnum period was established prior to TESO itself. So it roughly fills in the details of an era within that section of time. I have no doubt there are plenty of retcons to lingering details therein, but that remains to be seen entirely.Off the top of my head, I know Cyrodiil was supposed to have been a tropical jungle during the second era, and instead it's very similar to how it looked in Oblivion.
There's bound to be more, though. The whole "Alliance War" thing was just pulled out of thin air, there was no historical evidence that it ever happened before. But the same could be said for Skyrim: before that game came out, no one had ever heard of the Dragon War.
So I played Wildstar all day yesterday and ESO pretty much all morning and while I love them both for different reasons, I'd have to say this game is the better of the two for a person like me. First off the character creator kicks ass. I've never been as happy with my starting look as I have been in this game. Second, exploring the world is far more enjoyable and it definitely has that ES vibe to it, and finally I'm still a fan of voice acting in my MMOs and this game has it in spades. Wildstar has better combat, without question, but the game feels like I'm being led around by the nose where as ESO is a game I feel like I can just roam around in and explore. It's frankly pretty appalling how bad of a reputation this game has gotten considering how much fun it is to actually play.
I created an add-on recommendation and suggestion thread on the official forums, if anyone is interested in taking a look.
Holy mother of god, trying to download ESO on my laptop on my university campus internet and I've gotten 3% in 1 hour... Ugh. It's days like these where I sometimes miss physical copies.
Is Pinnacle free?
It's a sign, bro.
Nice list. Could someone, theoretically, make an add-on that adds controller support to the game? With correct button prompts, etc?
Looks like we are well on the way there already!
Best Pinnacle profile I've seen so far + UI for button prompts in the works! Crazy awesome!
Ok, for those on the EU server, I've created a GAF guild:
Guild: NeoGAF
Leader: Astraer / @astraer
Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
Whisper me for an invite.
Off the top of my head, I know Cyrodiil was supposed to have been a tropical jungle during the second era, and instead it's very similar to how it looked in Oblivion.
There's bound to be more, though. The whole "Alliance War" thing was just pulled out of thin air, there was no historical evidence that it ever happened before. But the same could be said for Skyrim: before that game came out, no one had ever heard of the Dragon War.
They managed to explain the multiple endings of Daggerfall in lore, so taking something established and stretching it for the sake of gameplay is not unheard of.
Ok, for those on the EU server, I've created a GAF guild:
Guild: NeoGAF
Leader: Astraer / @astraer
Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
Whisper me for an invite.
Oh and this isn't nearly as bad as 14 1.0. Trust me, I stuck with that game for a long time with many gaffers and 14 was a lot worse at launch.
They managed to explain the multiple endings of Daggerfall in lore, so taking something established and stretching it for the sake of gameplay is not unheard of.
Awesome, was hoping you guys chose the Dominion, my favorite faction from the betas. Me and my brother will start playing tomorrow, ill make sure to give you a shout ingame.![]()
Anyone tried a respec yet? I know it refunds all points, including morphs, do the skills you lose retain their levels? For example would I be able to turn my poison arrow back into venom arrow without going through the leveling bit again?
Skills retain their level, but like you said the points come back and the morph resets.
That wouldn't surprise me, or if they explain some reason for the war to be forgotten. It would be amazing if, like the Dragon Break is a nod to player agency, they create done crazy narrative device that acknowledges that there are millions of vessels. Like a sort of infinite universes thing.Sure. Daggerfall explanation is a tad awkward but ultimately it does work.
I reckon they end up explaining TESO with a Dragon Break too though. Temporary alternate timeline or some such.
For sure. It's cool to see Elsweyr, but where's are my tens of species of Khajiit? I forget the lore name, but I'd choke a lich for the giant four legged species that acts as a mount for other Khajiit.Either way I wish the games dipped into the more unique parts of the lore more. It's a shame that inspired stuff like the 36 Sermons are mostly super-esoteric side content.
I played that version of XIV, bought it at launch. I still suffer PTSD from it.This is the most ringing endorsement I've ever seen for an MMO.
Beware that cost goes up, iirc, based on level and times respecced. If they launch a store, I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks to repsec in place of spending gold, which is quite limited so far.Awesome, thank you. Makes it a lot easier to experiment.
Awesome, thank you. Makes it a lot easier to experiment.
Daaaaaamn.Note it gets expensive. 100g per skill point first time and it keeps going up each time.
For sure. It's cool to see Elsweyr, but where's are my tens of species of Khajiit? I forget the lore name, but I'd choke a lich for the giant four legged species that acts as a mount for other Khajiit.
So... @Dawg did they move your guy?
gimme your impressions so far. I'm itching to buy.