So who's using a controller with this? Do you like it better?
Currently the PC version doesn't support gamepads. Have to assume that'll be in shortly though.
So who's using a controller with this? Do you like it better?
So is the main appeal for this game PVP now? It is the majority of what I see on streams.
So who's using a controller with this? Do you like it better?
Ok, looks like I was wrong. I'm pretty sure too that it will be supported soon, tho.Currently the PC version doesn't support gamepads. Have to assume that'll be in shortly though.
So who's using a controller with this? Do you like it better?
It's extremely noticeable because of the 6 skills only, the terrible interface... so, stop playing with controllers, you're ruining all my games.
Where are the official "General Discussion" forums for the game?
This says "0" threads:
It's pretty obvious that it was designed around a controller, so I think you'll be safe with one.
It's extremely noticeable because of the 6 skills only, the terrible interface... so, stop playing with controllers, you're ruining all my games.
Ok, looks like I was wrong. I'm pretty sure too that it will be supported soon, tho.
You have to keep going into the sub-categories. There's stuff in there but it showing nothing on main page for some reason.
I thought I heard the action bar increases to twelve slots after level 15.
Even those look empty... just "Welcome" announcements...
Any direct link to a single forum with lots of general discussion threads?
I've been using a controller and loving it. I'm using the pinnacle software and a controller profile somebody else posted.
Pretty sure this is a conscious design decision. Guild Wars 2 uses the exact same system of 6 skill slots, and it wasn't "designed for controllers".
how do you find the menu? I love the in game but the menu with a controller winds me up, needs modding by the developers
Everyone waiting to get into the eu guild, when I get home from work I'll send out invites if nobody hasn't already done it.
european maintenence in the middle of the afternoon lol
Isn't that when people are supposed to be at work?
Isn't that when people are supposed to be at work?
A time scale of "Several hours" is likely to include prime time sadly.
that too. oh well, got to 19, almost 20 on my templar, liking it a lot more than my first templar. Im starting to have too many skill points tho, as I have little interest in other weapons besides 1h/shield and resto staff. Might do a range build with dawn powers and bow
Don't forget armour and racial skills. I put a point into one of the soul gem skills too. Free rez every two hours. Passives too
I either hold down the guide button to access the game settings or hold right bumper and press the dpad in whatever direction for the journal, skills, ect...
european maintenence in the middle of the afternoon lol
Do they announce the server maintenance times on the website or anything like that? I think this has been the second or third time that I'd planned to sit down and play for a few hours only to log on 10-15 mins before they bring them down. Slightly frustrating.
Thanks for this!
level 19 WTF
I didnt see it, but I heard that the facebook announcement said "several hours"
do you have a screenshot of your pinnacle profile? or the profile itselfsounds like a much better way of doing it
european maintenence in the middle of the afternoon lol
Yeah they have appalling timing. That said I think only WoW ever had good times from what I remember. They took servers down at 3am usually.
First content revealed:
EDIT: Damn, it looks good. Love the art style.
How does the Mac version run?
I'll be doing some traveling soon, and just installed the game on my laptop. When I log in, the camera starts spinning like crazy. It's almost as if the mouse's deadcenter is being incorrectly used because I can move the mouse and get it to be sorta stable, but if I move it from that spot, it goes crazy again.
I've tried this (even though I'm running Windows 7).
Any ideas? I need help!
Disclaimer: That was what worked for my brother, but I cannot guarantee it'll do it for you.
Go to desktop
Right click, select "Screen Resolution" or your language equialent
Hit the text-link saying something like, "Make text and other elements larger or smaller."
Hit the checkbox in the middle of the dialog box.
Select 125% (100% may work, as well)
Apply and log out and in.