You are still in, guilds and social features aren't working at the moment for anyone.
was gonna say, I saw people saying hello in guild earlier when the servers came up
You are still in, guilds and social features aren't working at the moment for anyone.
You are still in, guilds and social features aren't working at the moment for anyone.
Edit - Hmm my EsoheadMarkers are showing Skyshards as uncollected for ones which I have collected. Has the patch bugged out the add-on? Anyone else suffering from this?
Actually, it looks like the patch reset other stuff too. Has anyone else encountered this? My keybinds have reset, all of my UI add-on settings have all reset too...
Separate account, characters, and subscription. Yes, even in this day and age. It's pretty shameful.Question for those who know.
When the console versions are released will I be able to login using my existing account, or will I be required to dish out another $15 a month?
I would love to see their rendition of Mehrune Dagon's Deadlands.
So I got the game from target as part of the buy 2, get 1 free promotion and it's trying to get me to sign up for a month of game time? It comes with a free month right so I shouldn't have to pay for one? What do I do?
There's a $15 pre-authorization when you put in your info that will temporarily show up as a pending charge on your account. The first actual charge occurs after your first month subscription expires. Why it isn't $1-2 like every other MMO in history is a mystery, but it is what it is.
edit: beaten above
Am I crazy, or are weapons tiny as hell in this? Especially 2 handed weapons, noticed my friends two handed axe looked like a toy, the axe head was the size or smaller than his characters head...
Weird, used to putting my card in but not a whole month of game time preauthorization.
Bummer the intro cutscene is so compressed, really wish companies wouldn't make their cinematics look so terrible.
don't worry, guilds are account wideballs selected wrong faction to the eu guild
it's sad how often this has happened to me already
getting stuck all over the damn place
don't worry, guilds are account wide. Also, you can still hang out and chat
balls selected wrong faction to the eu guild
edit: beaten above
Am I crazy, or are weapons tiny as hell in this? Especially 2 handed weapons, noticed my friends two handed axe looked like a toy, the axe head was the size or smaller than his characters head...
they are yeah
And it's a good thing.
FINALLY a mmo where equipment looks realistic (at least, more than usual), and not the crappy plastic toys we are used to.
I fear it won't last long.
And it's a good thing.
FINALLY a mmo where equipment looks realistic (at least, more than usual), and not the crappy plastic toys we are used to.
I fear it won't last long.
It doesn't seem too tiny to me. And it's certainly bigger than my head, haha.
Does make me wonder if a weapon's size scales with the size of your character.
That's not my friend, the axe he had was even smaller than this guys. And my Iron maul looks like a small baseball bat lol. Your axe gives me hope though
I'd argue that Guild Wars 2 is far more limited in skill sets and choice of play than ESO, but I don't want to turn this thread into a he says she says argument because both games are great in their own respect.Nah, gw2 is a totally different system. 5+5 skills and it's more dynamic.
Also the interface is pretty good.
I'd argue that Guild Wars 2 is far more limited in skill sets and choice of play than ESO, but I don't want to turn this thread into a he says she says argument because both games are great in their own respect.
So it seems my entire guild has decided to turn into werewolves, which I'm cool with but that kinda means we now have some quite large disadvantages in PvP due to werewolves being so weak to silver and the fighter's guild. Ah well, luckily you can reverse the effect if you get tired of it.
Man you guys are about to make me cave and pick this up, when I already have FFXIV ce coming in less than a week. Quick question, I see from reading the thread that this has a ton of content for those of us who like to solo. How difficult is the game for solo players? I like a challenge, but I also tend to get frustrated rather quickly.
See I haven't had any problems with large groups of people camping, even in Stonefalls (beginner area for Ebonheart). Maybe its because I'm usually on during Australian times, but all the public dungeons I cleared were really empty besides a select few, and even then they weren't being farmed that hard. I have a feeling the problem can also be contributed to bots, I've found a handful so far which is annoying but hey that's an MMO for ya.Yeah, I think the werewolf / vampire stuff will die down once people get the monster hunting skills. Silver bolts and expert hunter alone will absolutely wreck them in combat.
edit: Unrelated, but holy shit am I tired of clearing a whole dungeon only to turn a corner and find upwards of 15 people sitting around the boss spawn. It's gotten so bad that I've given up trying to tag the mob for loot. I just get one shot in, get the achievement, and leave.
Depending on your build, and how you manage your crowd control abilities, it can range from challenging to super easy. Damage output from enemies is typically high though, so you can't make too many mistakes.
That makes sense, thanks. Do the enemy levels scale with you? Over leveling has helped me on ARR several times.
Still don't see why anyone would play this over Guild Wars 2 unless you're a big Elder Scrolls buff.
Two things:
1) When logging in, try typing: /reloadui
if that still doesn't work, I found this on reddit:
Also, there's something in the game options called "improve cursor accuracy." See that that is unticked.
It'll come in time. I have a feeling it won't be all that different from the PC version, though maybe with some slight decreases in quality for the Xbone version (PS4 will more than likely be high quality settings or maybe ultra). Its a June date, so I reckon we'll see something at E3 and maybe a release after coinciding with a big content patch.I wish they would talk about the PS4/Xbox One version. We have not seen or heard anything on those versions.
Separate account, characters, and subscription. Yes, even in this day and age. It's pretty shameful.
I sorta understand separate characters, but a separate account and subscription?
The console servers are entirely separated from the PC servers. There will (likely) be 6 "mega servers"
if they were asking for the same money again for you to connect to the same servers as PC players, I'd call BS too, but these are basically being handled as different games.
How many people are really going to want to play the game on both platforms when they can't play with their PC friends when they're on the PS4 or their PS4 friends when they're on PC?
I'm playing the same and having no trouble. What class did you start out as? Templar or Night blade?
I'm a Templar hunter. I open up with a critical strike, then sun fire to add a DoT and a snare (when it opened up to transform I made it so it affects nearby enemies too for an AoE snare) followed by poison arrow and the enemy is pretty much dead. Keep using the snare while kiting and dodging and you should be fine.