XT Vengeance
The only people that say that have no clue what they are doing. It has always been DPS.
It really depends on what MMOs you spent your time on. DPS is a very common term especially after it became the standard in WoW.The only people that say that have no clue what they are doing. It has always been DPS.
It really depends on what MMOs you spent your time on. DPS is a very common term especially after it became the standard in WoW.
If you came from a game like FFXI or FFXIV the term used in that community is typically DD (Damage Dealer) though DPS is said often now too for obvious reasons.
I think the DPS term is silly, and I don't like using it. Maybe when tanks and healers go by TPS and HPS I'll think about it.
Saw some 60 day subs for cheap, so I decided to resubscribe. Are there any guilds (EP or DC) out there you guys recommend?
Sorry, NA.
I'm looking for a guild that's group PvE / PvP oriented. I have a low level templar healer in EP that I'm working on at the moment, so I'd like to put it to use. I'd definitely like to do the trials down the line too. Not really interested in roleplaying though.
Well, you can of course join the GAF guild, just message me @XTVengeance. We are still trying to grow that one, though it is more personal for GAF. As for another guild, I would suggest More Than Fair. They have a pretty solid guild going, with people doing all aspects of the game.
As someone who has shitty internet connection, should I start downloading the game before or after 1.6 patch rolls in?
I heard that the patch will be a big one. I don't want to download the full game right now and download another huge chunk of updates in March.
I really want to start playing by February 17th, I hope there's a 1.6 pre-patch available asap.
Just got this game. Took 2 hours to install, but now it's past the baby-sitting step. Any tips to keep in mind for when I start playing? It's not my first MMO, but not really sure how much it differs from other MMOs.
I can see why they'd want to make the 2 starter zones optional, but the way they handled things by just dropping you straight in the starting capital just makes things more confusing. Should have done it the other way around with a chance to opt out of the starting zones rather than opt in.
Also a tip for leveling is to not invest a lot of points in passives early on. You want to focus on filling out as many active abilities as you can first and level them up to a decent level (Skills will only level up while they are slotted), so you won't have to start from scratch with grinding them at a higher level.
I like how if you skip the tutorial your under leveled for the area they drop you in and without any weapons. This makes it very hard to get started, especially for the new players not used to this game. Great choices lol.
Starting to get the hang of this. Doing the starting island helped a lot, but I still think Bethesda needs to not have quests show as scaled, when they clearly aren't. (Some of the faction quests did this, as well as fighters guild quests)
I ended up ditching my stealth character in favor of a heavy armor + two handed sword character. I'm thinking maybe a stealth + dagger character is a poor first class for this game.
This game is super comfy. I'm not big on the forest areas, but the beach areas are really nice.
I was having a hard time loving this game at first, but it's starting to get its hooks in me.
I've been trying out different builds and playstyles for my templar *snip*
I assume controller support will be added to the PC version as well, yea? I've been playing FF14 for a couple months and have grown to love its controller support.
I've been pretty sure I was going to get this once the subscription was dropped since before the announcement was official. I think technically you can buy the game now and the free month that comes with it will last until Tamriel Unlimited starts? My current sub to FF14 is up in a couple days and was thinking about getting this early if that's the case. Eager for new MMO with less anime waifus.
How's this game for solo players? I'm thinking about buying it off GamesRocket while it's $17.95. I know it comes with 30 days for free, but will I be able to keep playing the game once it goes buy to play or will I need to repurchase it again?
How's this game for solo players? I'm thinking about buying it off GamesRocket while it's $17.95. I know it comes with 30 days for free, but will I be able to keep playing the game once it goes buy to play or will I need to repurchase it again?