Deified Data
Finished Ico last night. Can't manage to not cry at the end.
Yorda on the beach at the end always manages to shock me.
ScOULaris said:Some of them are so majestic (like #5 and #13) that I feel bad killing them, while others are so docile (#2 and #4) that I feel bad killing them. But there are definitely some (any of the aggressive ones) that are just asking to be killed, and that final blow is so satisfying when it comes.
Its my favorite ending in any game.Deified Data said:Finished Ico last night. Can't manage to not cry at the end.
Yorda on the beach at the end always manages to shock me.
I just walked the whole way - felt like running would ruin it. Took me like 10 minutes.Salaadin said:I forget which number he is (6, maybe) that is in the sandy areaand he climbs around the walls, staring in at you and shooting that poison sand cloud at you. I wanted to kill him so bad.
I was actually creeped out by him. The way he scaled the walls and stared in at you. Ugh. Leave me alone!
Its my favorite ending in any game.
Which jump?anddo0 said:I didn't read up much on this collection since they're games I played before. However, I was unaware the version of ICO we got is the PAL version (which I've never played). Now I'm stuck in a room nearand can't make that stupid jump.the waterfall
anddo0 said:I didn't read up much on this collection since they're games I played before. However, I was unaware the version of ICO we got is the PAL version (which I've never played). Now I'm stuck in a room nearand can't make that stupid jump.the waterfall
The effort that goes into the HD Remasters I think is shit, that doesn't mean the games themselves are in any way shit. I think it's pretty embarrasing they couldn't get SotC running flawlessly at 1080p. Not RE4HD levels of embarrasing, but still embarrasing.Lord Error said:I guess by saying that it's shockingly shit.
yeah i got that, i'm referring to the room after that whereStuBurns said:In the 'top left' corner there is a device that's moving up and down, stand on it and jump.
You jump up that too if I remember correctly.matthewd49 said:yeah i got that, i'm referring to the room after that wherethere's a small river and a water wheel
matthewd49 said:yeah i got that, i'm referring to the room after that wherethere's a small river and a water wheel
Yeah, that part is a pain the ass. It was added to the PAL version. In the NTSC version, you just had to climb a ladder up to the gear above the water wheel.alr1ghtstart said:jump on the boxes next to water wheel, then onto the wheel itself, then to the ledge. You literally have to time it perfectly though.
Salaadin said:The timed jumped on the thing that bounces up an down? Press triangle just as it goes down. Ico should bend his legs right as it goes down and then get flung up with with
i figured this out 10 minutes after my post and have been trying but it is such a pain in the ass, it seems you need to be near perfect..alr1ghtstart said:jump on the boxes next to water wheel, then onto the wheel itself, then to the ledge. You literally have to time it perfectly though.
Just gotta keep trying. The timing is really tight on that jump. Took me like 20 tries.matthewd49 said:do you guys have any advice for the part i'm stuck on? it seems that i can make it onto this wheel every 1 in 4 times or so but then having enough time to jump to the lever i need to seems almost impossible.
matthewd49 said:do you guys have any advice for the part i'm stuck on? it seems that i can make it onto this wheel every 1 in 4 times or so but then having enough time to jump to the lever i need to seems almost impossible.
Quite a few times you don't need to fight, if you can get Yorda to a magic gate, she'll destroy the shadows.Nocturnowl said:I've discovered that the true punishment for a game over in Ico is having to go and re-murder those shadow chaps with some cumbersome lumber flailing, not really enjoying these combat segments, everything else is going pretty good though. Still that's what I get for overestimating the fall distance endurance of our horned hero.
Not as amusing as my first death when I got knocked clean off a roof by a vicious uppercut.
As for SOTC, the battle with the 5th colossus is still breathtaking even after all this time, nothing quite like it.
Wonderful news indeed!StuBurns said:Quite a few times you don't need to fight, if you can get Yorda to a magic gate, she'll destroy the shadows.
I probably skipped 80% of all the fights in the game doing this on my HD Collection playthrough. You'll DEFINITELY need to do that in order to get the 2-hour completion trophy. I still don't know how that's possible. Looking forward to someone posting their speedrun in that time or less.StuBurns said:Quite a few times you don't need to fight, if you can get Yorda to a magic gate, she'll destroy the shadows.
Yeah, I'm not even going to bother trying that unless I can do it co-op so I don't have to worry about Yorda.ScOULaris said:I probably skipped 80% of all the fights in the game doing this on my HD Collection playthrough. You'll DEFINITELY need to do that in order to get the 2-hour completion trophy. I still don't know how that's possible. Looking forward to someone posting their speedrun in that time or less.
Salaadin said:The way heat you. Ugh. Leave me alone!scaled the walls and stared in
ScOULaris said:I probably skipped 80% of all the fights in the game doing this on my HD Collection playthrough. You'll DEFINITELY need to do that in order to get the 2-hour completion trophy. I still don't know how that's possible. Looking forward to someone posting their speedrun in that time or less.
ScOULaris said:I probably skipped 80% of all the fights in the game doing this on my HD Collection playthrough. You'll DEFINITELY need to do that in order to get the 2-hour completion trophy. I still don't know how that's possible. Looking forward to someone posting their speedrun in that time or less.
As I said before in another thread, the fault rests with the colossi. If they weren't so awesome, we wouldn't be so amped to kill them to see the next one.ScOULaris said:Some of them are so majestic (like #5 and #13) that I feel bad killing them, while others are so docile (#2 and #4) that I feel bad killing them.
Sometimes even when you think she' in danger, you can go off and do other things to save time.ScOULaris said:I probably skipped 80% of all the fights in the game doing this on my HD Collection playthrough. You'll DEFINITELY need to do that in order to get the 2-hour completion trophy. I still don't know how that's possible. Looking forward to someone posting their speedrun in that time or less.
StuBurns said:Quite a few times you don't need to fight, if you can get Yorda to a magic gate, she'll destroy the shadows.
I don't think it's that long in. Once you get past the cart you can do it pretty often. It's certainly the majority of the encounters you can skip.hey_it's_that_dog said:Yeah, but the majority of battles are unavoidable, at least for the first couple of hours I've played. I was really hoping that all this talk of Yorda killing everyone meant I had just overlooked that tactic when I played originally, but it's only been possible in a few encounters so far.
StuBurns said:I don't think it's that long in. Once you get past the cart you can do it pretty often. It's certainly the majority of the encounters you can skip.
ScOULaris said:2-hour completion trophy
If you weren't meant to be aware of your time, it wouldn't tell you when you save.ninjatrigg said:Ugh, I was never a fan of time limits in games...
Especially games like these. They arent meant to be rushed through.
Morts said:Is this a limited release? All of the Best Buys near me have it backordered...
FlashbladeGAF said:he was probably thinking the same thing while you were trying to figure out how to shove a sword into his new blue tattoo
StuBurns said:I don't think it's that long in. Once you get past the cart you can do it pretty often. It's certainly the majority of the encounters you can skip.
Thats one of the first times you can use Yordas power to your advantage but its still a pain because the enemies appear right when you enter and you have a good run to the door. They also throw a lot of them at you there AND they appear ahead of you in the narrow paths you have to take to reach the door.StuBurns said:The fighting never bothered me, except one scene. Might have been a court yard. You've already played it if you have the sword. That one section is a little bit of a piss take I think.
EDIT: Actually, I seem to remember it being a grave yard of some sort, I could be mistaken.