Can't be much more disrespectful than shoving a sword in their skulls though right?Yoshichan said:Never thought I'd ever read someone call colossi for "dudes"... completely disrespectful.
Can't be much more disrespectful than shoving a sword in their skulls though right?Yoshichan said:Never thought I'd ever read someone call colossi for "dudes"... completely disrespectful.
Nocturnowl said:Can't be much more disrespectful than shoving a sword in their skulls though right?
SotC is never 1920x1080. It's either 1280x720 or 960x1080. If you have 1080p selected, you're getting the latter, if you want to try 720p instead, follow the steps I posted.Gvaz said:Er sorry, typo D:
I meant at max.
It takes half the fillrate to do that, it makes perfect sense.Gvaz said:Why would the width decrease at a higher vert res....that doesn't even make sense.
They should just release it on the PC then if the hardware can't handle the increased size while keeping the aspect ratio the same.StuBurns said:It takes half the fillrate to do that, it makes perfect sense.
Very few Sony (or MS/Nintendo) games run at 1080p, I wouldn't hold your breath for PC versions of any of their major releases.Gvaz said:They should just release it on the PC then if the hardware can't handle the increased size while keeping the aspect ratio the same.
ICO looks phenomenal though, but this just makes me sad. Loving the framerate though.
Dunan said:Was this worth the equivalent of $91?
Yes. Yes it was.
Gvaz said:They should just release it on the PC then if the hardware can't handle the increased size while keeping the aspect ratio the same.
ICO looks phenomenal though, but this just makes me sad. Loving the framerate though.
Im keeping mine sealed. Playing the euro version <3Dunan said:
Nice. I'm looking forward for mine to arrive.Dunan said:
Dunan said:
Force your PS3 to start the game in 720p (through display options in the XMB).xtrasauce said:Okay so what is all this talk about resolution and pixels and whatnot? I'm about to start SotC, what do I need to do for the game to look as good as possible?
As long as you don't feel burned go for it.But take your time with Shadow and don't make the trophies your goal.Syn23 said:Finished ICO two times. Tomorrow I'll try to get last trophy to Platinum.
Then, I don't know. Should I immediately play Shadow, or wait and play another game before, to take a break, so later I will appreciate Ueda's little touches more?
What do you guys say?
KingHenrik30 said:Ico just went from "Wow this is really fun" to "Wow this is really not fun anymore and I want to snap this fucking disc and piss on it"
in the room after the waterfall where you are supposed to use the beam to make you jump higher, when the hell are you supposed to press jump??
RoadHazard said:So, I just finished ICO (for the first time), and while I thought it was great, I... I'm just not sure what I was supposed to get so emotional about. I mean, I've seen people here say that they literally cry over this game. Why...? Sure, I get that. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can just say that Flower was 10x more emotional for meet this girl and help her, and then at the end she kind of dies (?), but then you meet her again on the beach (?)
Grisby said:I didn't really get emotional either. SOTC has a more powerful ending I thought.
sublimit said:don't make the trophies your goal.
RoadHazard said:So, I just finished ICO (for the first time), and while I thought it was great, I... I'm just not sure what I was supposed to get so emotional about. I mean, I've seen people here say that they literally cry over this game. Why...? Sure, I get that. Maybe I'm missing something (I'm sure I don't get the full implications of the story), but for comparison's sake I can just say that Flower was 10x more emotional for meet this girl and help her, and then at the end she kind of dies (?), but then you meet her again on the beach (?)
MrCookiepants said:For me, the most emotional part was whenThat was pretty powerful, IMO. The ending was sadder but that part got me.The two get separated at the bridge and the roles are reversed when Yorda has to help Ico up. And then Queen takes her away. All just as they were about to escape together :'(
RoadHazard said:Yeah, I guess... I don't know, maybe I was just too set on "oh shit, this is gonna be sad!" from reading such comments about the game, and then that didn't really happen for me.
Incitemaybe said:When I played this many moons ago I never really hunted or killed lizards. Now that I'm aware it's helpful, I just killed two. Am I supposed to pick up their remains and is there any indication I should look for that I did it right?
I shot both with an arrow and they fell and melted away, I pressed R1 and I think I picked something up......maybe?
Silver-tailed lizardsMzo said:Black-tailed lizards. Pick up their tails, you can see your meter engorge, flush with your victory.
Syn23 said:Did you notice that all the black "phantoms" that are controlled by the queen has horns, and therefore they probably were children like ICO?
RoadHazard said:BTW, what are you supposed to make of?the very ending, where Yorda shows up on the beach? Did she somehow survive? Is it even her? (Not sure how it could be anyone else and still have anything to do with the game's story.) She was turned into a shadow being and then died as the castle crumbled, right
SolidSnakex said:Ueda said thatone way to interrupt it is that it's Ico dreaming about seeing her again.
RoadHazard said:Hmm, ok...
Dunan said:
RoadHazard said:That was one of the most emotional parts, for sure, but... I don't know, maybe I was just too set on "oh shit, this is gonna be sad!" from reading such comments about the game, and then that didn't really happen for me.
RoadHazard said:Hmm, ok...
hey_it's_that_dog said:It is completely normal not to be moved to tears by a video game. As long as you enjoyed your experience I wouldn't spend much energy trying to figure out why you didn't have a stronger emotional reaction. It's the people who did who had the more unusual experience and therefore something worthy of explanation.
When I hit that point it was one of the first things I realized. After beating ICO I looked at wikipedia trying to figure out the story and that was one part they talked about.Syn23 said:Did you notice that all the black "phantoms" that are controlled by the queen has horns, and therefore they probably were children like ICO?
ULTROS! said:Need help in Ico:
I'm at the chandelier place, so the chandelier comes crashing down to the broken bridge. I've read that you need to put dynamite near the support and make it explode. How do you make it explode? I put the barrels near it, light up my stick but nothing happens when I go near the barrels.
SolidSnakex said:You need to go outside and pick up one of the bombs (it's right at the entrance to the area you're referring to), return to that room and put it next to the support beam and then light the bomb.