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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE

PK Gaming

Mini update:


Tita is an absolute animal in combat. She totally reminds me of Machias from Cold Steel; a ranged attacker that hits like a truck. Also Blind status is actually really solid in this game, and her huge attack range synergizes well with the Petrify quartz. I totally expected a "can't fight but is good at arts" type character, but i'm really glad she isn't. And yeah, that S-craft is something else.

I reached Elmo village a.k.a the hotspring segment, and damn, I was so, so, so ready to finally slam this game for being hella anime (just like CS) but I got blown up. The hotspring segment wasn't overindulgent cheese, but genuinely endearing, nuanced and plot relevant. There was some important character building for Estelle and some nice insight into Joshua's character. Estelle and Joshua offering to be Tita's older siblings was genuinely sweet moment too.


I think Tita is generally outclassed by other attackers that have clear routes of doing damage, but I always had fun sticking status quartz on her and getting free petrifies.
She has really good Crafts and S-Crafts, but her risk vs reward isn't that great. She doesn't do enough damage vs how fragile she is.

I haven't used her with her
special armor set in SC though
and I've heard great things about her in The 3rd

PK Gaming

I think Tita is generally outclassed by other attackers that have clear routes of doing damage, but I always had fun sticking status quartz on her and getting free petrifies.

That'll probably be the case later down the line, but there's 0 opportunity cost to using her atm (and probably for the rest of chapter 3) so it's all good.

Nyoro SF

I reached Elmo village a.k.a the hotspring segment, and damn, I was so, so, so ready to finally slam this game for being hella anime (just like CS) but I got blown up. The hotspring segment wasn't overindulgent cheese, but genuinely endearing, nuanced and plot relevant. There was some important character building for Estelle and some nice insight into Joshua's character. Estelle and Joshua offering to be Tita's older siblings was genuinely sweet moment too.

It's quite amazing that both Sky FC and SC are such clean and respectable games, heh
Even with Olivier cracking the jokes, it never feels like the games are trying to pull any *wink wink* bullshit.
It's quite amazing that both Sky FC and SC are such clean and respectable games, heh
Even with Olivier cracking the jokes, it never feels like the games are trying to pull any *wink wink* bullshit.

It's not slave to tropes and the like, so Olivier comes off as breaking the norm rather than being a predetermined and expected norm.

It's also interesting to see how alot of people (like myself) winced upon seeing that scenario approach but...the entire scene was a format for a good bit of higher narratives. It's not for nothing that entire swaths of topics are persona non grata from being regurgitated lowest brow PG-rated titillation, but it was good seeing these two (or more?) games visiting these verboten-for-anything-else situations and leaving us not wincing. Japanese games misses this maturity (or at least funny, creative dirty) a ton.
It's not slave to tropes and the like, so Olivier comes off as breaking the norm rather than being a predetermined and expected norm.

It's also interesting to see how alot of people (like myself) winced upon seeing that scenario approach but...the entire scene was a format for a good bit of higher narratives. It's not for nothing that entire swaths of topics are persona non grata from being regurgitated lowest brow PG-rated titillation, but it was good seeing these two (or more?) games visiting these verboten-for-anything-else situations and leaving us not wincing. Japanese games misses this maturity (or at least funny, creative dirty) a ton.
I completely honestly think that the scene in CS2 prologue was well done as well

but I still dont like Olivier
ugggh....for real though

CS is so much worse about it too. Also I didnt know the trope term given to it. Thats a good one to know.

Can someone explain this trope? I don't get the reference.

It's quite amazing that both Sky FC and SC are such clean and respectable games, heh
Even with Olivier cracking the jokes, it never feels like the games are trying to pull any *wink wink* bullshit.

I will say that Estelle's casual homophobia was a bit shocking though maybe not as much given the time of original release.

PK Gaming

Can someone explain this trope? I don't get the reference.

It refers to an instance where if you win against an enemy during a fight, your character still "loses" in the ensuing cutscene but if you lose said fight you get a game over.
I will say that Estelle's casual homophobia was a bit shocking though maybe not as much given the time of original release.

Too be fair, it's completely justified given how ignorant she is about the ways of the world. She quickly eases up on the "EWWW, BOYS LOVING BOYS???" thing as well (to my knowledge)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It refers to an instance where if you win against an enemy during a fight, your character still "loses" in the ensuing cutscene but if you lose said fight you get a game over.

I have to admit, this really, really bugs me how often it happens in CS1 and (so far) CS2.

At least in CS2 they are legit hard and usually break out some S-Craft to wipe us out for good, but in CS1 the battles were so easy than to see them "huff huff we can't do this!" when I'm easily winning was annoying. Especially against
, when I was doing just fine but the game interrupted the battle to show me how I'm losing? Fuck off.

And in CS2 it's tiresome in a different ways. Okay, these guys are stronger than us students. I get it. Can we please not repeat this pattern over and over with every colourful
Ouroboros/Noble Alliance/etc. member
/antagonist? No? Sigh, okay...
It refers to an instance where if you win against an enemy during a fight, your character still "loses" in the ensuing cutscene but if you lose said fight you get a game over.

Ah. Never thought about that as a separate trope but, yeah, that is totally annoying when it happens.

Too be fair, it's completely justified given how ignorant she is about the ways of the world. She quickly eases up on the "EWWW, BOYS LOVING BOYS???" thing as well (to my knowledge)

Not sure I find it justified. The whole thing comes off as equating homosexuals with perverts but thankfully it was just that one line so it's easily ignored.


Is the situation in question about actual homosexual characters or is it poking fun?

The character in question seems to actually be bisexual.

I felt like you can just as easily take it as
"You like other boys? Well, stay away from Joshua! He's mine!"

PK Gaming

Ah. Never thought about that as a separate trope but, yeah, that is totally annoying when it happens.

Not sure I find it justified. The whole thing comes off as equating homosexuals with perverts but thankfully it was just that one line so it's easily ignored.

It's justified in the sense that Estelle is ignorant, sheltered and dumb as rocks and in no way is that sentiment shared by the other characters.
It's justified in the sense that Estelle is ignorant, sheltered and dumb as rocks and in no way is that sentiment shared by the other characters.

I severely disagree (that its justified in any way shape or form) but it's probably not something that I want to get into with a series that I love so much otherwise.

Nyoro SF

It's justified in the sense that Estelle is ignorant, sheltered and dumb as rocks and in no way is that sentiment shared by the other characters.

That's how I kind of viewed it too. Especially when you see Estelle act spoiled, ignorant, and rash (in a bad way) a lot in the earlier chapters. If Joshua wasn't there to be all professional, Estelle wouldn't have passed the bracer exam... lol

It's especially pronounced at that particular part because Joshua just kind of brushes Olivier off and views him with mild disdain as the eccentric he is... while Estelle is going crazy calling him all sorts of names.
That's how I kind of viewed it too. Especially when you see Estelle act spoiled, ignorant, and rash (in a bad way) a lot in the earlier chapters. If Joshua wasn't there to be all professional, Estelle wouldn't have passed the bracer exam... lol

It's especially pronounced at that particular part because Joshua just kind of brushes Olivier off and views him with mild disdain as the eccentric he is... while Estelle is going crazy calling him all sorts of names.

Joshua told he Olivier he was "scarred for life". Also Schera agrees with them that Olivier is a pervert.

PK Gaming

Joshua told he Olivier he was "scarred for life". Also Schera agrees with them that Olivier is a pervert.

An older man you don't know approaches you and claims that he wants to hold you and kiss you all the while having this incredibly lustful expression. He then goes on to justify it by saying "he just can't help it when he sees something beautiful."

In this context, I don't think they (well, maybe Estelle) are calling him a pervert because he's bisexual. Also Joshua says he's "scarred for life as is" without any malicious intent. He's just giving him the brush off.
I don't understand, it's not acceptable to have ignorant characters?

I just don't think it's intentional. It doesn't play to me to as "we will use this example to show our audience how sheltered Estelle is." If she got called on it by the other characters then it would be one thing. Instead both Schera and Joshua agree with Estelle's assessment.

It's never touched on again (that I can recall) which is good in the sense that was a tiny piece in an incredibly long game so its easily overlooked. Indeed I had forgotten about it until replaying FC. The flip side of the fact that it isn't touched on again is a negative because if it was meant as a critique of Estelle's character initially then I would expect some acknowledgement of a changed view from her later.

To me it just feels like the type of joke that used to be commonplace when ignorance was more common.


It's not slave to tropes and the like, so Olivier comes off as breaking the norm rather than being a predetermined and expected norm.

It's also interesting to see how alot of people (like myself) winced upon seeing that scenario approach but...the entire scene was a format for a good bit of higher narratives. It's not for nothing that entire swaths of topics are persona non grata from being regurgitated lowest brow PG-rated titillation, but it was good seeing these two (or more?) games visiting these verboten-for-anything-else situations and leaving us not wincing. Japanese games misses this maturity (or at least funny, creative dirty) a ton.

That's basically how I feel about both of the Sky games released so far. "OH BOY, ANOTHER ONE OF THESE."

... only to have my expectations subverted in the most pleasing way possible. In what I thought was the most impactful scene in SC, I rolled my eyes as one thing started to happen, thinking it'd drag on way longer than it had to, but then a certain character completely annihilated any of those expectations and I ended up tearing up a whole bunch!


Unconfirmed Member
To me it just feels like the type of joke that used to be commonplace when ignorance was more common.

It's a cultural thing in the sense that it seems to be still a thing and things similar to this are still somewhat common it also happened in P5 recently poking "fun" at it with the flamboyant men predator trope.

It's hard to comment on the topic given any discussion is so incredibly seeped into western values(in the sense that people always see them as universal and generally put enormous pressure on enforcing them whether they're right or wrong) + simply me being very ignorant about the way the LGBT community is struggling in Japan and if there are any differences at all and how they feel about it and it's generally a very sensitive topic to talk about + it probably also touches upon a dozen other things I'm not mentioning. Super loaded.

In any case the hard thing about it all is very much that people don't start with establishing common grounds.
The character in question seems to actually be bisexual.

I felt like you can just as easily take it as
"You like other boys? Well, stay away from Joshua! He's mine!"
That mine takeaway too. She is just being protective of some one suspicious and creepy.


Okay I made it into the final chapter of SC:


Also I don't know what you're up to yet Joshua but at some point you gotta stop lying to Estelle you shit.

PK Gaming

Like I get it. Homophobia born from ignorance (or even, just outright homophobia) can really take the wind out of your sails when playing through your favorite game. Lord knows how many times I've cringed from seeing that sort of nonsense happen when I play through some of the Persona games. I totally, totally get it.

It's just... I didn't get the sense that they were being homophobic(biphobic?) towards Olivier at all, especially since Olivier was acting like a mega creep to begin with.


The game's writing is strong enough not to devote a moment to Estelle learning and apologizing to Olivier (and even then, he was being a creep in the first place so it's arguably he doesn't deserve even one).

It's a cultural thing in the sense that it seems to be still a thing and things similar to this are still somewhat common it also happened in P5 recently poking "fun" at it with the flamboyant men predator trope.

It's hard to comment on the topic given any discussion is so incredibly seeped into western values(in the sense that people always see them as universal and generally put enormous pressure on enforcing them whether they're right or wrong) + simply me being very ignorant about the way the LGBT community is struggling in Japan and if there are any differences at all and how they feel about it and it's generally a very sensitive topic to talk about + it probably also touches upon a dozen other things I'm not mentioning. Super loaded.

In any case the hard thing about it all is very much that people don't start with establishing common grounds.

It's a cultural thing but FC is blatantly ahead of the curve. Having an extremely relevant character be bisexual is absolutely big deal and modern RPGs are still way, way behind.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I just don't think it's intentional. It doesn't play to me to as "we will use this example to show our audience how sheltered Estelle is." If she got called on it by the other characters then it would be one thing. Instead both Schera and Joshua agree with Estelle's assessment.

It's never touched on again (that I can recall) which is good in the sense that was a tiny piece in an incredibly long game so its easily overlooked. Indeed I had forgotten about it until replaying FC. The flip side of the fact that it isn't touched on again is a negative because if it was meant as a critique of Estelle's character initially then I would expect some acknowledgement of a changed view from her later.

To me it just feels like the type of joke that used to be commonplace when ignorance was more common.
I see. Fair enough.

I think I get it. You could argue that Angelica in Cold Steel is even worse than Oliver in terms of "predatory creepiness". She explicitly sexually harasses all of the female students, who are all underage, even the really young ones. Worse, it's all played for laughs.

So, I guess if the argument is that the LGBT characters in Kiseki games are all predatory/perverted, it can be aggravating because it fuels a harmful stereotype. On the other hand they are also shown to be "cool" and likeable characters and are very popular, so if there's a "LGBT people are predatory creeps" subtext, there's also a "but it's totally OK 'cause it's funny and they're charming" subtext too. o_O

But then again, even that super-fucking-creepy granddad who creeps on young underage girls in Cold Steel is still portrayed as an otherwise great, smart dude that people like (so far that I've seen) so uh... I think, if anything, the problem with Kiseki games isn't homophobia, it's the notion that sexual harassment is funny, even when it's towards underage kids? :p Not sure which would be worse TBH...


Alisa's grandfather is great when he's being the wingman, but downright cringy when he's trying to make off-colour jokes, especially even when he's making those sleazy remarks about his own granddaughter.

For goodness sake old man, control yourself!

Has there been any reviews/feedback about the Sen no Kiseki musical that Falcom is doing? From what I have seen from Falcom's Facebook posts the audience looks pretty empty...

...oh yea and apparently the one and only female personality that PlatinumGames' Kamiya was following seems to be involved in the musical since he has been retweeting her pictures...in the musical she's the one playing...Alisa's mother?

Oh hey free publicity via Kamiya to his Twitter fanboys about the Trails series! Guess with all the trouble and stress regarding Scalebound's cancellation...maybe he might have gone to catch a show or two to support the actress? Heh.
I see. Fair enough.

I think I get it. You could argue that Angelica in Cold Steel is even worse than Oliver in terms of "predatory creepiness". She explicitly sexually harasses all of the female students, who are all underage, even the really young ones. Worse, it's all played for laughs.

So, I guess if the argument is that the LGBT characters in Kiseki games are all predatory/perverted, it can be aggravating because it fuels a harmful stereotype. On the other hand they are also shown to be "cool" and likeable characters and are very popular, so if there's a "LGBT people are predatory creeps" subtext, there's also a "but it's totally OK 'cause it's funny and they're charming" subtext too. o_O

But then again, even that super-fucking-creepy granddad who creeps on young underage girls in Cold Steel is still portrayed as an otherwise great, smart dude that people like (so far that I've seen) so uh... I think, if anything, the problem with Kiseki games isn't homophobia, it's the notion that sexual harassment is funny, even when it's towards underage kids? :p Not sure which would be worse TBH...

Yeah, I think that's a really great summary. Regarding the bolded, there's a similar situation early in FC where Schera is totally sexually harassing Joshua. It seems to be kind of a constant bit in the series.

It just seems a bit weird because, at times, the games will play up the "hey that's wrong to be making advances on us because we are underage!" yet it could be argued that 16 for them would be considered being an adult in their society given that they can join a police-like organization, don't require adult supervision, don't have to go to school, etc.


So I just finished Cold Steel II and, thus, the entire series so far.


TitS SC = CS I
3rd < SC (very, very slightly)

I was kinda expecting a bigger reveal towards the end after
the infernal palace and Rean/Osbourne relationship

The last dungeon was somewhat similar to was the 3rd was, but worse. Lucky me, my Laura and Emma were OP as hell. That dungeon also felt without a purpose other than to extend the game.

A few thought about the story:
- I loved going back to Crossbell and playing as Rixia and Lloyd.

- Did witches were ever mentioned in literature or folklore or anything in the series ? From the beginning, I thought Emma would be a member of the church, but a witch was something completely out of the left field.

- CS 2, overall, had some very great moments and other dull ones. I think I might have been spoiled by SC-3rd-Zero-Ao, but I rarely felt the impact of the story. It didn't helped that Class VII were a group of students that never quite found a place in the war beyond helping the army and recovering Trista and the academy. I was expecting something like an actual discussion of what they thought Erebonia future should be especially since they never joined either side.

-I am also bothered that we never went into western Erebonia and that the civil war ended in two-three months. That's gotta be a record.

On technology throughout the series:

Trails in the Sky
In TitS we have airships as one of the main locomotion methods and there were phones, but no cellphones. We knew Erebonia army used mostly tanks too and jaegers already used machine guns and the like.

Robots were something exclusive to the old Zemuria civilitazion or Ouroboros. Even Ouroboros robots felt big and slow, in the sense that their robot craft still would have much to go.

In Zweiss, IRCC, we see a prototype for the first orbal calculator which reminds a lot of the very first computer. Big, slow and not something public. It felt that Liberl itself was in the World War 2 period of technology.


This was the first game to introduce orbments as cellphones. Crossbell has a lot of buses and cars, which I thought it was very cool because those were big and had also a design that reminded me older models in the market (cars in the 40s, 60s, something like that). Maybe except for your SUV, but that didn't felt too out of place.

My issue with technology here was the internet. IBC, the bank, already had a big network and even the SSS had their computer. Sure, it was big, but the time between Sky and Crossbell isn't that big and going to orbal calculator to internet is quite a jump.

Cold Steel:
We already knew beforehand that tanks were the main military armament for Erebonia, so seeing their latest models was very cool. ARCUS still could be used as a phone so nothing new in there.

What bothered me in CS, tech wise, was a researcher in Roan and the gundams.

I remember one sidequest where we had to search in Roer for places with a weak signal to receive calls on the ARCUS. What bothered me was the researcher saying they didn't fully understood orbal radio waves or something like that and here we are in a world with cellphones, radios and machines that disrupt those same waves. Small commentary, but bothered me nonetheless.

Soldats aka Gundams were, however, too much for my taste. I would have liked more if the Alliance thought with different airships/tanks and had found the other pieces of the Great Power instead of your mass produced robot. The jump in technology in this seemed way too unreal. I wouldn't have minded as much if they had created few and powerful models such as Ouroboros does, but the mass production type felt like a cheap trick in order to turn the war into alliance's favor.

A lot of those complaints might have been because I haven't seen or read everything each game offers. I am damn ready for CS III in japanese and I hope that it's as good as the Crossbell arc
and that we get to free Crossbell by our own hands. Kick Class VII to the side and give me the SSS


Unconfirmed Member
CSII Spoilers
I think the "mass"production of Soldats was a bit much but I thought it was fine if they still appeared more like as single prototypes with some drawbacks like the big hulking one of V and the fast one of Scarlet. I believe their invention was explained anyway by making the jump possible by Schmidt studying the Azure Knight. So I'm not sure how long they had access to that but my gut is saying like around 2-3 years? It seems within reason given how Kiseki has a few of these geniuses that can engineer stuff of way higher technology than usual, mostly because it mostly correlates to their understanding of ancient technology.

I think really the contrivance was mainly how well they worked and how readily available they were mostly because they had to have a few more gameplay battles than was probably logical.
Hope we're making it someday to the Epstein institute I think what we've seen has maybe also painted a bit of a false picture of how far along the technology in Kiseki is. I believe there's a lot more insane stuff that is just being hoarded in the bleeding edge research institutes, stuff that might seem like from 20 years in the within Kiseki hopefully with the caveat that it's because it's not feasible to bring to mass market.

Cause right now Epstein himself is kind of celebrated as this insane genius but we've only seen mostly stuff from him that has spread over a longer period of time.
So when other geniuses of Kiseki do bleeding edge work it doesn't make Epstein as impressive as the world wants us to believe cause we haven't seen anything I believe he himself has been working on right in the present.

Like the sole existence of the 13 factories makes Epstein seem like peanuts or maybe I misinterpreted his greatness.


I think the "mass"production of Soldats was a bit much but I thought it was fine if they still appeared more like as single prototypes with some drawbacks like the big hulking one of V and the fast one of Scarlet. I believe their invention was explained anyway by making the jump possible by Schmidt studying the Azure Knight.

I think really the contrivance was mainly how well they worked and how readily available they were mostly because they had to have a few more gameplay battles than was probably logical.

Essentially technology in the Kiseki world is a version of ours (obvious with orbal waves and the like), but they have blueprints from the previous civilizations on what you can do with magic, or magic-producing technology. Once they get an example of the technology, they've shown to be able to analyze and assimilate it. Especially with the entire manufacturing arm of an industrial company able to pump out the Soldats


Essentially technology in the Kiseki world is a version of ours (obvious with orbal waves and the like), but they have blueprints from the previous civilizations on what you can do with magic, or magic-producing technology. Once they get an example of the technology, they've shown to be able to analyze and assimilate it. Especially with the entire manufacturing arm of an industrial company able to pump out the Soldats

I just think that the analyze and assimilate parts is going waaaay too fast.

I mean, in our world, we don't have actual gundams because we don't have an energy source that's good enough to make it viable. Orbal energy in the kiseki series could solve that, but even then, building one of these isn't easy.

Even if the prof. had a lot of factories behind him and had studied a prototype for 2-3 years, I guess even Ouroboros struggled more to create their robot models since they are bigger and bulkier, something common with early technologies. I imagine, the 13 factories never mass produced something the like the Soldat.

And gathering what
was saying thing might turn in the Resident Evil way soon (genetics) ._.


Unconfirmed Member
I just think that the analyze and assimilate parts is going waaaay too fast.

I mean, in our world, we don't have actual gundams because we don't have an energy source that's good enough to make it viable. Orbal energy in the kiseki series could solve that, but even then, building one of these isn't easy.

Even if the prof. had a lot of factories behind him and had studied a prototype for 2-3 years, I guess even Ouroboros struggled more to create their robot models since they are bigger and bulkier, something common with early technologies. I imagine, the 13 factories never mass produced something the like the Soldat.

And gathering what
was saying thing might turn in the Resident Evil way soon (genetics) ._.
I think though that is mostly because they didn't have access to the divine knights to study and base things of off them only to the Archaisms.
Some stuff that comes out of the 13 factories is honestly conceptually way more/as impressive(think Argetlamn and Caiomh Solaire and maybe by extension even Millium and Altina themselves, they seem to be something like Homunculi) than/as the Gundams.

But again I agree with the manufacturing part of it but again I think the fact that they could engineer bad imitation exemplars with Ordine as a quasi blueprint and Schmidt a disciple of Epstein himself seems consistent and feasible within the Kiseki world.

It's a bit hard though to go full nerd on the discussion given there's a lot of shit we just don't know yet.
Given the right circumstances explosive technological progress on small scale isn't that insane really(It happens in our world too) depending on things like if Schmidt maybe had already spend time on the concept itself of building something like a divine knight and there were already certain solutions to things he thought of.


I mean, in our world, we don't have actual gundams because we don't have an energy source that's good enough to make it viable.

No, that's not the reason. That's the reason given by fictional stories where there are eventually Gundams. The reason why we don't have actual Gundams is because a giant humanoid robot as a war machine is impractical and useless. :p
So, beat FC and started SC, and things are reminding me of The Witcher in even more ways now.

Also, are Anelace's lines intentionally paraphrasing Mayuri Shiina constantly or is this just some coincidence?


No, that's not the reason. That's the reason given by fictional stories where there are eventually Gundams. The reason why we don't have actual Gundams is because a giant humanoid robot as a war machine is impractical and useless. :p

That's also true, but no energy source is also an issue if they were ever try something like that. We already have drones as our archaism, we just need someone to deliver on orbments lol
That's also true, but no energy source is also an issue if they were ever try something like that. We already have drones as our archaism, we just need someone to deliver on orbments lol

I think energy source is pretty low on the list of reasons why giant humanoid robots are a dumb idea. lol

Biggest would just be weight. There's no way they'd be as mobile as they are in our animes in terms of flexibility or speed.
I started Trails in The Sky today, my first experience with the series. I'm enjoying the slow pace, giving the characters a room to breathe. A nice change of pace after how rushed FFXV story was lol. Enjoying the dynamic between Estelle and Joshua, Estelle seems like a fun protagonist.

My favorite moment till now was when I pressed enter near a random NPC, expecting a random line "It sure is hot here today" or shit like that, like usual in JRPGS, only for Estelle to say "Good morning, Claire!" just before engaging with said Claire in a lengthy, funny conversation that even broke the fourth wall a little bit in the end. Now I get why translating this thing was a nightmare. :p
I started Trails in The Sky today, my first experience with the series. I'm enjoying the slow pace, giving the characters a room to breathe. A nice change of pace after how rushed FFXV story was lol. Enjoying the dynamic between Estelle and Joshua, Estelle seems like a fun protagonist.

My favorite moment till now was when I pressed enter near a random NPC, expecting a random line "It sure is hot here today" or shit like that, like usual in JRPGS, only for Estelle to say "Good morning, Claire!" just before engaging with said Claire in a lengthy, funny conversation that even broke the fourth wall a little bit in the end. Now I get why translating this thing was a nightmare. :p
trails has more detail in random NPCs than a lot of games have in their lead characters

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I admit, I laughed at the
creepy sheep
returning to the baths in Cold Steel 2. I guess it's a recurring series gag now?

CS2 is much better than CS1 so far, but it's still annoyingly sappy at times, I must say.
finished ToCS II last night and enjoyed it greately but...

The the story was pretty ho-hum; one of my complaints would be "C" he really didn't feel like a villian worthy of a final fight with all the help and mercy he showed Rean and the rest of Class VII, they could've easily beat Class VII and company way back in
Chapter 1/intermission
but eveytime the were given a "get stronger" message from those who beat them; and that extends through most of Chapter 1, and with Rean
wanting to bring Crow back felt little to "Naruto" for me; like you do know he shot the chancellor, apart of a Terrorist organization, and was a main player in upheaving the government.....I don't think you go back to normal life after that...

Also another Gripe with me was just how outclassed Class VII and Co. were aginst adversaries; not much Class VII as they we just students
but Sara, Claire, Toval, and surprisingly Sharon
who were well known for there accolades seemed to be drastically downsized when they joined your party. yet at the end they come roaring back during the
Infernal Castle
were now they're able to take on these same adversaries with ease with just their paried partner, Which aslo leads to what happened in their fights!?!?!? Especially
McBurn and Victor!!!
that seemed like a battle to the death yet all of it is just glossed over like it didn't even happen.

I fucking knew
Osbounre wasn't dead, and had a feeling he was somehow related to Rean; but does that mean he also has that "Spirit Unification power as Rean? And along with Crow dieing doing something noble as again, you can't go back to a normal life after doing what he did

The Epilogue was a little to long for my taste; well just maybe the "final" final Dungeon as it was completely pointless....even the fucking boss said it was pointless! like LOL!!!

but the immediate after was good. What are the chances we can see Ao and Zero coming to the west?
they can't have us playing as Lloyd and Rixia without us knowing nothing about them, (I've held off watching/reading the plot to both as I'm hoping the games will come over)
with them possibly being apart of ToCS III

my biggest take from ToCS II is;
How in the world is Sara the "cat lady" of ToCS!?!? like what!?!? Class VII is to cruel, maybe Toval will through here a bone as Clarie seems to be on the Rean train

Wondering what ToSC III will be about,
maybe Osborne & the Ironbloods vs. Ouroboros?
we really need to know about both of them; though mostly

going back to playing TiTS SC
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