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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


I know playing TitS is recommended before playing ToCS, but does ToCS explicitly spoil any of the major twists in TitS? I've fallen off TitS like 3 times already and kinda wanna jump in to Cold Steel and see if I find that a more interesting entry point.

Yes. CS1 spoils an endgame SC twist pretty early on, and CS2 spoils several FC and SC twists (and, briefly, one from The 3rd, if you're paying attention). I'd still recommend trying to play Sky first - by the time you're done with FC and SC, odds are The 3rd will be out, and ideally you'd also play that before Cold Steel.


I know playing TitS is recommended before playing ToCS, but does ToCS explicitly spoil any of the major twists in TitS? I've fallen off TitS like 3 times already and kinda wanna jump in to Cold Steel and see if I find that a more interesting entry point.

Hmm...anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...

-one of the books on the second level of the library outright pretty much tell you what happened at the end of Trails in the Sky second chapter. If you don't click on the glowing spots on the 2nd floor of the library, you should be fine.

-there's the matter of this character appearing in Cold Steel though..if you meet him/her you will outright realize who they actually were (I liked finding it out as a surprise in Trails in the Sky FC/Second Chapter) but if you are okay with that, by all means.
I know playing TitS is recommended before playing ToCS, but does ToCS explicitly spoil any of the major twists in TitS? I've fallen off TitS like 3 times already and kinda wanna jump in to Cold Steel and see if I find that a more interesting entry point.

It does spoil a few twists, but most of those things are things that wouldn't really jump out to you if you haven't played the games.

Since you've played some of Sky, two twists will be spoiled for you that I can think of, but most of the game won't really be spoiled.

PK Gaming


This review has been a long time coming. I'm sorry, a lot of things have happened since I beat FC. Some great games have come out (I haven't played them), I've been real busy with school (I barely studied) and I got lazier. But fortunately, I remember enough to write this review. In short, Trails In The Sky: First Chapter's Final Chapter was nothing short of amazing. We're talking top shelf stuff.

The chapter starts off with a tournament. It's clear at this point that the developers are experts at understanding/pleasing their playerbase, because the one question on everyone's mind at this point was, "do I get to goddamn join this?!" the game answers with a resounding "hell yes". Seriously, the tournament arc was an absolute blast. The battles were fun and fairly challenging, and the music that accompanied those fights were amazing, and your opponents were amazing (shoutouts to Anelace's team). Grancel itself was quite good as well. It was large but not overwhelming, the NPCs were especially fantastic (ANTON), and it really nailed that "last town" feel. If the game had just ended after the tournament arc, I would have been satisfied. But no, FC goes far, far beyond that.

The 2nd half of the chapter fell in line with what I've come to expect with Trails. A plot to shake up the world is thwarted by the heroes and the day is saved! Psyche. Of course TiTS:FC throws a curveball. I absolutely saw something coming. What I didn't expect, was the execution. The Kiseki whiplash destroyed me you guys.
TiTS shift in tone was masterful. Revelations about Joshua hit hard. They were able to convey so much sadness in such a short amount of time, and I actually ended teared up (it didn't help that the song they used for his "Decision to Leave" was superb). Goddamn Weissman, you guys. He's not even the leader of Ouroborus, but he was incredibly intimidating and effective as a villain. His "you're a free man Joshua" legit sent chivers down my spine. Things went wrong, fast for poor Joshua, and the best(worst) part is that it happened right when Joshua finally starting to fully accept living with Estelle. One of my absolute favorite tropes in these kinds of games is when the young protagonists are forced to grow up too quickly. And boy do Estelle and Joshua have to shit to work through... I already covered the goodbye. It was 10/10 moment, straight up.

There's so much good that I haven't covered too, like:

  • Colonel Richard was a great character. He
    ended up becoming a nuanced antagonist who wasn't comically evil (unlike a certain sidekick). I especially love how they took the trope of "man who can do anything (Cassius)" and turned it into a bad thing. Speaking of Cassius, that final appearance of his was pretty stellar. Dad's are just amazing in the Kiseki series, haha.
  • I really dug Queen Alecia too. Did anyone expect a Japanese RPG from the early 2000s to be feminist in a way that isn't stupidly overt? Seriously, I don't think people give TiTS enough credit for its amazing female characters, or tackling sexism in a way that doesn't patronize the player.
  • Lorence is the pinnacle of good superboss design. He's set up in a way where he clearly outclasses the player, but it's not like his strikes do 9999 per hit. There's a legitimate shot at beating him, and figuring out a strategy to beat him and pulling it off was one of the most rewarding experiences in the game. Hands down the best "I win, you lose" type boss in the Kiseki games so far, imo.
  • Again, I loved seeing the extended cast, and the new characters that were introduced were great too. When's Anelace.
  • The final boss was incredibly goofy. I appreciate the genuine increase in challenge (couldn't use Kloe to cheese your way through it), and it was like this ultimate battle of attrition. When the boss
    got up after beating it for the 3rd time, I could feel the character's exhaustion.
  • Overall, I'm confidant in saying that TiTS:FC is an exceptional RPG, and it's a game that absolutely holds up. It has flaws, sure, but they're relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. It's worldbuilding, charm, characters and narrative put a ton of modern games to shame.
  • I'm going to start SC soon. I was thinking of leaving it to the summer, but fuck that we doing this.

Hatsuu is right. Kiseki ruins lives.


Unconfirmed Member
This review has been a long time coming. I'm sorry, a lot of things have happened since I beat FC. Some great games have come out (I haven't played them), I've been real busy with school (I barely studied) and I got lazier. But fortunately, I remember enough to write this review. In short, Trails In The Sky: First Chapter's Final Chapter was nothing short of amazing. We're talking top shelf stuff.

Thanks for the write ups hope you find the time again to do them for SC too.
Was cool relieving parts of the games through them.

Also have you shared your current rankings on where FC places withing the trails games you've played so far?

PK Gaming

And with this, expect your life to be ruined even more.

This will be one wild ride for you.

I cannot wait for
the eventual reunion

Thanks for the write ups hope you find the time again to do them for SC too.
Was cool relieving parts of the games through them.

Also have you shared your current rankings on where FC places withing the trails games you've played so far?

For me, i'd currently go CS2>CS1>FC. That said, I think FC is the most "solid" of the 3 Kiseki games I've played.


Regarding that Gematsu article:

How does Rean go from (minor Rean CS1 spoilers)
Eight Leaves One Blade dropout to master
I think the translator wasn't aware of what that word would imply. It's probably just "oh he's gotten better" or something like that.
When you spend half an hour turning 100 poker chips into 10,000 at the poker tables and then discover that you can only exchange them for prize items and not U-U-U-U-UNLIMITEEEEEEEEEED MONEEEEEEEEY.



I cannot wait for
the eventual reunion

For me, i'd currently go CS2>CS1>FC. That said, I think FC is the most "solid" of the 3 Kiseki games I've played.

I'd imagine playing FC after CS leaves a totally different impression, given the gameplay style is the same but you experienced all the gameplay adjustments and the more "modern" game design, especially with the battle system. (Lack of animation skip was already an issue before CS)

This said Sky's Quartz System>> CS's


Hey, folks. I'm about fifteen hours into SC and I keep meaning to get back into it but games just keep coming out and AAAAAGH! Anyway, I was wondering...

FC's ending was so satisfying. Not just its content but
the way you get to go around and talk to everyone before the climatic events.
Does SC have a similar denouement (without plot spoilers)?


Hey, folks. I'm about fifteen hours into SC and I keep meaning to get back into it but games just keep coming out and AAAAAGH! Anyway, I was wondering...

FC's ending was so satisfying. Not just its content but
the way you get to go around and talk to everyone before the climatic events.
Does SC have a similar denouement (without plot spoilers)?

Nope. Although one late chapter
will let you explore Liberl at your leisure
I'm pretty bad at reviews, so I'm not gonna say much, but I pretty much agree with everything PK said.

PK can attest to this, but I was streaming during the FC finale, and I was dead silent for a good chunk of it, only really speaking up to respond to the chat. I wasn't super chatty during the game as a whole, but I was still cracking jokes with the chat whenever I streamed.

No jokes during that part, aside from
"They finally kissed! ...wait. Shit."

Oh, speaking of the finale, I ran into Olivier while
looking for Joshua on the terrace. He said something about Whereabouts of Light being an Erebonian folk tune. Does that mean what I think it does?

PK Gaming

I'd imagine playing FC after CS leaves a totally different impression, given the gameplay style is the same but you experienced all the gameplay adjustments and the more "modern" game design, especially with the battle system. (Lack of animation skip was already an issue before CS)

This said Sky's Quartz System>> CS's

Yeah. Both of them seem similar on the surface, but they're pretty different in execution. For better or worse, CS floods you with options. Battles are fast, convenient and stylish, but the balance leaves something to be desired. Meanwhile, the battles are slower and more standard in FC, but the balance is better (though it's still an easy game to beat). Getting that right combination of Quartz to make certain set ups deeply satisfying, but I also really liked CS's open-ended nature as well so i'm actually split on which system I prefer. Overall in terms of gameplay, i'd still give it to CS1 and especially CS2, but FC is not that far behind, I think.

Not to step on anyone's toes (I swear this isn't a shot at anyone), but I feel like FC/SC's overall quality is what hardcore P1/P2 fans imagine what their games are like. I could never agree with P1/P2 being blatantly better than the newer Persona games on the gameplay front, but I'm 100% okay with people preferring FC/SC to the newer games. It absolutely earns it, imo.


Unconfirmed Member
Gameplay wise I prefer all the later titles really. Vastly prefer the flexibility of not having arts tied to fulfilling line requirements.
I just think FC from a story and character as well as pacing perspective is a stronger package and those things I value more. But I also totally get FC/SC by now probably feeling archaic in places especially the lack of skip animations can be annoying.
so uh

I've been taking screenshots as I go through TOCS.

It's mostly really goofy stuff, but I just finished chapter 3 last night (There's like 2 early chapter 4 screenshots but it was 1 am and I decided to not finish the opening cutscene for that section not long after. I'll probably have more in the next batch, since my last save is the end of CH3 checkpoint.)


Neo Member
so uh

I've been taking screenshots as I go through TOCS.

It's mostly really goofy stuff, but I just finished chapter 3 last night (There's like 2 early chapter 4 screenshots but it was 1 am and I decided to not finish the opening cutscene for that section not long after. I'll probably have more in the next batch, since my last save is the end of CH3 checkpoint.)

i don't want to replay cold steel 1 & 2 before the 3rd, i don't want to replay cold steel 1 & 2 before the 3rd

PK Gaming

YO Estelle got buffed
YO the battle theme is poppin
YO Chain craft
YO CP gain was nerfed


i don't want to replay cold steel 1 & 2 before the 3rd, i don't want to replay cold steel 1 & 2 before the 3rd

I'm doing a full replay of FC/SC/CS/CS2 after I finish 3rd because i'm dying to see how it changes my perspective on people/places/plot threads/minor hints/dialogue.

Figure with knowledge of 3rd, I can have a more insightful view of the big picture... Also it's been really hard to force myself to keep playing through my backlog instead of just replaying the whole thing. I've had the urge pretty much weekly to just fire up FC and binge so hard. I guess it's just really hard to fight those feelings when I absolutely adore these games so much.


I'm doing a full replay of FC/SC/CS/CS2 after I finish 3rd because i'm dying to see how it changes my perspective on people/places/plot threads/minor hints/dialogue.

Figure with knowledge of 3rd, I can have a more insightful view of the big picture... Also it's been really hard to force myself to keep playing through my backlog instead of just replaying the whole thing. I've had the urge pretty much weekly to just fire up FC and binge so hard. I guess it's just really hard to fight those feelings when I absolutely adore these games so much.

I'm not sure if FC/SC would be worth a replay based on your knowledge of the 3rd, but CS/CS2 you would notice a lot more things that were teased in the 3rd.


I'm not sure if FC/SC would be worth a replay based on your knowledge of the 3rd, but CS/CS2 you would notice a lot more things that were teased in the 3rd.

Oh for sure, since I know kinda how people mentioned why/how the stuff in 3rd exists and to what purpose (I only know generalities, no specifics). But I also just want a good mental excuse to play through FC and SC again, heh.
so like, has XSEED said anything about CS3...people purposefully trying to make me nervous that xseed will lose this series as well.

Nothing will be said until soon after the Japanese release, at the earliest. I honestly wouldn't be too worried about whether or not Xseed gets it, unless Nisa or someone swoops in and ports 1 and 2 to PC. Because a PC port of 3 would serve no purpose unless 1 and 2 were already there. If another company other than Xseed were to port them however, I would say 3 would automatically default to said company, because they could guarantee a port of 3 as well.


so like, has XSEED said anything about CS3...people purposefully trying to make me nervous that xseed will lose this series as well.

I'm not even sure XSEED is 100% privy to all the details of Sen 3 just yet.

Falcom have been tweeting about the XSEED Trails of portal just recently, so I say there's a good chance the rights are still with XSEED.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not even sure XSEED is 100% privy to all the details of Sen 3 just yet.

Falcom have been tweeting about the XSEED Trails of portal just recently, so I say there's a good chance the rights are still with XSEED.

They tweeted the Ys portal recently too, so that clearly doesn't mean much.

And I still expect XSEED to contract ports of Cold Steel 1 and 2 eventually. PhyreEngine natively supports PC so it should be easier and cleaner than LKS was.
With all the news I decided to get back on the horse on Cold Steel 2

Currently at the airship intermission after Act 1

Interesting backstory segments so far even if its a little campy. Still think Rean is one of the poorest leads ever conceived but hes less offensive this go around i guess

Gonna try and push forward to see the real meat of the game that got so much praise on here
Yes. CS1 spoils an endgame SC twist pretty early on, and CS2 spoils several FC and SC twists (and, briefly, one from The 3rd, if you're paying attention). I'd still recommend trying to play Sky first - by the time you're done with FC and SC, odds are The 3rd will be out, and ideally you'd also play that before Cold Steel.

Hmm...anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...

-one of the books on the second level of the library outright pretty much tell you what happened at the end of Trails in the Sky second chapter. If you don't click on the glowing spots on the 2nd floor of the library, you should be fine.

-there's the matter of this character appearing in Cold Steel though..if you meet him/her you will outright realize who they actually were (I liked finding it out as a surprise in Trails in the Sky FC/Second Chapter) but if you are okay with that, by all means.

It does spoil a few twists, but most of those things are things that wouldn't really jump out to you if you haven't played the games.

Since you've played some of Sky, two twists will be spoiled for you that I can think of, but most of the game won't really be spoiled.

Thanks, I'll try hopping back into Sky then and hopefully stick with it this time.

PK Gaming

The Jaeger 2 boss on Hard is without a doubt one of the most unpleasant Kiseki experiences


EDIT: Oh, but the scene after it was very good...


In my case, cant beat the CS 1 last boss in nightmare difficulty.

It looked easy in the first place but the citical hits makes it pretty hard.

Probably I need to do a specific sequence of attacks to "nullify" the criticals, but it looks like I dont have a margin of error in this fight because the limit of EP and the Craft costs.

And this fight is loooooooong (need to beat 2 bosses before the last boss without save)...

It looks like I need to have luck to win this fight, because the umbalance system is essential and the crafts works with a margin of success of 30% or 50% to umbalance the last boss...

In my case, cant beat the CS 1 last boss in nightmare difficulty.

It looked easy in the first place but the citical hits makes it pretty hard.

Probably I need to do a specific sequence of attacks to "nullify" the criticals, but it looks like I dont have a margin of error in this fight because the limit of EP and the Craft costs.

And this fight is loooooooong (need to beat 2 bosses before the last boss without save)...

It looks like I need to have luck to win this fight, because the umbalance system is essential and the crafts works with a margin of success of 30% or 50% to umbalance the last boss...

Use the Speed buff (can't remember the name) and unless you get really unlucky with the crits, he'll bite the dust.

But yeah, that fight is bullshit.
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