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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


YO who here insulted SC's battle theme

I'll take you all on

It took a while to grow on me, but it's definitely no Sophisticated Fight.
In my case, cant beat the CS 1 last boss in nightmare difficulty.

It looked easy in the first place but the citical hits makes it pretty hard.

Probably I need to do a specific sequence of attacks to "nullify" the criticals, but it looks like I dont have a margin of error in this fight because the limit of EP and the Craft costs.

And this fight is loooooooong (need to beat 2 bosses before the last boss without save)...

It looks like I need to have luck to win this fight, because the umbalance system is essential and the crafts works with a margin of success of 30% or 50% to umbalance the last boss...


On Nightmare:
Once you get the rotation down perfectly, it really does just come down to getting lucky with dodges. And by perfect, I really do mean that you can't fuck up even once otherwise you should just restart.

Pro tip to help make the process of getting there go a little faster:
Assuming you have the Master Quartz that charges all HP/MP/CP while walking, give it to each character till they're fully charged, set your actual party Master Quartz after, make a save, then go into it with a full party at 200 CP each. You should be able to just spam 200CP S-Breaks in rapid succession and get to the final part much quicker.
It took me about 3 tries on NG+.


Just finished chapter 5 of cs1, and have another question about zero/ao

drop you get to play what's happening in crossbell during the terrorist attack in one of those games?
Duckroll seems to be one of those people who will love a game but endlessly make fun of its flaws

Meanwhile I might (jokingly) nickname Rean Kirito because
both have hang ups over being adopted and a sister who's crushing on them

Or nickname Elise Suguha because you know

CS handles it better (so far) though. Not that that's hard to achieve but

Nyoro SF

Lloyd Banning does not need to resort to physical contact for everyone to fall in love with him.

Edited for accuracy

I should make a running tally of headpats in Crossbell.

I know Lloyd headpats KeA a lot, but she's a little kid, so it's fine.
Lloyd headpats Tio just once I think, in Ao. I think he may have done it once in Zero but I can't quite recall.
Randy headpats Lloyd once in Zero.
I... don't think Lloyd ever headpats Noel, but I have this sneaking suspicion that he did once and I forgot.

I think that's about it. Someone else can correct me on incidental hand to head contact crime totals.


Looks stupid. His sword hilt looks dumb too. Look at that dorky face. Can't take him seriously as an instructor. #SayNoToRean

Where is Laura?
CS3 Rean is looking clean

Falcom why are you doing this to me, I barely survived waiting for P5

Noo, why do you look so happy, Rean? I want you to suffer.

On a more serious note, this is the rare time when I think a character actually looks more handsome in 3D render form.

I hope "what happened in North Ambria" would be delivered through a series of PTSD-style flashbacks.


Damn, I thought the next info drop was going to have class vii info. Ah well, I'll take the confirmation that all of the new class vii is already revealed as good news to me.
I think that's mostly what we already got from famitsu and dengeki coming directly from Falcom, next magazine info should have old class vii

A class of 3 students is a bit weird but I agree that it's probably better for the game, cold steel cast is already plenty large
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