Been playing through TitS 1 for the first time. Only just finished chapter 1, but man, this game really is the quintessential JRPG done right. I was wondering if I just didn't like JRPGs anymore after bouncing hard off Dragon Quest IX and barely making it through SMTIV, but I'm really digging this game.
Characters are based on JRPG archetypes, but have nuances and dimensions and most importantly, don't act like goddamn morons just to make drama; there's some cheesy "bonds of friendship" stuff but those bonds are actually shown and not just hamfistedly asserted; combat (on hard) isn't super deep but so far isn't totally rote, provides some tension, rewards experimentation, and, with the blessings of cheat engine, doesn't take too long; immediate battle retry and ample autosaves minimize frustration.
But without cheat engine, my god, those animations would be sooooooo loooooooong. Who thought that was a good idea?