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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE

(CS3 Reveal - From official site)
Shirley confirmed enforcer XVII, YES! Also one of the screenshots: Fie with long hair?

I feel sad that english players will be playing this without knowing Zero/Ao's story + characters. I mean the Epilogue of CS2 already meant nothing to english players
(Lloyd + Rixia)
. We have
Randolf, Shirley, (Mirabell will probably show up again, since Shirley is), Tio and part of it seems to take place in crossbell

XSEED: Please translate Zero/Ao before CS3!


They'd sooner kill off Agate then have him requite her puppy love.

In fact, if she tries to confess to him in CSIII... he's a goner. Erika's final trap:
the Death Trope Trigger
Best hope is with the fan translation work, but there's no telling how long that will take (and it's best that it doesn't get rushed, so that the quality of the final version is high).

Depending on how things look, I might just wind up importing the Evolution versions and attempting those. I think I could make do with full voice acting.


Unconfirmed Member
That would make no financial sense for Xseed and Falcom.

May not make sense for them but I'd prefer them go that route!

I think they may do a CS3 limited edition that includes a small booklet with Zero and Ao in written short story form, and that's how we'll get those in English officially.


Tita and Agate situation is like the hippo in the room waiting for you to turn around and look it at in the eyes. We know it's a hippo so we're trying to keep focused on the presentation. =(
Just had a quick question about SC

Trails in the Sky SC End Game Spoilers:
Is there any explanation for why Dorothy's camera suddenly works during the Orbal Shutdown?
Just had a quick question about SC

Trails in the Sky SC End Game Spoilers:
Is there any explanation for why Dorothy's camera suddenly works during the Orbal Shutdown?

switched to a normal one ( like the one we use with photo film ) .She's a camera freak.
There is a line of dialog where she says that she also enjoy antiques like those since she can still continue to take photos even during this event.


Well, yeah, it was a joke, it wasn't suppose to be actual financial advice to Xseed!
Eh, my bad then but you never know with Kiseki fans, some of them still want Xseed to release PSP games in 2017.
Just had a quick question about SC

Trails in the Sky SC End Game Spoilers:
Is there any explanation for why Dorothy's camera suddenly works during the Orbal Shutdown?
I assumed
she had a non-orbal camera, just like Carna used a non-orbal riffle. I don't remember if they adress it though.


And not get CS3 for another 4-5 years? I don't think so.
XSeed could've already started with Zero if they have any intentions of bringing the Crossbell games over (in a decently timely manner). Third's translation has been done for months by now and they can't move on to CSIII until after it's out in Japan (so late September/October at earliest). So basically there's not much other Kiseki related stuff the translation people could be doing right now, might as well take advantage of the situation and at least start working on Zero despite how CSIII might affect the project in a few months.

It's not completely impossible they could've started with Zero and could work on Zero & CSIII concurrently for a while after CSIII is out (I mean, they did work - to some extent - on SC, CS1 & CS2 concurrently at one point and then worked on Third while still localizing Cold Steel II) around late 2017-2018, especially if the PC releases of CS1 & 2 prove to be relatively successful and provide them with enough money to keep localizing two Kiseki games at a time. I don't think a situation where they can release Zero and CSIII in relatively quick succession (and then move on to Azure if Zero isn't a hyper bomba) is totally out of the question.

Might sound crazy but no one thought Third could be released little over half a year after Cold Steel II.


Unconfirmed Member
XSeed could've already started with Zero if they have any intentions of bringing the Crossbell games over (in a decently timely manner). Third's translation has been done for months by now and they can't move on to CSIII until after it's out in Japan (so late September/October at earliest). So basically there's not much other Kiseki related stuff the translation people could be doing right now, might as well take advantage of the situation and at least start working on Zero despite how CSIII might affect the project in a few months.

It's not completely impossible they could've started with Zero and could work on Zero & CSIII concurrently for a while after CSIII is out (I mean, they did work - to some extent - on SC, CS1 & CS2 concurrently at one point and then worked on Third while still localizing Cold Steel II) around late 2017-2018, especially if the PC releases of CS1 & 2 prove to be relatively successful and provide them with enough money to keep localizing two Kiseki games at a time. I don't think a situation where they can release Zero and CSIII in relatively quick succession (and then move on to Azure if Zero isn't a hyper bomba) is totally out of the question.

Might sound crazy but no one thought Third could be released little over half a year after Cold Steel II.

I figured what they might do if they are seriously considering the games is have the translator jump to it even if they don't know what they are going to do after that yet. They could get themselves in a position where they have the complete raw scripts ready.

They could probably have a raw script for Zero mostly done if not completed by the time CS3 is available for them to start on, if the translation work started when 3rd's translation was done.

I doubt they went that route though, even though it wouldn't be unreasonable cost-wise from the sounds of things. I doubt they are that committed to bringing those games over.


Unconfirmed Member
The 3rd is supposedly the shortest game in the series so far, if the character counts we have are to be believed. To me, it seems very unlikely that a Zero translation done from scratch can finish before CS3's script is available to them, even if they started right after the 3rd. They'd need more than the one translator they've been using since CS.


This is all assuming that they aren't working on Sen III yet. Falcom did state in their investors meeting last year that they seek to a closer partnership with Western publishers.


Unconfirmed Member
This is all assuming that they aren't working on Sen III yet. Falcom did state in their investors meeting last year that they seek to a closer partnership with Western publishers.
Now there's an interesting possibility. Does Joyland have this kind of relation with Falcom, or would it be unprecedented?


Does playing Zero and Ao before Sen offer a lot more insight into things? I haven't even started the Cold Steel games (currently playing the 3rd), and I doubt I'll have much chance to play Zero and Ao in English, especially before CS, but it would be kind of sad if I was missing out on a lot of context.


This is all assuming that they aren't working on Sen III yet. Falcom did state in their investors meeting last year that they seek to a closer partnership with Western publishers.
Considering the release schedules of Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII, doesn't really seem like it has affected the current batch of localizations all that much. Could just mean that they provide some help with PC versions (to bring the games to a bigger audience) that seem to be the norm for the newest Falcom localizations.

But we'll see what happens with CSIII.


Now there's an interesting possibility. Does Joyland have this kind of relation with Falcom, or would it be unprecedented?
I'm not too sure about Joyoland, but take NISA, for example: Kondo made a personal video to announce how happy he was that they would bring Ys VIII to the West and for the same game, he will be attending the Anime Expo early next month.

Does playing Zero and Ao before Sen offer a lot more insight into things? I haven't even started the Cold Steel games (currently playing the 3rd), and I doubt I'll have much chance to play Zero and Ao in English, especially before CS, but it would be kind of sad if I was missing out on a lot of context.
You don't need to have played Zero or Ao to thoroughly enjoy Cold Steel and II. It's arguably a safer route because Ao reveals a lot of the surprises the Cold Steel games bring to the table. Of course, the same happens the other way around but it's not as bad.
Considering the release schedules of Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII, doesn't really seem like it has affected the current batch of localizations all that much. Could just mean that they provide some help with PC versions (to bring the games to a bigger audience) that seem to be the norm for the newest Falcom localizations.

But we'll see what happens with CSIII.

Ys VIII PS4 was announced for localisation before the JP release though.
This is all assuming that they aren't working on Sen III yet. Falcom did state in their investors meeting last year that they seek to a closer partnership with Western publishers.

Think it's a safe assumption to say they're working on at least Zero or Sen 3 atm, considering Hatsuu said she's working on a big project they couldn't announce this year. I wouldn't be surprised if she was almost solely on Trails now.


Unconfirmed Member
The 3rd is supposedly the shortest game in the series so far, if the character counts we have are to be believed. To me, it seems very unlikely that a Zero translation done from scratch can finish before CS3's script is available to them, even if they started right after the 3rd. They'd need more than the one translator they've been using since CS.

I certainly don't think they are that committed. The series' current translator/editor team is probably going to be the one they stick with, if they can't fit in Zero and Ao anywhere they simply won't get released due to lack of priority. The SC+CS situation of two games being worked on at once probably won't happen again, since that only occurred due to SC taking a lot longer than intended. Basically the entire localization part of project ended up being contracted out, CF finished the translation and half the editing, and Jess who had left XSEED finished the other half.

Which, for what little it's worth, is what I expect to be the most likely outcome.

Ys VIII PS4 was announced for localisation before the JP release though.

The general rule seems to have been that they wouldn't let anyone touch their stuff until it came out in Japan. Since the Vita version was released they were able to start on that one, and because the PS4 version was announced and NISA had every intention of releasing it too, they announced that as well.

Unless Falcom changed their stance, XSEED probably won't get a peek at CS3's script until the Japanese release.

And if I'm not mistaken even Aksys was completely blindsided by the EX+ announcement of Tokyo Xanadu, despite having had just recently announced the Vita version.

Think it's a safe assumption to say they're working on at least Zero or Sen 3 atm, considering Hatsuu said she's working on a big project they couldn't announce this year. I wouldn't be surprised if she was almost solely on Trails now.

Her Twitter account also has a ???? in her project list separate from the Trails series. Could be there to throw people off I guess.


Unconfirmed Member
Think it's a safe assumption to say they're working on at least Zero or Sen 3 atm, considering Hatsuu said she's working on a big project they couldn't announce this year. I wouldn't be surprised if she was almost solely on Trails now.
XSEED expressed interest in otome games on more than one occasion, so that's my expectation for Hatsuu's mystery project.


switched to a normal one ( like the one we use with photo film ) .She's a camera freak.
There is a line of dialog where she says that she also enjoy antiques like those since she can still continue to take photos even during this event.

And they believed her? What a load of bull.
Not as though we have proof to the contrary. All I know is she's suspicious (that trip to Calvard seems awfully accidental...), but too young and air-headed to lead operations like an Anguis unless the
we've seen is a puppet/vessel for someone else.

Nyoro SF

Well the only way she could
use an orbal camera at that time is if she had a TRUE gospel on her
. You're not saying what i think you're saying right ?

"Dorothy" in Ancient Zemurian means "Highly Suspicious". All part of Falcom's long-term plan.

Keeping the suspicion dream alive


This is all assuming that they aren't working on Sen III yet. Falcom did state in their investors meeting last year that they seek to a closer partnership with Western publishers.
I want to believe. Even summer 2018 for CS3 would be godly
along with those CS1/CS2 PS4 remasters that Falcom are (hopefully) secretly doing


Falcom only has about 50 people. They can't do secret project.
Surely they wouldn't need everyone to do it though, especially as they probably have half the assets from CS3 anyway. I imagine they would be keen to have the entire arc on one system as well - guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Surely they wouldn't need everyone to do it though, especially as they probably have half the assets from CS3 anyway. I imagine they would be keen to have the entire arc on one system as well - guess we'll just have to wait and see.

They will be, on PC. In the West at least.
I'm currently playing through FC for the first time. I'm 27 hours deep and in Ruan.

Holy shit, I just realized that you can unlock more powerful magic by configuring your quartz in certain patterns. Hell Gate is laying waste to everything inside the Ch. 2 tower! Good lord this game is deep!


Surely they wouldn't need everyone to do it though, especially as they probably have half the assets from CS3 anyway. I imagine they would be keen to have the entire arc on one system as well - guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Half of those are administrative/financial, one-third of the other half musicians. They'd have to re-do almost all of the assets to make it worthwhile it as a re-master. I rather see them outsourcing it to Chara-Ani now they are with Evo than doing it internally themselves.
I'm currently playing through FC for the first time. I'm 27 hours deep and in Ruan.

Holy shit, I just realized that you can unlock more powerful magic by configuring your quartz in certain patterns. Hell Gate is laying waste to everything inside the Ch. 2 tower! Good lord this game is deep!

I know someone who got to the end of sc before getting this mechanic, and it was after he said he was struggling and I asked to see his build.


Neo Member
I'm currently playing through FC for the first time. I'm 27 hours deep and in Ruan.

Holy shit, I just realized that you can unlock more powerful magic by configuring your quartz in certain patterns. Hell Gate is laying waste to everything inside the Ch. 2 tower! Good lord this game is deep!
In case you haven't noticed yet: the notebook that serves as the quest log has a list of all arts and their requirements.


I'm currently playing through FC for the first time. I'm 27 hours deep and in Ruan.

Holy shit, I just realized that you can unlock more powerful magic by configuring your quartz in certain patterns. Hell Gate is laying waste to everything inside the Ch. 2 tower! Good lord this game is deep!

Haha, the same thing happened to me. But yeah, check your notebook asap.


Just finished Trails in the Sky 3rd...

That parting scene with Renne, Estelle and Josua... Many tears were shed. T_T I hope we see the happy conclusion between the three. I dunno if it's done in Ao or Zero so please don't spoil me with it lol

All in all, it was great. I'm really more hyped now for Trails of Cold Steel III which is probably bad because now the wait is 10x more dreadful.

That final door with all the Anguis and Grandmaster announcing the Phantasmal Blaze plan commencing was just HNNNGGGG

I really hope we get it as soon as possible.
In case you haven't noticed yet: the notebook that serves as the quest log has a list of all arts and their requirements.


"Estelle, were you listening to Schera when she handed us our Bracer Notebooks?" :p

Just finished Trails in the Sky 3rd...

That parting scene with Renne, Estelle and Josua... Many tears were shed. T_T I hope we see the happy conclusion between the three. I dunno if it's done in Ao or Zero so please don't spoil me with it lol

All in all, it was great. I'm really more hyped now for Trails of Cold Steel III which is probably bad because now the wait is 10x more dreadful.

That final door with all the Anguis and Grandmaster announcing the Phantasmal Blaze plan commencing was just HNNNGGGG

I really hope we get it as soon as possible.

That speech was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. Estelle is never not going to stop accellerating upward, is she?


Falcom jdk is touring in Asia next month. Maybe they've finished recording for CS3?
The Falcom jdk Sound Team makes the music and the Falcom jdk Band plays the musis. I wasn't particularly impressed with the additions to Ys VIII for PlayStation 4, so hopefully they've been saving up their efforts for Sen III.

Only 2573 more hours.
Half of those are administrative/financial, one-third of the other half musicians. They'd have to re-do almost all of the assets to make it worthwhile it as a re-master. I rather see them outsourcing it to Chara-Ani now they are with Evo than doing it internally themselves.

No one bothered with half the assets in Zero/Ao evolution, resulting in really blurry PSP asset signs in the game. : /


Sad that there is nothing for us this E3. I had this tiny hope we'll get a Cold Steel 3 announcement. Oh well... on PSX perhaps.


No one bothered with half the assets in Zero/Ao evolution, resulting in really blurry PSP asset signs in the game. : /
The PC version of Zero has high-rest assets. Some signs that looked like a garbled mess are suddenly readable.

Sad that there is nothing for us this E3. I had this tiny hope we'll get a Cold Steel 3 announcement. Oh well... on PSX perhaps.
Didn't The 3rd come out...last month?
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