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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Continuing Ao no Kiseki playthrough. I see that the Sky Evolution artist did art for quite a bit of characters in this game. I was a fool for thinking Katsumi Enami was going to be doing all the characters in Crossbell lol


Hm, kinda feels like the rest of the old Class VII will only be sparingly available as party members, and the plot and gameplay will mostly focus on the new Class VII core group ala the Crossbell saga.

Which isn't too bad a compromise, I suppose.

EDIT: I see I'm not the only one to come to that conclusion.
I'm totally okay with class 7 serving as the guest characters for cs3. I assume in cs4 by that games finale you'll have access to everyone from both games casts for the big finale.



Fingers crossed Juna is the Estelle of the group.

Talk shit, get hit. And copious amounts of smack-talk.

And then you play with a cast of 32 characters? :p

Cold Steel the 4th
The real question is whether bonding's going to work the same and will have the same Rean-on-someone-else-only focus as in previous games. I'm hoping for a lot of unusual conversations instead, hopefully without camera/staging transitions from the current in-game location to both or more characters posed facing each other like an awkward Tales skit. Bonds aren't going away due to how links develop, but I can see other methods of driving links being more important just as in Cold Steel II (which you let you play Blade II to do this).


The real question is whether bonding's going to work the same and will have the same Rean-on-someone-else-only focus as in previous games. I'm hoping for a lot of unusual conversations instead, hopefully without camera/staging transitions from the current in-game location to both or more characters posed facing each other like an awkward Tales skit. Bonds aren't going away due to how links develop, but I can see other methods of driving links being more important just as in Cold Steel II (which you let you play Blade II to do this).
Shit, now you reminded me
Will there be a Blade III? That's really important


I also went into the 3rd expecting to not like the new character and I came away very impressed. I'm ready for anything. Granted it was only 1 character and other that we didn't know that much about them but still, I'm not worried.


The steam page for Cold Steel is up. It lists July as the release month so we'll probably hear a date soon.

Experience the Game as Never Before
50% more lines of English voice-overs have been added to the PC release, bringing a fresh experience to even those who have played it before on console.
That's pretty cool.

Hopefully there'll be a way to speed up the game with Cheat Engine just like the Sky series.
Getting old and no time for wasting in long battles and walking around empty maps :p

Hoping my Intel 520 will be able to run it well.


Finished SC late last night. My final play time was about 52 hours.

I didn't post about the last few chapters, but in short, I think it was well worth the hype. FC is a great game and totally complete in scope, but SC goes there and then some. It might even push a little too far, actually. Some stints in the game were a little slow or just sort of a hassle to play through, and it's probably a chapter or two too long.

And yet, I don't really think the game has a pacing "issue". I think Trails in general has a very particular pacing that it's dedicated too. But when it's so meticulous in how it sets up lore/backstory, how it builds up its characters, how it delivers revelations and surprises based on the smallest details, it's hard to hold it over the games head.

The story in this game made me laugh at so many scenes and tear up at others. I was pumping my fist with adrenaline when characters I loved would show up at the last possible second. My heart was heavy when characters had to face their past or even new challenges they weren't sure they could handle.

One thing I've had in the back of my mind is asking what SC is about - as in thematically. I think you could boil it down to being a coming of age story (if you REALLY want to) and it's obviously very good at how it portrays heroism and optimism. But I think the real answer to my question is that it's a story about second chances and holding out hope. You can always grow and be a better person. There's always a pathway forward, open unto you.

I think SC is a masterpiece; It's one of the best RPGs I've ever played and probably one of the best in the genre as a whole.


I'm playing FC on hard, and I don't know, I don't like the difficulty of this game on that level, specially how slow I level up vs how strong the basic enemies are even on my same level.

But I guess that in normal it will be too easy


I'm playing FC on hard, and I don't know, I don't like the difficulty of this game on that level, specially how slow I level up vs how strong the basic enemies are even on my same level.

But I guess that in normal it will be too easy

The difficulties were added in later versions so the game isn't really balanced around it.


Unconfirmed Member
which games have the difficulties balanced around it?

Normal mode is the original difficulty the games had when they first came out.

FC is definitely easy on that difficulty though. SC and 3rd aren't particularly hard either, but SC has some tricky optional fights and some difficulty toward the end of the game. 3rd just has a wonky curve where I found the middle of the game to be the most challenging, but never any more difficult than the toughest battles in SC.


Finished chapter 6 and thought the entire thing was pretty good, especially the
airship escape
. Much more believable than what they did for Rean. Still not sure what to say about the enemies always blabbering more than they need to, on the other hand.

The VA work does wonders for these scenes, and Estelle is especially good.

Gilbert though, that poor shmuck.

If there's one thing I hate about this series is these forced party limits. Pretty lame way to get you to replay the game unless you're saving before every scene or something to go back and switch party members to see the different character responses.


Normal mode is the original difficulty the games had when they first came out.

FC is definitely easy on that difficulty though. SC and 3rd aren't particularly hard either, but SC has some tricky optional fights and some difficulty toward the end of the game. 3rd just has a wonky curve where I found the middle of the game to be the most challenging, but never any more difficult than the toughest battles in SC.

So in the end, I could play the first 3 games on normal without feel like "cheating"?


The VA work does wonders for these scenes, and Estelle is especially good.

I love Estelle's JP voice. I remember people complaining that it sounded too cute and that they wanted something tomboy-ish, but it definitely goes well with the "girl who shines like the sun" thing going for her imo.

Pretty interested to hear certain Sky scenes voiced when I get back to FC Evo.

Right now, been busy with AX to play much Ao no Kiseki. On the intermission chapter, so not a bad place to take a break. Chapter 2 definitely lived up to the hype when I first heard about it. It delivered and then some.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
After playing Cold Steel: I <3 EREBONIA!

After playing SC: Actually all erebonians should die
Going from SC to Cold Steel: What do I feel about anything


Yep, that's what I did and I'm usually the type of person to select the second hardest difficulty in games

Ugh, I guess that I will have to restart the game since I can't change the difficulty within the game.

I have the feeling that if I keep playing on hard, I will reach a point where I couldn't advance


I love Estelle's JP voice. I remember people complaining that it sounded too cute and that they wanted something tomboy-ish, but it definitely goes well with the "girl who shines like the sun" thing going for her imo.

Pretty interested to hear certain Sky scenes voiced when I get back to FC Evo.

I think her VA is doing a perfect job of showing her streaks of tomboy-ish side whenever it comes up, but if the Japanese script is anything to go by, she's still pretty girly from what I can tell. In any case, I'm a huge fan now.

Fun segment in FC with the Sky Bandits: https://qt.vidyagam.es/Mdm9QwZ.webm
Going from SC to Cold Steel: What do I feel about anything
After CS II in particular. Everything seemed clear cut to me after SC, with obvious good guys and bad guys (even if they were relatable).

Right now? The only people I trust are
, everyone else is suspicious or grey to me.


After CS II in particular. Everything seemed clear cut to me after SC, with obvious good guys and bad guys (even if they were relatable).

Right now? The only people I trust are
, everyone else is suspicious or grey to me.

CS2 ending vague spoilers:
Considering I don't fully trust Rean after what happened in CS2, yep lol.
Well, them and Olivier


After CS II in particular. Everything seemed clear cut to me after SC, with obvious good guys and bad guys (even if they were relatable).

Right now? The only people I trust are
, everyone else is suspicious or grey to me.

I'm at the beginning of chapter 3 of 3rd.

I already have a pretty good idea where you're coming from.
CS2 ending vague spoilers:
Considering I don't fully trust Rean after what happened in CS2, yep lol.
Well, them and Olivier
Yeah that's exactly what I had in mind
and I consider Olivier part of the extended family, like an honorary bracer lol

I'm at the beginning of chapter 3 of 3rd.

I already have a pretty good idea where you're coming from.
I haven't played too much of 3rd yet, actually!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Someone speculated that Kurt was
an ancient mage or something in another thread based on his ability to use artes without quartz
. Please be true. Also Kurt is the best character in the Sky trilogy. Yes I know he's a minor character but man his whole team is so cool.

Ok rant over, enjoy my run on sentences.


Neo Member
Someone speculated that Kurt was
an ancient mage or something in another thread based on his ability to use artes without quartz
. Please be true. Also Kurt is the best character in the Sky trilogy. Yes I know he's a minor character but man his whole team is so cool.

Ao spoilers
If you bring Rixia to the Campanella fight, she will point out that Campanella is actually using Fangshu when creating a pocket dimension for the fight
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