Zero no Kiseki Final Chapters
Powered through them all and decided to combine all my thoughts so people don't know how many chapters are in the game total. :^)
All I have to say is, WOW, I did not expect the introduction of that plot element for the last 20% of the game. That might be the most serious and yet awesome this series has gotten, and it's a real credit that I was really afraid of what could happen next to Crossbell.
The soundtrack was top notch as always. Don't think I've played a Kiseki game without a good soundtrack, but this one might be the best at fitting properly into moments and drawing me into the weight of scenes. I mean,
just listen to THIS. That's some hair standing on end music right there when realizations suddenly start firing off. The opening theme being remixed for certain songs was touching. The game implementing Eastern music into its motifs was very powerful when you consider the influence of the Republic on Crossbell.
Firm Strength is probably my favorite "set" theme in the game.
So yeah, this game needs a [good] localization... badly. I'll drop all my dollars for it XSEED.
Now that I finished the game I watched the Zero EVO opening and the animation was low quality and cut out a lot of the cool character shots, so... yeah. No loss.