So this is fanservice, huh... lol. I probably should've seen this coming. That being said though, there were a lot of interesting moments later in this intermission.
What I like about this system, over Cold Steel and Persona 4, is that this sort of fun beach time and amusement park bonding is all combined as one event. So if you dislike this sort of thing it's not at all hard to just power through quickly. While I'm not really a fan of fanservice shenanigans in games that I don't consider "fanservice games" I find that Lloyd is an enjoyable enough doofus that it makes the scenes funny. And Randy's thirst is real. C'mon Falcom, give Randy at least one girl in the game.
My eyerolling hit even higher heights with the sidequest of an evil penguin that attacks the clothes of women. That's gonna generate a few dozen GAF pages in the far future. The scene itself was pretty tame though. What is it with Falcom and perverted sheep and penguins?
After all that fanservice stuff is over (and there isn't even that much, honestly) this intermission becomes really interesting. Those who have played Cold Steel 1 know about the tickets and school festival, well it's the same here. It even has a fun minigame where you shoot monsters using playstation buttons. However what's amazing about this is that there's a fortune teller... a fortune teller from the East with green hair? Who else could that be but LUCIOLA, our bell ringing enthusiast Enforcer? You can bring anyone in your party to the fortune teller, and it will drop hints to the upcoming plot. I took Rixia and it said that Lloyd will break the darkness in Rixia's heart. Also there's a Mirror Castle with a mirror inside that can "read your deepest wish", so I took Ilya, and her deepest wish is to essentially drive her dance of passion onto the world as long as she can. And this stuff is referenced later in future cutscenes! I can only imagine how many combinations there are. And every time you attend an event your team members move around to different attractions so you can get a lot of dialogue options.
On another note, I bought Tio a 10000 mira necklace. The dialogue between Tio and Lloyd at this part was too funny.
And then KeA goes missing... we run into the amusement park only to discover CAMPANELLA THE FOOL has taken it over with an illusion. Campanella says he only helped the terrorists for fun and introduces himself as the Ouroboros enforcer that he is. It feels a bit random, but honestly it's a great way to throw a wrench into Lloyd and co's team as they've announced their existence as something to watch out for.
And then the fog monsters appeared... and yes, those are Luciola's fog monsters indeed. I was kind of expecting to hear Luciola's bell, but I didn't hear it. And the monsters were green instead of grey. Not sure what was going on there, but that's obviously not a coincidence.
We find KeA but this part is a little strange because she is clearly glowing blue, like brightly blue, but after we catch up to her no one comments on it? I mean she is glowing brighter than a Mag-Lite on full brightness but no one says anything lol. Yeah the aura disappears... AFTER we get there. Gotta clean up your cutscene timing Falcom. You'd expect Lloyd to say something like "Hey KeA, did you swallow a lava lamp or something?" Doesn't happen though. KeA is staring at the Mirror Castle and asking "Why?" but I didn't quite get it. Sorry KeA.
And then as we are on the boat heading back to Crossbell something happens which makes my hair stand on end. Mariabelle... talks? There was a fuzz effect for dramatic pause... is that the first time in the series that Mariabelle has talked? Why did it sound so scary? Is Mariabelle actually part of the cult? Should I hide under the covers tonight? WTF is going on?