wow, didnt took long until people started coming along to hate on the thread.
It's a very lighthearted RPG for most of the game, so if you're looking for Xenosaga-style melodrama you're certainly not going to find it here. With that said, I think it really picks up after the first game. Hopefully SC makes it out in a timely fashion so people can see.Anyone that hasn't played the game and is on the fence about it really needs to keep their expectations low. Don't listen to GAF's hype. Trails in the Sky is the most overrated RPG since Final Fantasy VII. I finally made myself play through the PSP version last year and I was really disappointed with it. I don't think I've ever played a RPG as boring as it was. Nothing happens in the game until the very ending and even then, it wasn't very interesting.
wow, didnt took long until people started coming along to hate on the thread.
Freshly updated:
It's a very lighthearted RPG for most of the game, so if you're looking for Xenosaga-style melodrama you're certainly not going to find it here. With that said, I think it really picks up after the first game. Hopefully SC makes it out in a timely fashion so people can see.
I just want a story to it. There's almost no real arcing story to the game. Most of what happened could have been cut and it wouldn't have hurt the game at all. 95% of the game is filler. We shouldn't have to play a 50+ hour game and then another 50+ hour game just to get to the story.
I just want a story to it. There's almost no real arcing story to the game. Most of what happened could have been cut and it wouldn't have hurt the game at all. 95% of the game is filler. We shouldn't have to play a 50+ hour game and then another 50+ hour game just to get to the story.
There is story, though. I mean, stuff definitely happens in the game. It just isn't worldshattering 'wtf omg' revelatory stuff for most of it. It's just that kind of RPG where it's more about going on an adventure and building the world. The real villains don't show up until the second game though (despite being mentioned in the first), and I'll be the first to admit that the first game is poorly paced. I don't think they should have waited so long to introduce some of the stuff.I just want a story to it. There's almost no real arcing story to the game. Most of what happened could have been cut and it wouldn't have hurt the game at all. 95% of the game is filler. We shouldn't have to play a 50+ hour game and then another 50+ hour game just to get to the story.
Yeah, but the actual release date was still a big surprise.
Trails in the Sky is the most overrated RPG since Final Fantasy VII.
Anyone that hasn't played the game and is on the fence about it really needs to keep their expectations low. Don't listen to GAF's hype. Trails in the Sky is the most overrated RPG since Final Fantasy VII. I finally made myself play through the PSP version last year and I was really disappointed with it. I don't think I've ever played a RPG as boring as it was. Nothing happens in the game until the very ending and even then, it wasn't very interesting.
We'll hit that bridge when it passes, right now, it's all about being excited for the first (or second counting FC PSP?) stop on the Trails Train.
Honestly, that's one of the most amazing things I've seen on this site. Kudos to you
Haha that's amazing! Is it too late to jump aboard?
There will be a hype train for SC at some point too, right?
Plot ≠ story. If the bulk of the story's based around character development and hanging out, then I won't mind so long as it's truly well-written. And plot's what the Ys games already excel at, so it makes sense for Falcom to try something different.
Never too late... unless I'm asleep. But that won't be for some hours yet. Until then, let the Hype Update Continue:
So on a more random note (that I've been meaning to ask since the thread was made) about how long is this game for first time players anyway? I know the first post says "over 50 hours" but I'm not really sure if that means the story or if that is including any side stuff as well. I usually try to do everything I can in a game, assuming I'm enjoying it of course.
Just kinda curious.
Where do you want to play SC when it's released? SC has a save import feature, but it won't work cross-platform.
Is SC coming out on the PSP in the US as well? I just kind of figured it wasn't going to happen at this point.
Including the side stuff.
I'd say the story itself is a dense 30 hours experience, give or take.
Side-stuff and exploration adds an extra 20+ hours, depending on how much you explore and revisit NPCs.
It is.
I'm looking for something with a really engaging story and solid set of characters, is this a game that ticks both boxes?
Interesting, good to know. I like to go into games blind so I won't be using a walkthrough or anything so I'm expecting to miss some of that stuff anyway (unless it's all super obvious). If I enjoy it I'll probably end up doing another playthrough at some point to see everything.
Interesting, good to know. I like to go into games blind so I won't be using a walkthrough or anything so I'm expecting to miss some of that stuff anyway (unless it's all super obvious). If I enjoy it I'll probably end up doing another playthrough at some point to see everything.
Does the script make fun of their old age often? I keep hearing that this game does a lot of usual cliches well, and this would be one of them.They are often chaperoned and given guidance by more capable, experienced adults
I'm looking for something with a really engaging story and solid set of characters, is this a game that ticks both boxes? Also I've got a VITA as well, so should I go ahead and get the PC version or pick up the PSP version of VITA?
Does the script make fun of their old age often? I keep hearing that this game does a lot of usual conventions well, and this would be one of them.
So on a more random note (that I've been meaning to ask since the thread was made) about how long is this game for first time players anyway? I know the first post says "over 50 hours" but I'm not really sure if that means the story or if that is including any side stuff as well. I usually try to do everything I can in a game, assuming I'm enjoying it of course.
Just kinda curious.
JRPGs often get flak for its 'teenagers saving za world111!!' plot, and the one time that a game decides to not do that, but instead give us a more grounded JRPG story befitting of their teenager status, it's not a story because nothing happens.
The characters are engaging and you'll get drawn into a world that is really well fleshed out (You can purchase newspapers and obtain chapters of books to read for example). There's a lot to do in this game and I found that made it really engaging. Others have said, but I'll reiterate that there isn't a grand or epic RPG story going on here for the most part. Things pick up towards the end, but it really is about the main characters and does feel like set up for what's to come. It will leave you wanting more, in a good way.I'm looking for something with a really engaging story and solid set of characters, is this a game that ticks both boxes? Also I've got a VITA as well, so should I go ahead and get the PC version or pick up the PSP version of VITA?
Never too late... unless I'm asleep. But that won't be for some hours yet. Until then, let the Hype Update Continue:
The characters are engaging and you'll get drawn into a world that is really well fleshed out (You can purchase newspapers and obtain chapters of books to read for example). There's a lot to do in this game and I found that made it really engaging. Others have said, but I'll reiterate that there isn't a grand or epic RPG story going on here for the most part. Things pick up towards the end, but it really is about the main characters and does feel like set up for what's to come. It will leave you wanting more, in a good way.
If you want an RPG that will make you feel like you've raised a super powered team of heroes that can destroy the ultimate evil, this is not for you. It's grounded in the reality it creates, and I think it's all the better for that.
As for versions. Either or. If you want to play it on the portable then grab the PSN version, it looks and plays great on the Vita. Otherwise get the PC release.
Yeah, this did not take me 50 hours on my first play through. I think I was somewhere between 20 and 30 hours and I completed every side quest (Although I was missing 1 or 2 Bracer Points and 1 chapter of the book). I suppose it could take longer for some though.To be honest I've never found that site to be all that great. At least when I've compared people's times to my own clear times so I don't use it much.
It's low key and character focused. It's also pretty episodic in that the chapters seem isolated and unrelated to each other besides the two main characters for the bulk of the game. Everything comes together in the end though, with some twists and turns.I'm not looking for anything crazy out of the story, but rather something pretty solid. I even found Tales of Graces F's story to be good, so as long as it's as good or better than that I guess.
I'm not looking for anything crazy out of the story, but rather something pretty solid. I even found Tales of Graces F's story to be good, so as long as it's as good or better than that I guess.
Yeah, this did not take me 50 hours on my first play through. I think I was somewhere between 20 and 30 hours and I completed every side quest (Although I was missing 1 or 2 Bracer Points and 1 chapter of the book). I suppose it could take longer for some though.
I believe it was about time someone showed it
the full script to the story, FC and SC + 3rd. picture self explanatory.
See, this is odd to me. Because bad pacing and boring RPGs don't mesh well with me, I can very rarely finish them before they get on my nerves and I just give up. But FC had me captivated for my entire play through and I was glued to it for the 4 or 5 days it took me to beat.As a big fan of the series I too think that FC is boring as hell. Honestly, Falcom didn't figure out how to do a "WORDS WORDS WORDS"-RPG properly until Zero, the pacing during most of the Sora trilogy is completely fucked.
I'll help stoke the coals on the hype train. One ticket to board the hype train, please!
This is such an important point, Trials FC tells a story of two teenagers that aren't superhuman or chosen ones, they just go in an adventure.
Fair enough, just checked and my playtime was around 32 hours. Only used an FAQ for the books that are missable (And even then I missed one ha).That's the average for people exploring everything 100% without a FAQ and talking to NPCs on a constant basis to check for new dialogue. I need to check my total playtime tomorrow, but it's close to 50 hours as well.
See, this is odd to me. Because bad pacing and boring RPGs don't mesh well with me, I can very rarely finish them before they get on my nerves and I just give up. But FC had me captivated for my entire play through and I was glued to it for the 4 or 5 days it took me to beat.
See, this is odd to me. Because bad pacing and boring RPGs don't mesh well with me, I can very rarely finish them before they get on my nerves and I just give up. But FC had me captivated for my entire play through and I was glued to it for the 4 or 5 days it took me to beat.