The guide on GameFAQs by yangxu has a bracer point checklist, a quest summary section split into sidequests and hidden quests, and a Carnelia book location thingy in its appendix.Does anyone have a checklist for all the missable books/quests? I hate it when jRPGs do this sort of shit.
When is it coming to GOG? It's not on yet.
When is it coming to GOG? It's not on yet.
Yeah, the preponderance of permanent, timed missables caused me to drop the game on PSP.Does anyone have a checklist for all the missable books/quests? I hate it when jRPGs do this sort of shit.
You're very unlikely to spend that long on the game. 40 hours is the average for most people.Is this game really long? I need to know beforehand if I am getting myself into an 80+ hour RPG.
Yeah, the preponderance of permanent, timed missables caused me to drop the game on PSP.
It's also one of the reason I anticipate the PC release so much, though. I really want to give it a second play-through without worrying about quests that will time out in the span of 5 minutes or something. I think it'll help me enjoy the game much more.
Should be nice to have a close to 100% save to import to SC when it comes out.
I'm so excited!
Here's some FC wallpapers in case anyone wants to use one:
I'm conflicted over whether i should use a guide for missable content or not.
When is it coming to GOG? It's not on yet.
There is story, though. I mean, stuff definitely happens in the game. It just isn't worldshattering 'wtf omg' revelatory stuff for most of it. It's just that kind of RPG where it's more about going on an adventure and building the world. The real villains don't show up until the second game though (despite being mentioned in the first), and I'll be the first to admit that the first game is poorly paced. I don't think they should have waited so long to introduce some of the stuff.
But, I mean, the series does continue like this. There's lots of lighthearted moments and Falcom likes to pack any big story stuff into the back end of a given chapter. It might just not be for you, though. I think your post is fair, because there will certainly be others who feel the way you do if they're looking for specific kinds of RPGs.
You and me both... I dislike using guides if I can help it, but I am also completist to the extreme.I'm conflicted over whether i should use a guide for missable content or not.
You and me both... I dislike using guides if I can help it, but I am also completist to the extreme.
And so, our hype train nears the station. Unfortunately I won't be around by the time the store page updates so this will be considered the final Hype Train in the sky:
Big thanks to everyone who showed their tickets, this train is boarding almost 60 people (2 self-admitted slackers) on the way to launch! I hope everyone's enjoyed their ride upon the Galaxy Express 999 and have fun playingTitS. This is your conductor, signing off~with
This interests me greatly. Character interactions is a really important part of an an RPG to me. I've already forgotten Final Fantasy IX's plot, but Quina's lecture to Eiko on how to prepare dishes is something that I'll always remember fondly.The Legend of Heroes series in general has always kind of been like that. White Witch, for example, has a scene where Julio goes into a coughing fit while passing by a volcano, and Chris makes fun of the way he coughs. Julio then gets defensive, and the two of them get into a rather long, protracted argument about the proper way of coughing.
If that sounds like a charming scene of character banter to you, then you'd probably enjoy what the Legend of Heroes series -- Trails in the Sky included -- has to offer.
If it sounds like pointless nonsense, then you probably wouldn't.
I'm worried, however, about the apparent "wordiness" of the game. I don't mind really slow pacing (I like the introduction part of Suikoden V, for example), but verbose Japanese games tend to repeat information and over-explain everything. Virtue's Last Reward is the most recent game I played that drove me crazy with these.
Not sure if XSEED tested runtime in a WINE environment...a question worth asking.Okay I give in. I'm going to get this. It should work with Wine on Mac right?
Is the price showing for anyone else yet? Nothing showing on the UK store.
Yeah, it's really quite terrible in that regard. Trails in the Sky is full of missable sidequests that expect you to be at random places at very specific times. It's really frustrating and was the biggest reason why I didn't enjoy the game as much as I'd liked to back in the day.
People who've OCD with that kind of stuff and don't want to consult a guide, probably should think twice about buying this game, it pains me to say.
Welp, I can't say I'm not put off after reading this. Are the missable sidequests important or can I live without them?
Nothing missable is important.Welp, I can't say I'm not put off after reading this. Are the missable sidequests important or can I live without them?
Welp, I can't say I'm not put off after reading this. Are the missable sidequests important or can I live without them?
Welp, I can't say I'm not put off after reading this. Are the missable sidequests important or can I live without them?
Echoing everybody else. You'll be fine without them.
Yes, but you'll always have it in the back of your mind.
That was the biggest problem for me. You aren't missing much, but I just dislike the feeling of being locked out of content, especially so when the requirements feel abritrary.