Damn, pretty brutal stuff. Loved the end one. Side note, some good ole Jamie Woon!
I tried that strategy myself, but I couldn't kill those armored fuckers without the arc gun.
Oh, and can anyone tell me why "The Armoury" is grayed out?
The stealth is so bad in this game. Just another reason it's so mediocre in my book.
The 2nd stealth area is zero fun.
Really? Just use the crossbow, there's enough supply in the level to take out all the guards. Once I realized that after 2 failures, this section was actually rather nice.
Damn, pretty brutal stuff. Loved the end one. Side note, some good ole Jamie Woon!
Finished last night. One of my favourite films is An American Werewolf in London, so along with my love of dark themes and steampunk technology I was naturally extremely interested in this game right from the initial reveal. It took me almost 14 hours to complete on Hard/Aim Assist off, as I looked at everything I possibly could (although not all apparently as I've yet to achieve the Collectibles trophy) and just generally savoured the incredible atmosphere throughout. I loved the story, I loved the way it ended, I loved the very particular action used to end it. As praised by so many others, outstanding graphics, soundtrack, voice acting, gunplay, characters, world, all top notch. Certainly not so common an opinion, I really enjoyed the stealth sections, particularly the one. They were rather easy but that didn't matter, I loved that they were in there. Also, I'd have liked more, yes more, cutscenes. I wanted more backstory, more information on certain people and certain things but I guess that's all a deliberate part of the mystery as I've heardin the gardens at nightthis is intended to be a trilogy and, of course, it's left beautifully with us asking many a question and wanting more as a lone Galahad looks over the city mid credits.
Things that need to be improved for the sequel/s. I have no problem with the QTEs for theas I appreciate that it allows RAD to present them in as cinematic a way as possible. I enjoyed those battles for the spectacle. Lycans, however, need an AI boost, those encounters need to be more interesting with more tension. Blacklight needs refining. On screen tutorials need an option to be disabled. Those glorious science weapons need to be in our hands more often. Tesla's (The Order's Q) range of gadgets need expanding and more use. There needs to be higher difficulties offered. There needs to be more trophies up for grabs. The DS4 speaker needs to be used. There needs to be a quick turn. More areas to explore, more items of interest to find. There needs to be an inventory, even if it's just for collectibles. Cutscenes need to be skippable on second playthroughs. Not interested in an added multiplayer if it means a loss of focus on the single player experience, although a simple horde mode would be welcome.elders
It's my favourite game of this generation. I've fallen in love with everything it has to offer. An exceptionally solid foundation has been built and hopefully, due to the engine now in place, the sequel will be with us in a couple of years or so. Congratulations RAD, I believe you knocked it out of the park with what you were boldly intending to accomplish. Now to collect those remaining trophies and look into purchasing that godly soundtrack. I leave you with a song....
Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
I have a download code for the game so if you are interested let me know.
I don't get how you people can finish it in 6 hours, on hard to boot. It took me 11 hours on normal, and I wasn't exactly dillydallying about....
I don't get how you people can finish it in 6 hours, on hard to boot. It took me 11 hours on normal, and I wasn't exactly dillydallying about....
I don't get how you people can finish it in 6 hours, on hard to boot. It took me 11 hours on normal, and I wasn't exactly dillydallying about....
I do the exact same. Did the same in The Last of Us too. Took me a little over 10 hours on hard for The Order. I died several times too.Over the years, I've come to notice that a lot of people run whenever possible in games and go directly for the objective. I prefer to walk around a look at everything and It definitely pads my playing time in games
On the other hand I don't get how you can take 11 hours to finish the game.
I played it for approximately 6.5 to 7 hours and I also don't think I've rushed.
90% of it on hard without aim assist.
I don't stop at windows and inspect textures and such when I'm just playing the game. I also don't take screenshots.
I think you answered your own question.On the other hand I don't get how you can take 11 hours to finish the game
I don't stop at windows and inspect textures and such when I'm just playing the game. I also don't take screenshots.
I play almost every game like a role playing game. When I see my squad mates running towards an objective, then I also run there. If there is no urgency I even walk most of the time.Fair enough. like I say I'm not knocking anyone's style of play. You play the way that's the most fun for yourself. I'm the kind of player that has to search every room and I'm a sucker for a good vista so this game was ideal for me. Hence my 12 hour play time.
I'm probably one of the few who wished for even less combat and more exploration in the game. TBH I felt the same way about TLOU. The combat sometimes gets in the way of a good story.
This was in response to Paganmoon who couldn't understand how you can be faster than 11 hours which is what he took without dillydallying. I think stopping and inspecting textures and taking loads of screenshots is exactly that.I think you answered your own question.
I find the arc gun to be slow on that encounter. I used the revolver for quick 1 shot to the first wave, then a few bullets to take the shotgun dude. Carbine after I ran out of revolver bullets. Pretty intense shit going to one pillar to another.
Armoury is for the DLCs (costume). Greyed out if you haven't used any.
I don't think you can. I just noted down the times manually because I was interested based on the huge amount of discussions pre-release.How can i see how long it took me to beat the game?
I have a download code for the game so if you are interested let me know.
Anyone have a comprehensive collectibles guide? Or any tips in regards to what chapters to skip on cleanup?
Especially the stealth and airship ones yeah.Those are great, some seem something out of a bloopers reel.
+ functional nudity.
Anyone have a comprehensive collectibles guide? Or any tips in regards to what chapters to skip on cleanup?
This guide is really good, the best way to do it is start from the end (which will be freshest in your memory) and work your way back. Just skim through each video and find the things you don't recall seeing/getting. For me I missed 2 items in the warehouse
Lots of the end chapters don't have collectibles at all.
Finished it on hard at around 7 hours. Got all but two collectibles (that were hidden way out of the normal path). To me, I took my time with the game soaking up the atmosphere on display, taking plenty of screenshots.
The mileage may vary as always.
Speaking of hourly length, I found it to be just the right amount, though I disagree on the content placement of those hours - it could have used more prolonged game-play segments and different pacing in a few places.
Over the years, I've come to notice that a lot of people run whenever possible in games and go directly for the objective. I prefer to walk around a look at everything and It definitely pads my playing time in games
Nudity was working as intended?
On the other hand I don't get how you can take 11 hours to finish the game.
I played it for approximately 6.5 to 7 hours and I also don't think I've rushed.
90% of it on hard without aim assist.
I don't stop at windows and inspect textures and such when I'm just playing the game. I also don't take screenshots.
Playing the order just shows me how far ND is above others when it comes to these types of games.
I hope RAD gets a chance to make another one but i don't know if they have the people to give us a UC to UC2 jump.
I don't get how just running could make up for the extra hours I spent, I guess it's just time for me to realize I suck at playing games![]()
I liked it too, especially once I realized you had full movement control and there were environmental weapons. I just wish the dodge prompts weren't on screen and were up to the player to read the movements.One thing I actually loved was the concept and framework behind the Elder Lycan battles. I just wish they had fleshed it out and created a cinematic and modern version of a Super Punch-Out scenario, coupled with an increased difficulty to up the tension.
Are there any known future plans for this game at all? DLC, etc?
Are there any known future plans for this game at all? DLC, etc?
I liked it too, especially once I realized you had full movement control and there were environmental weapons. I just wish the dodge prompts weren't on screen and were up to the player to read the movements.