Ahhhh, gotcha. And apologies. I've been a member of NeoGAF for a lot of years, but I've always been an infrequent poster, at best. Working to change that, but I clearly need to learn some of the etiquette. =)
I liked it, not sure if I feel up to playing through it again just to get all the collectibles & Platinum. Especially when I can't tell where I missed them.
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
The way the light reflects off of the graphite from the pencil work on the paper blew my mind. Was able to get a direct feed screenshot with my capture card. Amazing.
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
Given that you can probably trade it in for almost it's full value what's stopping you? At best you'll spend $10 on it and I'd say it's worth the $60 that I spent.
I agree with what has been said a lot in this thread. The game is getting trashed and it's not warranted. I'm someone that loves this type of genre though so take that for what it's worth. Things that really impress me are the gun sounds (especially revolver) and some of the creative guns (seen two already and they are both awesome). Still only in chapter 4 but for someone who will sell this on ebay when done, I'm OK with the cost. Happy so far - not a 10 but def not a 5 - more like a satisfying 7.5/8
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
I think for most of us the price point is the sticky thing. At $20 the game is 9/10 easy for me, very fun and enjoyable, same price I'd pay for a good movie. At $60 it drops to a 6/10 just because a 10 hour game shouldn't cost $60 in my mind.
On the plus side if you live in the USA you can trade it into Best Buy or Amazon for $35-44 this week, I paid $48 for my copy and traded it in for $44 so a $4 rental is easily worth it for me, 10/10 at that price. The $44 GC i got is going straight into paying for Witcher 3.
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
All I can say is, if you know what the game is like before you get it, if you're OK with that concept of mixture of shooter and Heavy Rain style storytelling and interaction, you're almost for sure going to enjoy it. Because both of these aspects of the game are done well, and the most frustration I've felt about it so far is seeing so clearly how certain things could have been done even better. The game is super polished otherwise, but if the concept doesn't sound appealing to you, steer clear.
I think that's the only way I can rationalize some of the really bad reviews this was getting. The concept is not something that can appeal to gameplay-first / gameplay-only crowd. I can see people being principally against this kind of game, and just not getting anything out of it, similar to how I would have to score even the best Madden game only 1/10 if I was scoring it completely subjectively. I simply and literally get nothing out of those games, regardless how well they are regarded by the fans of the genre.
Lord Hastings is a vampire, he is also Jack the Ripper. There are many mentions of his killings throughout the game. I believe the Vampires are using the Lycans as cover. They just started with shipping them to other places in the World, seems like the Vampires for now are based in London. I think people are just mistaking the thing the Vampires do as them being done by Lycans.
Hastings is a vampire himself of course, somehow while typing my last answer I got confused and remembered the 2nd Elder Lycan fight as being against Hastings, but no that was Lucan, Hastings is jack the vampire ripper, so it actually makes sense, the Ripper murders are made by a vampire, not a Lycan.
I was put off by the length but turst me, the game has more problems than the length. It is just a bad game, I'm glad I am making £10 profit off it which I will put towards something decent.
A lot have deluded themselves that they are consumer champions who knows what the consumer wants hence we have this weird scenario where:
Racing games are getting poor reviews because you can't drive aimlessly between events and spend hours moving your suspension a mm or so whilst drawing nice bonnet stickers.
Shooters are given poor reviews because there's no fetch quests off the beaten track the game wants to go down.
In other words a lot of reviewers have started critiquing games for what they aren't instead of what they are. It's all a bit bollocks and why I've decided that reviews are no longer worth the steam off my piss.
So torn. Reading some things in this thread that make me want to buy this. I have loved it's style and design for months but the reviews affected any potential purchase. Might have to get it after all
Oh, I forgot to add my second point: Digital Trends doesn't actually have a formalized review scale that explains what our scores mean. That's a problem. It's something we are actively working on. I almost quit my job last year over a disagreement with higher ups who wanted to change the score on something. It's a situation that needs to change. And it's one that is changing. All of editorial met last Friday to take the first steps toward hammering out a codified scale. Haters still gonna hate when they don't agree with a review, but at least we'll be able to point them in the direction of a formalized explanation.
I'll happily respond, but as someone pointed out to me earlier, this is veering off the thread's topic. I'm happy to discuss if you'd care to email me directly: arosenberg AT digitaltrends.
You know what? You're absolutely right. I was wrong to tweet that. I tried to reply in another thread that brought it up, but said thread is closed. So I'm glad you mentioned it here.
It was not a good thing for me to do. As much as the comment was meant to be some banter among friends, I too quickly forgot that Twitter is also a public forum. And what plays as a joke among friends can very easily be read by an outsider as me celebrating the failure of others. That is not at all what I'm about as a person, and I honestly regret making such a tasteless statement in a public space. Everyone who gave me crap for saying it was absolutely right. I can't take it back, but I can at least take the whole experience as an important lesson so as not to make the same mistake twice.
I finished it up this weekend and really enjoyed my time with it. The game looked absolutely amazing and certain objects even looked life like. The gun variety was great. I thought the game set up a really interesting world with some interesting characters. I really hope they do a sequel because I want more of this world. I'm letting my buddy borrow the game today but I'm not sure if I should keep it when he is finished. Has there been any hints at there being some story dlc in the future?
So, I bought the game two days ago, and man, I'm on chapter 3 after 2 hours. I don't see the reason to be hating on this game so much. The same thing happened to me with DriveClub, they're not the best games ever, but they're not a 6/10 game. Not even close...
Maybe it's because I just enjoy gaming.
I can see the flaws in the cinematic experience and stuff, but the experience as a whole is much better than I expected.
The lore and the scenery, the protagonists and the overall experience it's a solid 8/10 in my honest opinion.
So, I bought the game two days ago, and man, I'm on chapter 3 after 2 hours. I don't see the reason to be hating on this game so much. The same thing happened to me with DriveClub, they're not the best games ever, but they're not a 6/10 game. Not even close...
Maybe it's because I just enjoy gaming.
I can see the flaws in the cinematic experience and stuff, but the experience as a whole is much better than I expected.
The lore and the scenery, the protagonists and the overall experience it's a solid 8/10 in my honest opinion.
I said the same thing to one of my friends as the bolded part. I didn't go in trying to judge this like an art critic. I just went in and played a game with a story that I liked and I ended up getting a good experience out of it.
I think gaming is taken too seriously anymore. Everything is critiqued, except how fun something actually is. Which is sad.
Beat this yesterday. It's pretty much the definition of average besides the incredible visuals. Hope the inevitable sequel focuses on better level design/puzzles/combat scenarios.
Beat this yesterday. It's pretty much the definition of average besides the incredible visuals. Hope the inevitable sequel focuses on better level design/puzzles/combat scenarios.
What did you think of the musical score, voice acting/writing and the gunplay? I thought the music and voice acting/writing of the game were especially good and better than most in the industry.
Had a ton of fun with this game over the weekend. Took me about 9 hours to complete. I thought for sure I could get the platinum in one playthrough but I must have missed some collectibles somewhere. Guess I will have to pull up a guide to find them on a second playthrough.
Either way, in no way is this game a 5/10 imo. I give it a solid 7 for sure.
Probably the archive. That area is timed before the cutscene starts. It's not actually possible to get everything in one go without a checkpoint restart. That's the only checkpoint I had to go back to anyway.
Just finished the game, credits are rolling right now.
Overall I thought it was an enjoyable ride but there are so many strange design decisions in this game that keep it from being a great game.
Force insta failed stealth sections are a big no. Lycan fights were downright boring and lazy in design. So many useless QTE sprinkled in the game. I felt that some of the levels, while not badly designed, lacked some originality.
At least most of the fights were fun. There were three spots in the game I think were you're just stuck in a tight spot and the game throws waves of ennemies at you, those were not fun.
So, I bought the game two days ago, and man, I'm on chapter 3 after 2 hours. I don't see the reason to be hating on this game so much. The same thing happened to me with DriveClub, they're not the best games ever, but they're not a 6/10 game. Not even close...
Maybe it's because I just enjoy gaming.
I can see the flaws in the cinematic experience and stuff, but the experience as a whole is much better than I expected.
The lore and the scenery, the protagonists and the overall experience it's a solid 8/10 in my honest opinion.
You are still early in the game .
The game shows more and more of it flaws as time goes on.
Maybe you will still give it a 8 after it done but it's still early days for you .
So having played through the hospital level a second time. I had to ask a question concerning the moments after
the Lycan
fight. Spoilers guys concerning a reveal later in the game:
So when you put down Isi and are exploring, there is a dead body that Galahad comments on in one of the back rooms and he says something along the lines of the poor bastard being burned. Now is it just me, or is that actually a vampire? The ears are pointy and there is a large stake in the middle of the chest.
What did you think of the musical score, voice acting/writing and the gunplay? I thought the music and voice acting/writing of the game were especially good and better than most in the industry.
For some reason lots of people only focus on the negative and completely ignore the good parts of games. It baffles my mind. Like an above poster said, I love playing games for what they are, not critique them and let the negatives kill an experience for me. Of course there are bad games, but this game simply is not a bad game. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around some of those really low scores it got.
So having played through the hospital level a second time. I had to ask a question concerning the moments after
the Lycan
fight. Spoilers guys concerning a reveal later in the game:
So when you put down Isi and are exploring, there is a dead body that Galahad comments on in one of the back rooms and he says something along the lines of the poor bastard being burned. Now is it just me, or is that actually a vampire? The ears are pointy and there is a large stake in the middle of the chest.
Just finished the game, and wow thank god I resisted the negative reviews. After a year of mostly disappointing games, The Order was exactly what I needed. For me the atmosphere, the graphics, the guns, the characters and the story were great. I certainly understand that it can be a tough sale for 59.99, 69.99 here in Canada due to the length of the campaign, but the extremely low scores were definitely unwarranted in my opinion. Yes it could have done with less QTEs and the game-play was average, but RAD has a great foundation started to make this a big series for PlayStation. Multiplayer would definitely have the potential to be something special and hopefully they will bring that in for the sequel.
For some reason lots of people only focus on the negative and completely ignore the good parts of games. It baffles my mind. Like an above poster said, I love playing games for what they are, not critique them and let the negatives kill an experience for me. Of course there are bad games, but this game simply is not a bad game. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around some of those really low scores it got.
I feel like I'm the voice of negativity in this thread- but I'm really not- I just hate analysis like this. There is no "bad game" or "good game" here. There is a game that will affect different people In different ways. A review is just a written recap of ones time with a piece of art, meant to convey how that experience affected you. It's just an opinion.
Besides the choice of weapons you take in with you, the room itself also gives you two very different ways to tackle the battle. You can either stay within the room and have fun or you can
duck into one of the entrances the reinforcements appear from, safely hiding in there and picking everyone off outside.
So having played through the hospital level a second time. I had to ask a question concerning the moments after
the Lycan
fight. Spoilers guys concerning a reveal later in the game:
So when you put down Isi and are exploring, there is a dead body that Galahad comments on in one of the back rooms and he says something along the lines of the poor bastard being burned. Now is it just me, or is that actually a vampire? The ears are pointy and there is a large stake in the middle of the chest.
I feel like I'm the voice of negativity in this thread- but I'm really not- I just hate analysis like this. There is no "bad game" or "good game" here. There is a game that will affect different people In different ways. A review is just a written recap of ones time with a piece of art, meant to convey how that experience affected you. It's just an opinion.
I can understand that completely. I think it is the unnecessary "piling on" from reviewers/jounos that is causing this feeling for me. They are taking joy in something they don't like. It's very odd and suspicious. Yet those same reviewers will give a game like say MCC a 9/10 that was UNPLAYABLE at launch and is still an incomplete game with basic shit missing. Something is amiss.
EDIT: To add, journos on social media are almost reading like youtube comments these days. If gaming is to be taken seriously, they need to be more mature and professional, yet they read and act like my teenage self. As a grown married adult with a kid, I do not think it is funny at all. This industry deserves better from those critiquing it. IMO
For some reason lots of people only focus on the negative and completely ignore the good parts of games. It baffles my mind. Like an above poster said, I love playing games for what they are, not critique them and let the negatives kill an experience for me. Of course there are bad games, but this game simply is not a bad game. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around some of those really low scores it got.
What did you think of the musical score, voice acting/writing and the gunplay? I thought the music and voice acting/writing of the game were especially good and better than most in the industry.
For some reason lots of people only focus on the negative and completely ignore the good parts of games. It baffles my mind. Like an above poster said, I love playing games for what they are, not critique them and let the negatives kill an experience for me. Of course there are bad games, but this game simply is not a bad game. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around some of those really low scores it got.
The product does not stand alone in a vacuum. The presentation is of the highest tier. Good graphics, good voice work, good score etc etc but something like Uncharted 2 was able to have all of this at a very high level while still having combat scenarios/encounters and set pieces that are not entirely mundane. In 2009. It functions highly as a linear story driven experience while not sacrificing player agency and game design. That is why that game received high marks while this one did not. It should feel lucky to be rated what it even is.
I can understand that completely. I think it is the unnecessary "piling on" from reviewers/jounos that is causing this feeling for me. They are taking joy in something they don't like. It's very odd and suspicious. Yet those same reviewers will give a game like say MCC a 9/10 that was UNPLAYABLE at launch and is still an incomplete game with basic shit missing. Something is amiss.
MCC had some bugs and MP was broken but it was still fun for them .
I agree that it got to high scores but that does not mean they going to like the order even if it's not broken in any way .
Sometimes i don't agree with reviews ( DC for eg )other times i do and the order is one of them .
If the game is not fun to them nothing is going to change that .
EDIT: To add, journos on social media are almost reading like youtube comments these days. If gaming is to be taken seriously, they need to be more mature and professional, yet they read and act like my teenage self. As a grown married adult with a kid, I do not think it is funny at all. This industry deserves better from those critiquing it. IMO
This is a valid issue. And I don't think this is a problem with journos alone. People in general are way too immature and callous on twitter. Everyday somebody says something stupid and makes the headline.
So how many reviews out there have not written about the positives? I don't think there are many. Anyway, this discussion should happen in the review thread.
Have decided to start a second play through, just so I can drool at the graphics some more. Also want to rack up some trophies.
I wrote a piece on The Order: 1886 on this gaming blog my friends and I started. I think the game got a raw deal partially due to poor marketing and partially because of expectations people have for content like it. I think it works great if you think of it as an interactive movie. http://the-optional.com/2015/02/23/cinematic-intent-discussing-the-order-1886/
Some quotes from my piece, it's a bit long.
Developer’s intent is something that rarely gets discussed unless it’s to the detriment of the developers. I assume that’s because when something is working well you never have to guess if that’s how the developer intended for it to be. With The Order I believe developers’s intent is vital to the discussion because there are a lot of design choices that serve the story and it’s pacing more than the tenants of conventional third person shooter design. The Order is completely absent of FMVs, every “cutscene” is composed entirely in real time. This allows RaD to have seamless transitions between story beats and player controlled sequences. RaD championed this approach, claiming it boosts immersion and that’s true, but it can also be immersion breaking. They continuously jump back and forth between player controlled bits and stylish non interactive set pieces. The switching is frequent enough to throw off hardcore shooter fans, but I can’t argue it doesn’t enhance the narrativve experience. It’s downright conflicting at times. Early on I said to myself “Damn this is really incredible and slick, but I wish I were doing a little bit more”.
I started this by calling The Order: 1886 an interactive movie. I then went on to debate the notion that declaring it not a game based on the amount of narrative vs gameplay was a mistake. What I guess I’m fighting against is the belief that just because something isn’t like everything else, just because something isn’t what we expect of it, doesn’t mean the experience it offers isn’t of value. The notion that The Order: 1886 is shit because it sets out to do something different than what we expect is problematic because it narrows the parameters of what interactive storytelling can be. Companies like Annapurna Pictures are starting departments for VR films and flirting with interactive storytelling. We also had experiences in 2014 like Gone Home that challenged the definition of games as well. Do we need to have a discussion about the value of these kinds of experiences? Yes. Do we perhaps need a different category for experiences like this? Maybe. But the glee with which we tear developers down needs to stop. Artists must be allowed to experiment. It is only from that experimentation that we find new experiences to enjoy and move the medium forward.
MCC had some bugs and MP was broken but it was still fun for them .
I agree that it got to high scores but that does not mean they going to like the order even if it's not broken in any way .
Sometimes i don't agree with reviews ( DC for eg )other times i do and the order is one of them .
If the game is not fun to them nothing is going to change that .
So how many reviews out there have not written about the positives? I don't think there are many. Anyway, this discussion should happen in the review thread.
Ok, so I just finished this.
I think the game would have suffered much less criticism if it actually did something good with the world it builds.
As it doesn't, you're left with a beautifull game, with very dated mechanisms (seriously, which other game in 2015 still puts crates that conveniently are just the size of a man in the middle of a normal road as excuse for cover?), and not so exciting story and pacing.
The game also leaves a bad taste because they didn't had time to finish the game: the last boss is
just a QTE fest you already had in the middle of the game
, and they even buchtered up the ending credits (they last like 10 minutes, but the music accompagnement only lasts 5...).
On the game design point, there are some very jarring points:
- The little gameplay parts when you take things in your hands just feels... off. You can only move it a bit around, it (mostly) brings nothing to the story nor the background (and when it does, it does it in the wrong chapters, on things that are long past).
- I noticed several glowing things that looked like they could be picked up, but nope, that were just odd looking and glowing documents.
- Everybody nows it's a linear game. Yet sometimes, you have little adgacent rooms (very little, like maybe 5 m²) that... just are there, because welp it's a game, so they must be there right? But they don't even break this linear feeling, given how small they are, so they don't serve any purpose.
- Some chapters are completely cutscenes with zero gameplay. The palm goes to chap. 6: you have one very little """gameplay""" phase as explained in the first point. The problem being that you have no fucking idea what you have to do (
you actually have to wait for a hidden timer to pass; but that timer is waaay too long
). I was left there wondering what I should do. I was thinking, as they took the effort to put this "gameplay" in the middle of their precious cutscenes, you'd have something specific to do, but nope. Just have to wait for the game going on by itself.
- As already said in the beggining, every game design decision feels old. Especially the setup for the fighting arena. The "role" of each ennemi is also too strict, you feel like you have a very bad IA who only knows to do one thing. (
and fuck these armored shotguns)
- And lastly, not really game design, but: why the heck does everything has to be so dark and so grey? We know you wanted to go for a dark mood; that doesn't mean you have to take every color and brightness away from your game.
So, all in all, could have been a great game (without having to loose its cinematic pretention), but failed on so many points that you're just left with a very pretty empty shell.
The game's length wasn't a problem for me, personnaly.