I wonder if this game can win that Sigraph Award for Best Graphics, like Ryse won.
Is it too late to submit it?
Is it too late to submit it?
There's no collectable tracking? That's going to be a pain in the ass.
I don't have the game yet but figured I'd grab a screen before I get more.
I don't feel like it's a "bane" but I feel it's highly misplaced in a game like The Order. I don't feel like it adds anything to the game. Again this is my opinion, but each weapon in The Order feels unique. From the coach shotgun to the standard shotgun, the different pistols and machine pistols, the long range rifles, the Falchion machine gun compared to the standard machine gun, etc. I feel like each one felt distinct and had a lot of thought put into their designs. I think adding something like a leveling system would mess that up, making guns weaker in the beginning and upgrading to more powerful ones w/ stats and all during the course of the game...just doesn't fit the universe imo.
Just finished the game.
Loved it despite some problems.
It ended abruptly as I finished my last playthrough on Chapter XIV so there was only 2 chapters left basically and my last playthrough only lasted about an hour, wish there was more!
And damn quite a cliffhanger there! It's a bit of a shame as I hoped that The Order games will be standalones and with sequels/prequels will move on to an other era, but now we desperately need an Order 1887.
There's no collectable tracking? That's going to be a pain in the ass.
Yeah, I'm on the same problem now. Only got all of the newspapers, and will have to get the rest with a complete youtube guide which I absolutely despise ughh...
Yeah, I'm on the same problem now. Only got all of the newspapers, and will have to get the rest with a complete youtube guide which I absolutely despise ughh...
PowerPyx makes the best collectable guides. Fast, well edited, and easy to follow.Jump on PlaystationTrophies and use the PowerPyx or whatever their name is guide. The videos are short, only took me about an hour last night to jump around chapters grabbing the ones I didn't recognise.
I thought the same but there's been a couple places where many people missed documents/objects
Do this first:
1.Go through the Archives again, it's not possible to get everything there in 1 go
2. Go back to the warehouse in Chapter 9 right before you start burning the crates. I missed a document and object there
Other than some phonographs, those were the only things I missed. I would bet it's the same for you if you were thorough in your playthrough.
And phonographs are easy as you can see which one's you're missing and just look up their locations
Edit: 1 other place some people might miss is a door that you have to lockpickin the gardens during chapter 11
PowerPyx makes the best collectable guides. Fast, well edited, and easy to follow.
An astute observationAnd from what I've seen, America and India are likely to be the most possible.
Very awesome if trueEnticing eh![]()
PowerPyx makes the best collectable guides. Fast, well edited, and easy to follow.
Why am I getting a vibe that Grayson will travel around the world to save mankind from Half-breed epidemic? lol
According to the map in the book Lakshmi and Grayson found, half-breed species are shipped to many places such as European Continent, China, Japan, America and India. So yeah, I guess we will see more locations in the next The Order game. And from what I've seen, America and India are likely to be the most possible.
The lycan "fights" have to be the worst part of the game. They're so one dimensional, and that that one dimension isn't even close to being fun. The sounds they make become annoying as hell after a while too.
PowerPyx makes the best collectable guides. Fast, well edited, and easy to follow.
Great idea... would be cool to use it to detect weak points or slow down time enough to fight fast supernatural enemies.
Hope RAD expands on the use of blacksight in a sequel, like incorporating/requiring its use for boss fights or something. Using blacksight to go into slow-mo and detonate an air grenade looks and feels awesome.
I could see this, he does however bring up a point aboutIsi not even questioning why he would be doing what he is doing. They were supposed to be close yet she turns on him on a dime without questioning anything or giving him the benefit of the doubt
Also blacksight isn't obvious enough or something. I've played almost the entire game without remembering I have it.
2 copies in stock. Act now!
Yeah, I also think RAD could learn a bit from RE4 in how to do boss fights properly without taking the controls from the player, and blacksight could be a helpful solution to that. Use blacksight to dodge or attack instead of relying on QTEs or whatever. The Verudo fight in RE4 could have been reworked and expanded on with the Lycans.
Instead we got this, which had the game basically on rails with auto-run and all you did was a bunch of worthless shooting for a couple seconds. This could have worked as in introduction to show us what we should do when battling the lycan, but we were never given the chance to actually run away from the Lycan with full control of Galahad.[/img
I feel when you take the controls from the player and force the game to basically play for you, much of the tension is lost, you already know you won't die during this part.
What's more disappointing is RAD basically showed you using blacksight during this Lycan battle, but again, you had no control in Galahad's movements, and nothing ever came of this or expanded on in actual gameplay with full control. Instead the next battles we get with the Lycan are the barebones QTE and repeated attack animations for the hand to hand fighting.
I guess you're right. The game has the levels, the music and the monsters to scare your pants off, [spoiler]but I did feel they weren't fully utilised to that effect. [/spoiler]
Yea, good stuff.Beat it, love it, want more of it. Thescene is O_Oafter the credits
I loved how the game ended, just not when it ended. I was held firm in the game's world and could have gone for twice or three times as much story as we got here, but its hard to complain when considering just how detailed each and every area was, and how super polished every step through that world seemed to be.So good.
I just finished the game on hard. It took me 7 hours 26 minutes. I tried not rushing, and explored. Overall I enjoyed it, though the end was disappointing.
I'd say that's very reasonable.Is there any reasonable chance of this getting DLC?
Or should we expect any efforts to be put towards a sequel, assuming they have the green light?
Did you use a stopwatch too? I would estimate about 8 or 9 hours played and I'm stuck at the warehouse in chapter 9
Is there any reasonable chance of this getting DLC?
Or should we expect any efforts to be put towards a sequel, assuming they have the green light?
I kept track when I started and stopped playing each session with notepad.