Oh hey! I like that too, but I call it "Spectacular Failure". They reached for the stars and failed in the most spectacular Challenger-esque way, but I appreciate the attempt.
Hey I liked Cloud AtlasBut no "Beautifully Ugly" will always be a missed opportunity and a disappointment for me.
People who have played it can call it what they want. You haven't played it, they have. Huge difference.
Short summary of my thoughts
Thanks for your summary. Do you think it's going to end up in your GOTY list?
With Uncharted 4, Zelda, Xenoblade, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and MGSV? Impossible.
With Uncharted 4, Zelda, Xenoblade, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and MGSV? Impossible.
Is Rapier gonna get banned after every game he likes doesn't review well? :/
So this game is getting a photo mode?
Cant play this for another 5 hours though.
Yeah well I have a feeling this game is not a "2" giant bomb was just being giant bomb (I'm not a fan of giant bomb)Shinobi said it's coming post launch. No idea if the horrible reviews will change the plan.
So much hate. I'll form my own opinions tomorrow when I pick it up. Beautiful games need to be played. Still hyped.
Just arrived from JB HiFi, my sackbody is ready.
Maybe he will rise victorious. Didn't he max hype Driveclub, then get his wings clipped, only to be redeemed a little down the road once the network issues were ironed out and the game started firing on all cylinders.Is Rapier gonna get banned after every game he likes doesn't review well? :/
EDIT: I don't understand how you can repeat something you didn't like, Ami. Enlighten me please! Specially since I really liked that movie.
Yeah well I have a feeling this game is not a "2" giant bomb was just being giant bomb (I'm not a fan of giant bomb)
Just arrived from JB HiFi, my sackbody is ready.
Maybe he will rise victorious. Didn't he max hype Driveclub, then get his wings clipped, only to be redeemed a little down the road once the network issues were ironed out and the game started firing on all cylinders.
Perhaps The Order can turn things around. Regardless: tomorrow night it's go time for me.
That's 4 free spots in your top 10!![]()
DC's has an excellent season pass... Shame the Order does not have additional content on the way. A lot of the reviews indicate that just when you think the story is about to get going, that section deflates. Would be nice if they could fill in the gaps with an expansion pack, but it seems that is not in the cards.The issues in the game are not things like Driveclub had which was a technical issue. The issues that the Order has (based on reviews) are not things that can be fixed. For sequel yes, 100% agree. There is nothing for them to fix it is what it is. I wont be able to play copy until after 6pm tomorrow, but still looking forward to it, regardless of the reviews.
Help! Is Best Buy opening tonight!
The issues in the game are not things like Driveclub had which was a technical issue. The issues that the Order has (based on reviews) are not things that can be fixed. For sequel yes, 100% agree. There is nothing for them to fix it is what it is. I wont be able to play copy until after 6pm tomorrow, but still looking forward to it, regardless of the reviews.
Definitely the best looking character models in a game so far.
*Captured video on PS4 and made GIF
This IP is going to live or die based on day 1 sales. Sony gave it a big marketing push, we'll just see how it goes from here.The issues with Driveclub (based on reviews) were not technical either. The only way the Order will make any "comeback" is if a majority of its mainstream target audience enjoys it. I don't think Driveclub has gotten there yet. Not sure it ever will. It has PS+ version as its final shot at salvation. Not sure about the Order. If it fails tomorrow, it is pretty much over.
Early impressions from the first chapter:
I LOVED IT! Seriously, anyone on the fence and likes cinematic games, doesn't mind cutscenes and loves to really capture the atmosphere, then go for it. Of course, this is only the first chapter but i'm so pumped. Will continue tomorrow.
P.s. Viveks i'm still waiting on your impressions![]()
If it's not fun... It's not fun.I find it really odd that The Order is... essentially a technical marvel. Even if it drops the ball on everything else, scores in the range of 20% are just really, really odd.
You're the only one looking forward to mine. No pressure here at all.I won't get to play it for another 6.5 hours!
Looks like at least 2 people are looking forward to it. No pressure, Vivek. Stay cool. You can do this.
I find it really odd that The Order is... essentially a technical marvel. Even if it drops the ball on everything else, scores in the range of 20% are just really, really odd.
I find it really odd that The Order is... essentially a technical marvel. Even if it drops the ball on everything else, scores in the range of 20% are just really, really odd.
Holy shit Giant Bomb did it again? They always did give me a bad vibe.
thinking something is beautifully ugly is not the same as not liking it. I think Cloud Atlas is a fascinating movie to watch because analysis of it is is really amazingly fun. There's so many individual elements that are good. Like, some of the stories are better than others; some actors more competent and believable than others. I love the absurdist Timothy Cavendish plotline, but others thought that was the weakest. I love how you can watch the film thirty times and still find more nuanced ways they tried to subtly weave each of the plots together, to create this wickedly cool tapestry that rippled throughout time.
But it's just a sloppy slop mess that never quite comes together; some things come across really poorly on screen (like Tom Hanks demon conscience) and others are just offensive/bad/ugly/confusing (the asian makeup for non-asian actors). And yet still other elements are just wonderfully inspiring, thought provoking and incredibly pulled together this scene and especially this scene (heavy spoilers, and NSFW nudity from movie in second link). I mean it's difficult to imagine just how complicated it is to tie all these time periods together in a way that thematically synchronizes together at just the right moment, but these directors knew how to edit these scenes together in just the most wonderfully effective fashion. And I love how the movies gorgeous understated main theme (Cloud Atlas sextet) is everywhere, down to the tiniest band playing in the street to the hymns people sing.
It's beautifully ugly, you see. A wonderful attempt at a barely missed achievement.
If it fails tomorrow, it is pretty much over.
You're the only one looking forward to mine. No pressure here at all.
Being silent is the best option they have now.any comments from rad guys on reviews? hopefully they don't feel too bad![]()
Thanks for the post. I understand your point. Want to see the movie again now.