What is this puzzle/story that I didn't finish yet? I don't know what to do right now.. I was thinking that I have done everything that I could have done and now I can't finish the game because of this
Screen is from a YT video
Isnt itSearch in the woods, just after where the stone of the train case was previously. You are looking for a strange aluminium light-post.the astronaut ?
Bit of tooting their own horns going on here, but interesting post nonetheless and I'm always down with devs being upfront like this. I for one had no qualms with the game's plot and structure and I want to read more analysis about it in the future. I do feel a lot of people focus too much on endings while at the same time wanting instant gratificationNice text about Ending from Astronauts Crew (Devs)
This game must be played at least twice, to really appreciate its story, because the "proper way of playing it (that everyone tries in their first playthrough) is technically the wrong way. In your second playthrough, ignore the bodies, don't touch them and just continue on your path, collecting all the items as you go (but don't put them in their place!). Hint:in the mines, Ethan's mother wanted to go up to deal with the Sleeper.
Is this some sort of troll or a suggestion that you shouldcollect all items and go up "somewhere" to get a secret second ending?
Or perhaps there is another exit and the game is not linear at all?
Could you elaborate?
"Another story, kid. What else?"
With a GTX 770 2GB I was doing 2xMSAA to keep the framerate high. 4xMSAA might have worked but might have also dipped in places.Is anyone able to get a steady 60fps on max(8xMSAA) with a single card setup?
Had to turn down to 4xMSAA with my 970.
Any word on when the console versions of this are coming? I'd rather play it on a platform that I can trust to run it at a high level.
Any word on when the console versions of this are coming? I'd rather play it on a platform that I can trust to run it at a high level.
Any word on when the console versions of this are coming? I'd rather play it on a platform that I can trust to run it at a high level.
Can someone explain the structure of the game to me? How exactly are you supposed to play this? I feel like I've spent the first hour just running everywhere like a maniac. Are you supposed to finish a bunch of small puzzles, or is everything part of one single giant puzzle? I'm kind of overwhelmed by the open nature of the environments, you can always move forward and it seems easy to miss stuff.
idk what it is about this game, but I cranked everything down to the lowest settings possible and it is extremely jittery when moving around. It has the same amount of jittery/lagginess on the highest settings as it does the lowest settings...not sure what the deal is
It doesn't matter what settings you use the game just stutters like hell on some setups. Doesn't look like they're ever going to address it.
Is it when you're running? If so it's the game hitching as it streams in content I believe. Unreal engine has this issue at times depending on PC configuration.idk what it is about this game, but I cranked everything down to the lowest settings possible and it is extremely jittery when moving around. It has the same amount of jittery/lagginess on the highest settings as it does the lowest settings...not sure what the deal is
It doesn't matter what settings you use the game just stutters like hell on some setups. Doesn't look like they're ever going to address it.
No console will be able to run it at a high level.
Red Creek Valley is not only a beautiful graphics work, it feels like a place.
Despite invisible walls and limitated interaction, I have the vivid impression to be inside that environment.
Is it when you're running? If so it's the game hitching as it streams in content I believe. Unreal engine has this issue at times depending on PC configuration.
Walking might help resolve it giving your PC more time to stream. Getting around will take abut longer but at least the view is nice.
If it stutters even while walking you might want to try for refund or hit Google to see if any users fixes as that would make game terrible to experience.
My new PC with decent specs stuttered as well. Far from being a slideshow, but I noticed a slight jitter every so often. A minor annoyance, but an update would be nice.
Is this some sort of troll or a suggestion that you shouldcollect all items and go up "somewhere" to get a secret second ending?
I missed the same thing and had the same hike, ha.I've spent parts of this weekend playing through the game and loved almost every second of it.Aside from realising I'd have to do a two-mile hike back from the very start of the game as I'd missed one trap when I was first there.
As a fan of the 'Walking Simulator' genre, it's one of the best I've played in recent times. A combination of Myst's lack of clear guidance and Lovecraftian horror that manages to wrap itself up satisfactorily story-wise. Plus, as has been mentioned by almost everyone else, ii is just absolutely bloody beautiful to behold. Of my five hours of playtime, I think at least one of those was spent simply walking around and admiring the scenery.
I missed the same thing and had the same hike, ha.
I also missed the crank on the train, so I think the astronaut section was the very first investigation/event I actually finished. Naturally I was VERY confused seeing that play out as my first event.
I agree, game looks good, the first couple of mysteries were pretty fun, setting up the scenes etc. I just didn't care for the ending or the protagonist originsEh, it wasn't all that great. The atmosphere was nice in spots but the flow of the 'investigations' got repetitive at a point, I just felt like I was going through the motions which surprised me considering the game is only around 3-4 hours long. By the end I just wanted to finish the story, which had a pretty dull conclusion.
Yeah, I hate scary games. I thought it was basically built perfectly since:Man, fuck the moment in the caves. Startled the shit out of me, the most ever since Amnesia. Goddamn.
Yeah, I hate scary games. I thought it was basically built perfectly since:
The entire game, you're trained to take your time and examine everything slowly. Aside from traps popping up at the beginning, you're also taught that there are no humans, no monsters, and no enemies in general. You're taught that nothing will ever jump into your face, so calm down and explore.
Then THAT happens.
Stupid question, but:All right, I've made it to the turbine room and I have no option to turn it off. I have completed every investigation and still nothing. Anyone else have this problem?
Stupid question, but:
Have youexamined all of the turbine wheels carefully? And if so, are you able to turn any of them at all?
Has anyone tried PMing Boskee? I guess I figured that was interpretation or something, rather than an actual game change.So, is there an alternative ending or not? We got those highly cryptic posts by Boskee earlier in this thread (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=132368036&highlight=#post132368036, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=132412928&highlight=#post132412928, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=132432284&highlight=#post132432284) and then there's this: http://steamcommunity.com/app/258520/discussions/0/616189106505896862/#c620696522096502035 (although this one might by a joke). And then there's the fact that I only have 10/14 achievements despite having apparently done everything; there's also one achievement ("Unfinished story") that precisely no-one has.
And is there any way to read the achievement descriptions without unlocking them?
Has anyone tried PMing Boskee? I guess I figured that was interpretation or something, rather than an actual game change.
I don't know of a way to read the descriptions without unlocking them. I also don't know of an alternate ending yet.
I continued my game and shortly thereafter got 11/14 achievements. ACHIEVEMENT SPOILERS:
One is very obvious about the tunnel. I'm almost POSITIVE I had previously walked all the way through it and noticed it just puts you out in the same place, but maybe the game didn't save that or something, so I had to do it again. That put me at 12/14 achievements. The description just mentions walking towards the light, so it's presumably part of Ethan's journey, after the stages of grief (other achievements).
The only two I don't have are one about the time, and one about the unfinished story. I'm guessing the time one has to do with the clocks. I already knew the thing about the train station clock matching the time of death, but walking in the train station and looking at the clock doesn't do anything. Maybe if I triggered the endgame sequence again it would give me that achievement? I'm not sure.
I'm guessing the unfinished story one is about the sniper rifle (joke?) thing they keep putting in every set of patch notes. This patch, they said they sent a diver to fish the sniper rifle out and put it somewhere no one will ever find it. They also said that there's one new thing people will have to find. The achievement icon is a sniper rifle scope. So I'm GUESSING there's actually a sniper rifle in some obscure place in the game now. I tried looking through a bunch of high places and likely spots in the map, but found nothing so far.
If anyone can help me get those two I would appreciate it.