Just popping in briefly (haven't played the games) to say that I just finished the main series (Season of Storms notwithstanding) and really liked the books a lot. The fan translations of the last couple books were a lifesaver.
Absolutely. I read the series when Baptism of Fire and The Time of Contempt still hadn't been officially translated, so fan translations were even bigger for me. I was reading Lady of the Lake chapter by chapter while they were translating it.The fan translations of the last couple books were a lifesaver.
Absolutely. I read the series when Baptism of Fire and The Time of Contempt still hadn't been officially translated, so fan translations were even bigger for me. I was reading Lady of the Lake chapter by chapter while they were translating it.
That must have been agonizing, haha.
I'm debating starting Season of Storms now or waiting until it's finished. On one hand, it wouldn't be bad to read it partially since it's more short stories, but on the other hand it might be more rewarding to return to these characters after some time has passed.
It's not short stories.
It's a single story.
Currently playing Hearts of Stone and there's a reference to Season of Storms in there.
Reading the books and playing Wild Hunt is a double edge sword. The references and callbacks were awesome but then towards the end some key things got completely changed and others not mentioned at all. It kind of makes me feel that CDPR should do another expansion to better flesh out the end game -not sure how that would work or if it even feasible.
All in all its a great game and I liked the endings but I wanted to see more concepts mentioned in the books appear in the game.
Finished Hearts of Stone.
It's great, main quest is one of the very best in the game.
CDPR came up with some really good characters for this.
Exciting, cant wait to see what they have in stock for the second bigger expansion.
Hearts of Stone main quest was indeed top quality.Was wishing for a bit more monster hunting contracts to be honest though
Still excellent expansion and well worth the 20 for the retail version with the gwent cards
Looking forward to Blood and Wine and if it's as great as we hope,wish they announce one last expansion to end with a bang on Geralt's story and then release the ultimate GOTY of any game
I just beat The Witcher 3. 3 game of all time for me. Just incredible.
My ending:
Ciri became a witcher, stopped the white front, and geralt went to live in Korvi with Triss.
Now I want to read the books. What order do I get them in? I looked on Amazon but it didn't really say...
I've heard the games are their own Witcher universe, but I wonder why the new editions of the books have the CDPR Witcher art.
I'm playing through the Witcher 2 and need some help. I'm halfway through chapter 2 and have barely upgraded my equipment at all. According to the guides that I've looked at swords should have 2 values associated with them, but I only see 1. Swords in my game also show up with a much smaller damage stat then what's in the guides. My sword of the Dun Banner only says it does 18 damage while all the guides say it should do 26 minimum. Could someone please explain what's going on?
I'm still using my Witcher 1 import swords and the Blue Stripes Combat Jacket. The meteorite crafting and mutagens are over my head too.
Also Axii never works. I hold the button for the full duration but nothing ever comes of it.
Edit: So apparently I downloaded the FCR2 mod at some point and uninstalled it from my machine, but had some leftover settings files that were boning over my game. It looks like I've been playing a weird mix of the vanilla version and the mod. I knew something was off when my a abilities didn't work as advertised and my stats didn't look anything similar to the ones in guides, but it became obvious that something was terribly wrong when none of the skills on the skill tree had mutagens and my vigor bar wouldn't grow over two slots despite me having upgraded it.
This game was an absolute nightmare for me. The draug was taking 80% of my health off on an initial hit that I had no way of blocking or dodging, and the fights with the skeleton before that took a good 25 minutes of hitting them with heavy attacks to get past - and this was on normal! I've had to uninstall and reinstall the Witcher 2 to get things back to vanilla, but I'm worried that my stats are going to be completely borked. I'm at the end of chapter 2 and I'm level 17, does that sound about right for someone who's done almost every sidequest until then? It says I only have 2 skill points available now, but before I fixed things I could've sworn that I had 5 stocked up.
I'm currently reading through a sample version of "The Last Wish"; the first book, and I'm really liking what I have read so far. Of course I'm not that far in yet, but I'll let the three next chapters decide if I should buy the whole book.
Have any of you in here read the whole series, and what did you think? Does it become better, or even worse?
And thanks to Dragon1893 for guiding me in here.
But I don't need to play the games right? I can just read all of the books and end with Seasons of Storms. I don't know what to feel about the two first books being a lot of short stories though hmm.
But I don't need to play the games right? I can just read all of the books and end with Seasons of Storms. I don't know what to feel about the two first books being a lot of short stories though hmm.
I'm currently reading through a sample version of "The Last Wish"; the first book, and I'm really liking what I have read so far. Of course I'm not that far in yet, but I'll let the three next chapters decide if I should buy the whole book.
Have any of you in here read the whole series, and what did you think? Does it become better, or even worse?
And thanks to Dragon1893 for guiding me in here.
But I don't need to play the games right? I can just read all of the books and end with Seasons of Storms. I don't know what to feel about the two first books being a lot of short stories though hmm.
The first two books are indeed short stories, and they're great. I don't think they feel like "lesser" stories or anything. After that it does go into a grand epic sort of story, so things switch quite a bit when you move into Blood of Elves.
I'm not Spanish though lol.
I will be reading the books in English. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find The Last Wish in any stores here, so I'll have to import it online. In the mean time I started reading Shadows in the Wind.
I couldn't wait. Just ordered The Last Wish from Amazon. It should arrive in a few days!
Yeah, the games take place 5 years after the books end. There's occasionally some overlap in some early game plots that'll be a loose retelling of some of the book stories but no direct adaptations outside of the CGI Strigga fight in the intro to Witcher 1.The Witcher 1-3 games is a continuation right? And not just a retelling of the books?
Speaking of Triss, after reuniting with her in TW3 I realized I can't help myself, I love Yen but I'm a #TeamTriss guy.
What about you guys?
Triss seemed like a literal whore in the first game, then some kind of sex-addicted-nympho in the second, and the third finally seemed to match book-Triss proper, a young lovestruck lass that seems to get carried away by her emotions from time to time. She's great in W3.
I was looking to finish Witcher 3 on XB1 but that won't be happening for a while now.
Recently I changed all my passwords including my Microsoft accound password, all good until last night, I had to log into XBL and I could not remember the password, I checked lastpass and bizarrely the password did not match up to.
So I go through the password reset process using two step verification, I enter my new password Microsoft's systems spit it out and I try to reset again, but because I have my backup email address once already it won't let me do that.
it gives me three other options which go nowhere.
An app - which would be fine except I need to log in to activate it first, so back to step 1.
Phone number - don't have my number added to my account and it won't let me add it now so back to step one.
25 character backup code - don't have one so can't do that either.
So now MS has imposed a 30 day waiting period before I can reset my security info, my XB1 is effectively bricked, not sure about my 360, it probably is ok because it uses a unique app password.
In addition to this I now no longer have access to one of my primary two email accounts. MS customer services flat out won't deal with this.
What the fuck can I do GAF to sort this out or am I on hold for the next 30 days?
Was watching a Gwent panel from Pax and they showed the artwork for several book characters, including from Season of Storms. Also characters have a few voice lines including card specific taunts. Even though it's only a few lines, they took the casting very seriously so they don't have to recast if they want to use those characters again for something else. Showed an example of a Leo Bonhart card and voice line.
One really cool card art was (Lady of the Lake spoiler)Vilgefortz incinerating Regis.