Speaking of Triss, after reuniting with her in TW3 I realized I can't help myself, I love Yen but I'm a #TeamTriss guy.
What about you guys?
What about you guys?
Depends on what you mean by that. In the game I'm slowly leaning towards #TeamForeverAlone.Speaking of Triss, after reuniting with her in TW3 I realized I can't help myself, I love Yen but I'm a #TeamTriss guy.
What about you guys?
Interesting. I thought Yennefer was the first major character CD Project Red got 100% right, or very close to it.From what little I've seen of Yen, I have to agree with some of the OT people, she treats Geralt like trash and it's actually pretty annoying. She was never that annoying in the books so I dunno, maybe she'll get better later on in the game but right now, I'm 100% #teamtriss
Getting the new pc parts today to build a new pc so I can play the witcher 3 finally!
Its also for work, but the witcher 3 not working was the final nail on this PC's coffin lol
Damn, you still haven't started the game? My deepest condolences![]()
But now I will start on ultra my good sir, so nothing is lost!
Also Splatoon has keep me REALLY entertained while waiting.
Nice! Did you end up getting a 970?
Here's something very cool you guys might not be aware of.
Many years before CDPR was founded, Adrian Chmielarz (Bulletstorm, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) worked on a Witcher game.
It's a great read.
Yep, and it works wonders!![]()
Wow, thats super interesting!
Oh, I imagine it does.
Yup, it also confirms that Sapkowsky doesn't give a fuck lol.
Though to be fair, games weren't as big back then. Things are different now, CDPR's games obviously contributed greatly to expand the popularity of the franchise.
I have all the books sitting on my shelf only because I learned about them through the games.
It's interesting that even though they were going for an action/adventure game the tone seems very similar to CDPR's games, they even wanted to include a choice system that would impact the story.
It was for the best though, the franchise is definitely more suited for an rpg and by the time CDPR tackled it the tech was there to do it justice.
It took another 10 years but at least we got the games we know and love instead of what we see in those pics, though admittedly it didn't look too bad for what was possible at the time.
Witcher 1 vs 3 - Kaer Morhen Comparison
We already knew Sapkowski doesnt still give a fuck lol
The Kaer Morhen comparison is so cool. What i love about CDPR is that they didnt decide to remodel Kaer Morhen completly, but based it from the witcher 1 a lot. Same with Foltest's throne.
Exactly, I love that they did that.
Yep, which makes roaming around in Kaer Morhen especially emotional for me. They even keep the fireplace where you first brew a potion as it was.
Fantastic OT by the way.
Yeah CDPR really brings the books Dijkstra to game. Or any other character at that.
His snarky responses with Geralt are funny.
Even Keira thats has less than a chapter in Time of Contempt is done really well.
And lol this game, is fucking massive. 50 hours in and just entered Novigrad.
Are there big payoffs in the Witcher 3 for those that have read the books? I've just started to read them, and am half way through the second. I'm tempted to finish the books while playing some other games (or carry on just exploring and doing side quests) before I advance the story.
Are there big payoffs in the Witcher 3 for those that have read the books? I've just started to read them, and am half way through the second. I'm tempted to finish the books while playing some other games (or carry on just exploring and doing side quests) before I advance the story.
The UK books are so frustrating.
Why have the books been released so out of order? I understand I'm meant to read Sword of Destiny after The Last Wish, except it's only just come out and cheapest I can find it online is £12 for a frigging paperback.
The early book translations were released to go along with the first game. Blood of Elves had Triss and Shani. Sword of Destiny didn't, so they skipped over it.Why have the books been released so out of order?
The UK books are so frustrating.
Why have the books been released so out of order? I understand I'm meant to read Sword of Destiny after The Last Wish, except it's only just come out and cheapest I can find it online is £12 for a frigging paperback.
Almost done with the main story, battle of Kaer Morhen was epic and brought them feels, fantastic stuff.Vesemir!!!!
Also encountered a character from the first game I wasn't expecting to see in a sidequest.
I don't think Saskia is in the game which is really unfortunate and kinda lame considering what happened in TW2,if you chose to let her live it doesn't make sense that she's nowhere to be found.
Saskia - I went with Iorveth in TW2 (to me that path is more fun, and makes more sense, since Geralt would go with his friend Zoltan IMO). Saskia is one of my favourite characters in TW2, so I decided to cure her. I was saddened when I found out she was not present in TW3 (4 years ago, I started a thread here asking "which characters do you want to see in TW3" and Saskia was the first I mentioned). Then I was glad, when in dialogue with Philippa, that I can at least ask about Saskia.
Imagine by disappointment when Geralt asks Philippa:
"Did she manage to get herself free of your spell?"
I mean, I freaking cured her. I imported the save. So perhaps Geralt should not be asking this
Philippa says that she lost control of Saskia when the war broke out and does not know where she is.
So at least she is alive.
Still, I would like to see that line ammended to reflect what was done in TW2 - it was really jarring like this.
Ideally of course I would love to see Saskia again, as well as Villentretenmerth, in a DLC/Expansion
About Saskia, I posted this on CDP forums:
So yeah.
My biggest complaint about TW3 is the lack of consequence for the choices in TW2. I expected it to happen (mentioned it here on gaf several times before the game's release) but it's still disappointing.
In TW2 you get to decide the fate of almost all the major characters, some of which are big players in the game's universe, and it's completely irrelevant.
Some of those choices are made during the game's ending, what was the point if they don't carry over to the next game?
It's not that bad. They actually did it a decent job of it for the most part - Letho was handled well, also meeting friendly Louisa La Vallete was nice, Roche acted how I would expect.
The main missing ones are Saskia and Iorveth, both of whom are referenced (albeing imperfectly, as I posted above). I still do expect (or hope) to see them in some future expansion.
Frankly, I expected worse. It is a clusterfuck to make shitload of content for people who import savegames, when they are in fact the minority of all players. Considering the amount of content the game has (and its quality) I can easily forgive that the TW2 decisions do not play as big a role as we might have wanted.
Right, I did meet Sile, although it was a short painful cameo.
Henselt died in TW2 or between the games, afaik.
Perhaps they did not want to include Saskia precisely because she would be too OP![]()
Yeah Sile is unmissable if a save with her alive is imported, she is (very small) part of the main quest.
Yeah Sile is unmissable if a save with her alive is imported, she is (very small) part of the main quest.
Okay, I just got done reading chapter six of Baptism Of Fire and I need clarification on Ciri's family tree. I haven't played TW3 yet.
This chart from over at Reddit seems to clarify things somewhat: The sorceresses through Adela was Falka's daughter but other evidence suggests it was Fiona. It's the only way Ciri can be a descendant of both Riannon and Falka. The part that confuses me is that at some point Fenn figures out Fiona's parentage and that Falka carried Elder Blood. What I don't get is:
1) How does Falka have Elder Blood if she was a contemporary of Riannon and almost certainly not related to Lara Doren? Was it just some other unknown Elder Blood line outside Lara no one knew about?
2) When does Fenn discover this? It had to have been before he was killed during Time Of Contempt but I don't remember reading that. Maybe I forgot. Or is there a flashback later on?
I'll have to read that part again.
The amount of detail that Sapkowsky put into her family tree is amazing though.
CDPR should improve the save import functionality, it doesn't tell you what choices you made in that save, it should give you a brief rundown of the major choices when you select it. I was positive that I imported a save with Letho alive but the game treats him like he's dead.
Hm, same thing happened with me. Maybe it's bug?
So in an interesting bit of synergy the creators of the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop RPG are now developing a Witcher tabletop RPG.
Hah, the second one is czech TV host of a gaming show Re-play. She also did Ciri cosplay:
I finished the game yesterday after 140 hours.
Loved it.
My ending was.rather positive, radovid is dead (fuck trying to help him in the first two games), Temeria is free again (a pity not knowing if its going to be ruled by Foltest daugther that I gave to John Natalis), Nilfgaard returns home, the mages can live again, Ciri becomes a witcher (Witcher 4 pavement im sure) and Geralt retires with lady Yeneffer.
I have some qualms with the ending, but nothing too big. My biggest one, and its not really that important.
So I thought the final image, or scene of the ending, would be an old Jaskier (the whole game is narrated by an old voice you think at the beggining is Vesemir, but then he talks in first person about Jaskier) writting the narration he is doing druing the whole game, like a camera pan of him in a room with Priscilla. Would be a good final touch. But nope, after the mission of avenging Priscilla interaction with Jaskier is zero, even when you are asking your friends to save Kaer Morhen, which seems a little strange. Would have liked to know if Priscilla got well and Jaskier stayed with her.
And also the super heel turn ofDijkstra, I think is too forced. He is an A grade asshole in the books and I thought his recreation was perfect in the game up until that moment, but I dont think he would do what he does at the end as he is not bad per se, leaving you the option of killing him or let him live and make Roche and Thaned be killed.
Apart from that great ending. Im pretty sure I did like 98% of the sidequests, leaving some obscure sidequest here and there. Got the majority of the treasure hunts, but not
all the sea icons around skellige, becuase who has the time for low level repetitive objects.
GOTY 2015.
Also LOVED the family moments of Ciri, Geralt and Yeneffer. Geralt's faces when he talk with Ciri are amazing, no really, amazing animation that conveys parenting feeling.
I got the second good ending (empress), zoltan and dandelion are present and priscilla is discussed. She is alright, but has deeper voice from the wound..dandelion actually prefers that voice, hah.
Agreed about Dijkstra, he was perfect except his last 5 minutes. I still hope they change this in a patch.
And yes it is goty. GOTY 1987 - 2015.
Yeah, just read it in the different endings guide. Seems you can also know that if you go to talk to Jaskier in the prologue. Even then, would have loved a little cinematic withold Jaskier and Priscilla. Is so strange they used an old voice for Jaskier, but they never show him in the game. Maybe is part of the DLCs?
And the Dijkstra thing is super strange, dont think is going to be change in a patch though.