I've asked this on the GOG forums, but I'll ask here as well, since there's likely to be more people with an answer.
How do I tweak the .lua files in the Full Combat Rebalance mod in order to turn off critical effects animations? I've recently started the game, reached Vizima's outskirts, and am currently getting stun-locked by barghests who inflict Pain. According to the mod's docs, critical effects animations should be off by default, except they aren't, at least not in my version (which, oddly enough, appears to be the latest one).
Furthermore, how do I tweak Parry/Dodge penalties? FCR introduces a -50% P/D penalty for defending against enemies attacking from the sides/rear. Since Group Style has been somewhat nerfed in FCR, it's rather aggravating. I'd like to bring the penalty down to a more manageable 20-25%.
Well, useless gamestop/eb games cancelled my Witcher 3 CE preorder without even notifying me. I was checking my order history and found that it is gone.
Fortunately, I still have a preorder with Amazon as a backup, so I'll only be relying on them now.
I *think* I managed to tweak them. According to the posts on NexusMods, the problem with Geralt getting stunlocked isn't Pain itself, but rather the Pain animation being used by Bleeding. I cheesed this by adding PCImmune=true to the three Bleeding entries in creffects.lua (the parameter was already implemented in Stun, Blind and some others). Also, I decreased the AttackFromBehind penalty found in default_abl.lua to -20.I've used the mod but I didn't mess with the settings.
That's probably the reason certain encounters were such a pain lol, getting surrounded pretty much meant instead death.
I *think* I managed to tweak them. According to the posts on NexusMods, the problem with Geralt getting stunlocked isn't Pain itself, but rather the Pain animation being used by Bleeding. I cheesed this by adding PCImmune=true to the three Bleeding entries in creffects.lua (the parameter was already implemented in Stun, Blind and some others). Also, I decreased the AttackFromBehind penalty found in default_abl.lua to -20.
All I need to do now is try out the changes. Hopefully they work; active-real-time combat is my least favourite RPG combat system. It's the reason I cheated through Gothic I and didn't progress past the beginning in the second.
I am using the perfect blood and perfect rain mods. Not using HD moon, though. The screenshots make the moon look too big and too dim for my taste.
EDIT: Hmm, adding the parameter seems to have done the trick. Flattened those four starting barghests with nary a scratch. Only problem is, it makes many talents from the Stamina branch completely useless (since Geralt is now automatically immune to most critical effects).
Is there somewhere some kind of list/overview/summary of all the plot choices you could make in TW2? I have two completed save games of TW2, but apart from the Iorveth/Roach choice, I have no idea what other plot choices I've made.
Why was it cancelled?
Near the end of Baptism of Fire, you mean.I really like Milva. Im near the end of Time of Contempt and am really interested in her story.
I also like Sapkowskis take on vampires.
I really like Milva. Im near the end of Time of Contempt and am really interested in her story.
I also like Sapkowskis take on vampires.
Near the end of Baptism of Fire, you mean.
Baptism of Fire is my favorite so far. So many good characters and moments.Can't wait to hear your thoughts when you finish the series.
Knowing that the game is on my hdd and not being able to play it...
Been listening to the ost, good stuff.
Did you guys watch the launch trailer? It's awesome.
Knowing that the game is on my hdd and not being able to play it...
Been listening to the ost, good stuff.
Did you guys watch the launch trailer? It's awesome.
The cinematic one?
Really amazing. Lot of power in the ending scenes and I really love the song.
The cinematic one?
Really amazing. Lot of power in the ending scenes and I really love the song.
Yeah. I've been avoiding all other media for a while. I can't believe how much stuff is out there already, a lot of people have already seen a ton of the game without even playing it.
The game unlocks tomorrow at midnight for me but I need to play a bit before going to bed lol. Fucking work wont let me touch it again until Tuesday night.
I am currrently reading through 'The Last Wish' and I am really enjoying it so far, hard to put the book down.
Oh another small one:
During the short story set in Blaviken, after Geralt kills Renfri, and Stregobor decides to come out of his tower. In my version (Dutch) it says 'Someone whom the witcher did not know' pulled out his sword and threatened to not touch her. However, Stregobor then responds to Geralt, as if he was the one that threatened him. That part confused me for some reason.
The way I read it, Geralt is the person that Geralt doesn't recognize, since normally this isn't something he'd do.
I am currrently reading through 'The Last Wish' and I am really enjoying it so far, hard to put the book down.
I have a small question though, as this was somewhat unclear for me (book spoilers).
Did Pavetta have a semblance of control during her outburst of magic? To protect Duny? The druid from Skellige said (something along the lines of) that if a virgin uses magic for the first time, it's possible for a devil or demon to take control. However, we later learn that Pavetta had already been with child during that incident. So, was it just rage or an oversight?
Aaaand sent, not arriving till the 25th though![]()
That sucks, dude.
Would it make you feel better if I told you that the game is totally awesome and I'm having a blast playing it?
Yeah, no worries, Ridley
I'm also having fun
Thanks guys.
Ive been reading your opinions in the other thread Dragon, so im sure Im going to love the game with what you said.
Listing to The Last Wish and Blood of Elves Audio Books and finishing my Witcher 2 play-through before I get a new laptop and get into 3.
Just hoping I dont get burnt face Geralt with my collectors edition figure lol
Yep, its a pity.Saw your thread about this, man, that's a really poor paintjob.
Yep, its a pity.
Doesnt seem we are going to accomplish something.
Worse of all, i cant play the game. Tried on my computer and the framerate jumps between 15 and 30 all the time, most of the time more around 15. It doesnt matter if I put it on Medium at 1080, medium at 720p, low at 1080, or low at 720p, the framerate stays the same.
Was going to buy a new PC, but I do t know if it would be better to get a 970 or just wait for the new ones with directx 12 that eeryone is talking about being near. Idont want to buy a 970 for 400 euros to find I need to change it soon.
Im just beting again the witcher 2 (that i can play on ultra nearly 60fps on 1080), to make new saves.
BTW, even on medium, the quality of the witcher 3 is magnitudes greater than the witcher 2. Holy shit, i remembered it looking amazing at the time, but after experiencing 2 hours of the witcher 3, the graphics and character animations of 2 are not really that good. People saying the witcher 3 is badly animated or that the graphics were the same but open world, holy shit no. Take off your nostalgia googles people!
OK, this is really weird, the game doesn't require a lot of hardware to run well on medium settings, if you can max TW2 then you should easily run TW3 at 30fps on high settings.
You need to check what's going on, what are your specs?
Cool. Which path did you take in TW2?
Yen being salty about Triss is so cute.
I'm going to need to see a catfight when they actually meet though, gotta unload that frustration lol.
My first playthrough I chosebut I never finished that playthrough. My second playthough now I pickedRochealthough he's an asshole.Iorveth
But upon reading and just finishing Blood Of Elves thecause seems even less likable considering the breeding nature of young elves. The Short story The Edge of the World kinda also covers this. While you don't want to tell the non-humans to adapt or concede to the humans its better to try and coexist rather than die out.Scoia'tael's
I'm still grinding through chapter 2 of Witcher 2.
Im with you with the scoia'taels. My country, Spain, had a terrorist group (ETA from the Pais Vasco) because they wanted to seced from the country. They put bombs and killed innocent people.
That shit stopped some years ago, but once you kill inoccent people for a cause or because of revenge (and you want to, because you think that will accomplish something), you already have no sympathy from me, because Is aw all this first hand IRL.
That's why, even if I think they have reasons to be up in arms because of the treatment of humans (and they really have, I would no doubt side with them), once they act like terrorists they can go and fuck off.
Also, Iorverth is a douche.
Roche isn't a saint, and that phrase at the beggining of the game with Foltest, where he says his garrison is pillaging and raping like if it was a normal thing, always leaves a bad tatse in my mouth. But he is less of a dick and a total bro if you choose him as time passes, and he also tries to do some good things so not a total asshole.
The things is, in the witcher's world all is shades of grey, and they still live in medieval times so you need to see it from that point of view, that's why Roche is more passable for me.
Did a similar thing in the Witcher 1, tried to stay neutral as much as I could, but tried to help, not the order of the flaming rose, but Siegfried, because, even with wrong convictions, he seem like a good guy. Spared his life at the end of the witcher 1.
The problem is, that by not siding with the order, he is not in The Witcher 2 for me. I really liked the guy![]()
Im with you with the scoia'taels. My country, Spain, had a terrorist group (ETA from the Pais Vasco) because they wanted to seced from the country. They put bombs and killed innocent people.
That shit stopped some years ago, but once you kill inoccent people for a cause or because of revenge (and you want to, because you think that will accomplish something), you already have no sympathy from me, because Is aw all this first hand IRL.
That's why, even if I think they have reasons to be up in arms because of the treatment of humans (and they really have, I would no doubt side with them), once they act like terrorists they can go and fuck off.
Also, Iorverth is a douche.
Roche isn't a saint, and that phrase at the beggining of the game with Foltest, where he says his garrison is pillaging and raping like if it was a normal thing, always leaves a bad tatse in my mouth. But he is less of a dick and a total bro if you choose him as time passes, and he also tries to do some good things so not a total asshole.
The things is, in the witcher's world all is shades of grey, and they still live in medieval times so you need to see it from that point of view, that's why Roche is more passable for me.
Did a similar thing in the Witcher 1, tried to stay neutral as much as I could, but tried to help, not the order of the flaming rose, but Siegfried, because, even with wrong convictions, he seem like a good guy. Spared his life at the end of the witcher 1.
The problem is, that by not siding with the order, he is not in The Witcher 2 for me. I really liked the guy![]()
I feel like the situation in WItcher 2 mages a better case for why the scoia'taels are fighting but even in vizima things are getting better. There are non-humans that have key positions in the local economy and violence towards non-humans is nowhere near as bad as in Flotsom.
In order for the Elves to win they either need to survive and procreate more or figure out a way to prevent humans from advancing on land.
Other than that their only options are coexistence or extermination. Humans are too great in number and for as bad as humans are with regards to their leadership and nobility for the most part their leadership structure is stable despite war.
Young Elves killing themselves in battles they KNOW they can't win only brings a human victory closer.
Interesting analogy.
In this case there's also the factor of deep ratial hatred though. In the case of the humans it's pretty much just pure racism while in the case of the elves it's derived from humanity's actions. They came and took the land for themselves based on the strenght of their sheer numbers, with no regard for the races that were already there.
I find that it would be a lot easier to reach a consensus for pacific coexistence with the non-human side than with the humans, at least initially.
Now, after all these years of fighting, elves have been driven into a corner and are desperate and the younger generations have never known anything besides the current reality, so they became single-minded. All they know is that humans are the enemy.
They look around and see themselves as refugees in a land that used to be theirs, their cities and traditions destroyed without a second thought.
Bottom line is that the non-human side has a motive. The scoiatel and all the attacks on humans are a consequence of humanity's actions.
Obviously after many years of attacks and counter-attacks the original reasons lose their significance and it just becomes the status quo, people lose sight of the bigger picture.
Elves become possessed with a false sense of justice and righteouseness because "the humans started it" but killing innocent people only throws more fuel into the fire and causes the hatred on the human side to grow more and more. It's a never ending snowball effect.
People like Iorveth might be ruthless, bet they'd sooner sit at the negotiating table than Radovid or Henselt.
So what is Triss's first appearance in the books? Only just started reading Sword of Destiny thanks to the new release. Does she pop up in SoD or was BoE her first appearance?
Yeah, that's her first appearence. She's mentioned in the previous books though.
Ah, weird. The way her back story was presented in Blood of Elves made it seem like it was a story that had already been told and that the reader should already be familiar with the character. Had always assumed it was a story from Sword of Destiny.
Did you not read about sodden hill? I'm pretty sure that was in SoD