That was one of my favourite gamepad moments. In fact, that part where you have to simultaneously play on both screens was the moment where I finally understood how the gamepad can open up new possibilities in terms of gameplay. The only bad part about it is that there weren't a couple more sections like it.
It doesn't matter if you're holding down Y or not, the time only slows down whenever you're facing away from the tankers. I always hold down Y for that part and I've never had time not slow down.Don't hold Y and time will slow down just before they land giving you tons of time to react.
But, yeah, HDTV lag is awful and sometimes I think the lower resolution is worth it.
006C boss is killing me (on normal). I know I can always continue, but that's against my religion.
I'm going to have to suck it up and use all my healing items up.![]()
Only some gameplay related tips for that fight, no story spoilers or anything.
Draw a big sword and use the cyclone move alot. When he uses his own unite morphs, focusing on evading and he will be left exposed after his attacks. That's when you go to town on him.
You can only guts counter the Hammer and the Fist, everything else you need to dodge. Also remember that he can't take damage while he's in a unite morph, he has to be by himself before you can actually damage him. Only Vorkken himself can take damage but you can keep your combo going by attacking his followers.
Keep holding the dash button while avoiding his attacks so your guys don't get knocked out, if he counters you will the pudding just dash away, wait for his cyclone counter and THEN draw your biggest weapon and move in. Don't stay in his face for too long though, he's only vulnerable for a relatively short period of time.
Usually when you use a big enough sword and get in his face he starts to dodge your attacks with unite-spring but if you just keep attacking you'll hit him in between his dodges so that's another good way to get some damage in.
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them out. I didn't realize he was invulnerable during unites. I guess the biggest problem I'm having is on.Part two of the fight, on the Virgin Victory, I don't have a lot of room to move around/evade.
So I'm doing my platinum run now, I noticed that you can still platinum a mission even if one of your medals are gold. Does that count toward unlocking the necessary secret characters or do you have to platinum every single thing?
So I'm doing my platinum run now, I noticed that you can still platinum a mission even if one of your medals are gold. Does that count toward unlocking the necessary secret characters or do you have to platinum every single thing?
Yeah you just have to have an overall ranking of Platinum when you complete the game
So if you can just get a Platinum rank on most stages and gold on some you probably would still get Platinum Paragon.
You just have to complete the game to replay the last stage to get it to register.
Joe and ViewtifulJC are mostly doing pure platinum runs just to do them. It's not actually tied to any unlock. Actually getting Platinum Paragon is much easier than what they're doing.
Just stay away from it and make a big whip and it should grab the hook.Help on Mission 7-1!
I'm at the part after you fight the three tigers with drills, and I'm on a round platform with a Whip Hook I need to grab.
Whenever I get close to the hook, it vanishes.![]()
Help on Mission 7-1!
I'm at the part after you fight the three tigers with drills, and I'm on a round platform with a Whip Hook I need to grab.
Whenever I get close to the hook, it vanishes.![]()
Are you sure about that part? I'm up to 7-A with all Pure Platinum but the rest of the levels are a mixture of Platinum and Gold and I still don't have Platinum Paragon unlocked. I think you need an overall Platinum on every operation. Maybe I should try playing through the epilogue again just to test it out...
Minor ending spoiler. I didn't even touch the controller for this part.
Yeah that part was confusing, so I just shot at it with Wonder Green and then created a giant unite whip and somehow I grabbed it.
I don't think I did it the right way.
I'm playing on normal difficulty and I love the learning curve. I can't wait to unlock hard and possibly whatever is above hard!
So I got back into the game and I'm now at 006-C.
Feels like I have a glitched capsule, damn. Can't seem to get capsule 84, the one about taking the rides in stage 2B, I've taken the water slide and the wheel and NADA. Is there something special to do or am I simply fucked until a patch comes out?
Actually, I found the answer... they don't appear on easy mode. I know where some of them were supposed to be, destroyed every enemy in their area, but they wouldn't appear. Tried again on normal and it was there.Sometimes they're squirrelled away in hidden places. Other times they appear in places you've already been if you backtrack after certain points, which is kind of annoying and dumb.
Metal Gear Rising was directed by the lead programmer of Bayonetta and that turned out wonderfully, I'm sure Bayonetta 2 will deliver. Platinum hasn't done wrong in the action genre yet.
Actually, I found the answer... they don't appear on easy mode. I know where some of them were supposed to be, destroyed every enemy in their area, but they wouldn't appear. Tried again on normal and it was there.
Just finished 5C... It just gets better and better... And better...
Man, it's been hours since I beat the game, and now I'm just browsing the internet and still listening to the final boss theme on repeat and still on the end-game high.
Just tried the demo for this and it's one of the most user-unfriendly demos I've ever played. No info on what the game actually is or what I'm doing etc. No wonder it isn't selling...
But secret missions have to be done on very easy, eaaaasy, normal, hard and 101% hard and uhm yeah that last operation...Yep.
No Kahgoo Regah on easy
Sorry cheaters getting achievements on the lowest settings!