I started last night and played up through Wonder-Pink and the first Prince Vorken fight. Game is SO GOOD.
I feel like a well-oiled machine due to my demo playthroughs. I'm playing on Normal and getting all Golds, Platinums and Pure Platinums, with the occasional Silver here and there. What trips me up are the gimmick sections, or scenarios that seem to go on forever until you realize all of your options. For example, the tramway with the three rails in the second act -- you can stop steering to fight back at the missile-launching pursuers, can't you?
Like Metal Gear Rising, everything your enemies throw at you can be dealt with in some way, which is incredibly empowering. Like when the three-headed hydra tries crushing you with its skull -- steel yourself with Unite Guts, and you'll send the head careening into the other. Or when the dragon is firing lasers at you? Deflect the beam with the sword. Breathing fire? Gather with the hand and lob fireballs at the other head.
What makes the game so addictive, though, is the constant destruction and the intermittent changing of powers. Twirl the stick quickly like a hadoken and switch to the fist to open a crate, then surge down the street, obliterating every tree, fire hydrant and light post to uncover lots of O-Parts and Space Veggies. Then the enemies appear and you slow time to make a massive sword that can knock them all back in one fell swoop... Or maybe one of those big fellas appear, and you uppercut them with the sword, then start cranking out Multi-Unite Attacks -- one fist and gun after another. When done right, seeing the pie chart of their HP drop so quickly is immensely satisfying.
I've acquired Unite Guts, Unite Spring, Unite Ball and the Dodge Mine so far. I'm not sure what my next upgrade should be.
Also, this game is PACKED with secrets. It seems you can turn the Wonder-Liner into a circle in all manner of places and you'll uncover an action figure. Or anytime you see an open pipe or window, send your men in and they'll come out with files, figures, etc. It's insane.
The game world is so well-designed -- a massive play-set of candy-coated colors, dense in detail. Some neat vibes here -- EarthBound, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Rollercoaster Tycoon, etc. I also love the setting, all gleaming glass, a near-future metropolis with floating holo-billboards but no shortage of verdant greenery and sparkling water. Just a gorgeous city all-around.
So yeah, looking forward to playing more!