This game is worth every penny just because it has The Price Of Freedom.
Roses of May (IX) and Battle 2 (V)
They are free until September 30th.
Good King Moggle Mog will be mine.
Loving the game so far! Played it pretty much nonstop last night- only stopped because my boyfriend stole it from me so he could try it out (and I had to get to bed but I would have been okay not sleeping!) Really happy I unlocked Prishe relatively quickly. I never managed to get her in the first game cause of bad shard luck. Really wanting to unlock Celes, Edgar, and Hope. Haven't tried online play yet- hopefully tonight I'll get to battle against a friend online at least (I'm looking at you, Mira).
Damn.They aren't really presented as packs on the store, sadly, just individual songs.
I'm so happy they included some Mystic Quest songs- Battle 2 is so good. I'm just sad the final boss music wasn't included. That one is sooooo goooood
I've never played Mystic Quest, but Battle 2 is a really awesome song.
I switched from the stylus controls to buttons as I was playing last night, and I think it's quite a bit easier, except maybe for the case of slides at the end of holds in FMS. I should try Big Bridge again this way.
The track I remember being ridiculous in the original was FF4's "Battle with the Four Fiends". Is it still the same here?
Oh man, they made the boss theme from FFIV easier. That was one of the best charts in the last game cause it was so brutal![]()
Is there any incentive to own the first game?
Dunno how you guys are using button controls. The circle pad is way too stiff and slow to use in Ultimate BMS.
Is there any incentive to own the first game?
I feel like Expert difficulty is too easy but Ultimate is too hard for me. I can never clear this mode, on any of the songs I've tried! I know that practice is key, so I'm going to keep at it. BUT does anyone have any suggestions for 'easier' Ultimate songs? Thanks!
Btw if anyone wants to play vs mode against me (on Expert difficulty lol) do add me! My friend code should be on my profile.
Love the Crystal Chronicles songs. Nostalgic as hell.
Also, i forgot how good of a song Answers (XIV) is. Best EMS so far.
Uh, the much nicer box art and free stylus?
Other than that, nope.
Does this mean all the tracks from the first game are in this one as well?
EDIT: Seems that yes is the answer. Sorry guys, should have just searched for two seconds before posting.
So I haven't had this question answered yet.
Are the songs actual song length or cut off like the first game? I might keep it if they are the full length. I haven't opened my copy yet.
So I haven't had this question answered yet.
Are the songs actual song length or cut off like the first game? I might keep it if they are the full length. I haven't opened my copy yet.
I switched from the stylus controls to buttons as I was playing last night, and I think it's quite a bit easier, except maybe for the case of slides at the end of holds in FMS. I should try Big Bridge again this way.
Maybe try Blinded By Light from FFXIII? I played it last night during a quest and it was surprisingly doable. I haven't played too many of the Ultimate scores on the battle songs yet - my goal for today is to go through a bunch of them for practice. Stuck on the last boss on my 36-day inherited quest and of course it's One Winged Angel which I just can't quite seem to get through....
The one thing I don't really understand in this game is that some characters are clearly FMS optimized, some BMS optimized but like... how much does it ever matter? I'm mostly playing Expert and getting S or SS with the occasional perfect chain. Maybe my picked-for-their-looks party would fail me in the Ultimate(?) Score?
That "choose your characters" song from FFTactics in Quest Medley sounds so good.
I see myself listening to that for awhile before playing.
Awesome score that really pumps you up!
I still suck horribly on FMS tracks. I just can't feel the rhythm on those.
Every song in FFT is amazing. It's a shame more of them didn't make the game.
Best FF soundtrack and it isn't even close.
Therein lies the dirty little secret of this game... as long as you personally as a human hit every note perfectly or close to perfectly, you'll never fail and the abilities and items and skills won't matter for jack.
The skills matter when you start failing, or when you're trying to rush bosses to get items and cards, in which case strength/power allow you to kill more dudes during the course of a song and get more items.
ALSO at least this time around, your skills can help in versus battles to help you weather the storm of EX stuff to a certain degree. This counts for offline also, which is nice.
But in a normal, single player, score-attack environment, there really isn't much point.