Aww, really? Finishing that on Ultimate in the previous game was so satisfying.
Yup, they even got rid of that infamous four sliding note part near the end.
Aww, really? Finishing that on Ultimate in the previous game was so satisfying.
yeah. Someone mentioned them being in the first one but I never encountered them.
What's the GAF consensus on this game so far? I played the first when it released a while back and enjoyed it. Curious if the additions and changes make this a must-buy or whatnot.
There are a lot more songs and characters than the first. Everything has a greater attention to detail and polish. Quest Medleys are souped-up dark notes. And VS mode.
The core gameplay is basically the same. Just a lot more to do than before.
Am I doing anything wrong by just using my four guys a picked from the start and playing through all the songs in order?
What's the GAF consensus on this game so far? I played the first when it released a while back and enjoyed it. Curious if the additions and changes make this a must-buy or whatnot.
There are a lot more songs and characters than the first. Everything has a greater attention to detail and polish. Quest Medleys are souped-up dark notes. And VS mode.
The core gameplay is basically the same. Just a lot more to do than before.
I think most of us posting in this thread have played Theatrhythm before. So if you liked the first one, you'll probably love Curtain Call.
Don't forget the biggest addition. Songs aren't capped at 2 minutes anymore.
I'm still struggling on the FMS stages when you have to slide the target up and down. I don't know why, I never had a problem with it in the first game, and now all the sudden I'm really struggling with it. I'm falling behind, or just never quite quick enough. It's starting to get a little frustrating.
Is this what you guys are feeling?Me too, I feel like I struggle with this way more than I should... Killed my hype...
If so, you get used to it over time...Check out an FMS from the first game. Here's one from the second game.
In CC, the beginning circle of the hold note stays on screen instead of trailing off to the right. As a result, you have this green circle that perfectly follows the path of the hold note. The problem is, you will never have this accuracy (and don't need to for criticals) so your slightly bigger cursor circle will always lag behind the perfect green one. This creates a sort of "illusion of lag" is the best way I can describe it. It's really jarring to me. It's especially bad when you have rapid ups and downs.
Is this what you guys are feeling?
If so, you get used to it over time...
^Yeah, what Lumination said.
The circle will always look like it's lagging a little bit if you're using stylus. I stopped trying to match it up and eventually got used to it. You're going to get the critical hits anyway.
In the first game, it was because EMS were 30fps while the rest of the game was 60fps. I haven't played any EMS in this one yet (I hate them), but I bet that's still the issue.I see the EMS stages are still total ass when it comes to timing. I can crit all pretty much everything on basic except for those.
You basically have to move faster and mimic the hold note perfectly. That's pretty unrealistic, but a combination of you getting closer to perfect and your brain adjusting to it over time will help.Exactly that! It's fucking around with my brain a lot... I try to ignore it and notice that I still get critical but I get the occasional bad that I would not get on the same songs in the first game. Do I have to move the stylus up and down in a higher and lower way than in the first game? I did not need to use much of the screen in the first one to follow a hold but I feel like I can't do that anymore. It's encouraging to read that you get used to it after a bit. Thanks for replying!
You basically have to move faster and mimic the hold note perfectly. That's pretty unrealistic, but a combination of you getting closer to perfect and your brain adjusting to it over time will help.
I've finally bought and downloaded the game, and played my first 2 songs (on the easiest difficulty). I don't know if doing anything wrong or what, but in battle songs, the slide triggers sometimes fail to register. I slide in the direction the game asks me to, but it still says "Bad". Had that happen a few times and it's getting pretty annoying. I don't recall this ever happening to me in the first game. Is this happening to anybody else, or am I playing even worse than before?
I'd use them if not for the fact I have a tendency of trying to make party members have all the same levels, so after so many levels (like 20 or 30), I switch to a set or 4 other characters so I can level them up.Woo, finally getting Ultimate scores in Quest Medley mode.
I should probably stop neglecting the CollectaCard Crystarium stuff right about now also...
I've noticed it too several times. Has me a bit worried.
For some strange reason, I didn't seem to have that problem in the demo. Think I'm gonna give it another try tomorrow (the demo I mean), and then also play a song or two in the previous game. Hopefully it's just a matter of getting used to whatever has changed (if that's the case), because I don't like the prospect of the game randomly failing to recognize my slides.I've noticed it too several times. Has me a bit worried.
Don't think I am just flicking the stylus, but I'm gonna pay attention to the way I do it next time I play the game, to make sure I slide it well. That said, I did the same thing in the original Theatrhythm and it always worked fine, so maybe they changed something here.Are you guys sliding the stylus for flicking it? Because you aren't supposed to flick it. Also make sure you're holding your 3DS at a level angle too.
Are you guys sliding the stylus for flicking it? Because you aren't supposed to flick it. Also make sure you're holding your 3DS at a level angle too.
This makes sense, thanks for the tips! I'll make sure I'm holding it right next time, and that I don't release the stylus until the slide input is recognized.This. Holding your 3DS at a sideways angle can make your lefts actually be upper lefts and so on.
Played a bunch more online today, and then decided to play some single player for a change. Picked the "songs of the day" or whatever. One was from FF12, and had this ridiculous effect on all the notes where they're flying into or out of the screen. Really distracting and looks horrible. I had no idea this was in the game. How many songs are there like this?
Do you mean the Airship levels FMS? The triggers on those songs come at you at an angle.
Ha, I do the same. I'd love to have an option to disable the "Good", "Great", "Critical" texts. That way I won't get nervous to screw up if I'm near the end. I somehow play a lot better when I already got a "Great" early on, there is no pressure.When I am late in a song and that happens I always lie to myself that I missed one earlier and the game forgot to tally it.
I'm trapped in Short Quest.
Every time I finish one, a new one opens...
... Holy shit, Under the Weight is an amazing song.
I'm drowning in slide notes. Halp.Decided to see what all the hub bub was with this FFIX Battle 2. I'm going to have to channel both neo and rain man if I hope to complete it.
Oh hey, I hit level 99 with one of my characters.
To reset or not, that is the question.