Dimitri LH
Is it true the game is getting saga frontier music? If so which ones? Thats just the cherry on top along with TWEWY.
Yep. Feb 19th.
Is it true the game is getting saga frontier music? If so which ones? Thats just the cherry on top along with TWEWY.
Hello gang.
I'm still missing some crystal shards to complete the roster.
Anyone have any Quest maps that have Peach, Indigo, Golden, and Silver Shards?
I sure have at least some of those! Are you free at 7pm PST tonight? Or you can PM me with a better time.
I'm at 20+ tries and I can't even just Perfect Chain Liberi Fatali. You people are monsters.
Lol, I find my best run on a song is always the first or rarely second in a session. After that I start getting really, really bad. Best to just step away from the song for a day and try the next day; if you're at all like me, you'll do much better than on the 20th time in a row![]()
This Week's Challenge (1/22 - 1/29)
DLC Stages
I'll PM you my friend code around that time. thanks
Sounds great! My FC is in my profile.
Just tried Heart of Chaos (XIII-2) for the first time on Ultimate. No way am I ever getting SS on that, I'd be pretty pumped with an S!
Nice work Adam, I'm having fun competing too even though some people are just machines at this game, apparently. Looking forward to this week's songs! Hoping I'll win the FMS someday, because I know which one I want to pick.
OK, if I understand the rules for song selection this week, we're going to have two really "awesome"...... DLC songs
Roto gets to pick the FMS, right?
EXP up scrolls seem to be part of the Fat Chocobo fixed drop table so any FMS and have party members with sight if Fat Chocobo isn't showing up enough, expert and ultimate help too. I've certainly got enough scrolls to give everyone level 2+3.How should I go about getting xp scrolls? Is there a particular place to look for them/skill to make them drop more?
EXP up scrolls seem to be part of the Fat Chocobo fixed drop table so any FMS and have party members with sight if Fat Chocobo isn't showing up enough, expert and ultimate help too. I've certainly got enough scrolls to give everyone level 2+3.
EXP Hound is some enemies (mover and/or magic pot) and some boss enemies (I believe Chaos), focusing on the latter the Chaos Shrine song unlocked at 40,000 Rhytmia is the best source although it being the shortest BMS and having tough enemies means you'll need a strong party even to get many kills in Basic difficulty.
There are some triggers I really despise and those are the hold triggers but they are the short ones with slides on the end, and they are usually back to back. I just can't figure out how to approach them.
Adam Prime said:I did not get a song recommendation from our TRUE WINNER: Wichu, so I am recommending my favorite song from VII. Hopefully we can get Wichu in another week, but I hope everyone enjoys one of the most iconic battle songs in the entire Final Fantasy series this week!
Perfect Free said:In my opinion, the best selections from Final Fantasy XI's soundtrack have this sleepy pastoral quality that immediately draws me into the world they accompany. "The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah" is clearly no exception. I love the introductory melody, and the rest of the track is just as relaxing, taking the player on a smooth journey... hopefully not too smooth, though, since we are playing on Ultimate!
linko9 said:I'll choose Ardent Rhythm from Romancing Saga Minstrel Song as the DLC BMS song. I've never played or even heard of this game before, but this is by far the most hilarious song in the game. I really want as many people as possible to experience its ridiculousness.
Roto13 said:Part of the infinite Final Fantasy XIII hatefest was the reveal of the ridiculous Chocobo music for XIII-2. A lot of people turned up their noses at it, but to me, an insane speed metal Chocobo song was an inevitable eventuality in the series' tradition of changing up the song's genre with each game. (Mambo de Chocobo. Techno de Chocobo. Etc.) This song makes me laugh. Every time.
From now on we're going to have to take the winners' song submission times into account when setting the challenge up![]()
Did anyone else grab Lucario off of the eBay TRU sale awhile back? I think I ordered him, Falcon and Dedede but I haven't heard a single thing from them.