Was way too busy with work to participate in last week's competition, but I hope to submit a score or two this week. Might still be too swamped with deadlines, though... if so, definitely next week!
As far as drops go there might be a slightly higher chance of better drops in higher difficulties but I have a feeling Fat Chocobo has a separate drop table for each difficulty.Are drops/exp gained affected by difficulty at all? Expert is probably a good balance for ensuring you get a high score while still having enough notes to work with.
So if I understood correctly what's written in the OP, I can skip the first game because this one has all of the previous tracks and DLC + more, right?
Adam Prime said:I did not get a song recommendation from our TRUE WINNER: Wichu, so I am recommending my favorite song from VII. Hopefully we can get Wichu in another week, but I hope everyone enjoys one of the most iconic battle songs in the entire Final Fantasy series this week!
Perfect Free said:In my opinion, the best selections from Final Fantasy XI's soundtrack have this sleepy pastoral quality that immediately draws me into the world they accompany. "The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah" is clearly no exception. I love the introductory melody, and the rest of the track is just as relaxing, taking the player on a smooth journey... hopefully not too smooth, though, since we are playing on Ultimate!
linko9 said:I'll choose Ardent Rhythm from Romancing Saga Minstrel Song as the DLC BMS song. I've never played or even heard of this game before, but this is by far the most hilarious song in the game. I really want as many people as possible to experience its ridiculousness.
Roto13 said:Part of the infinite Final Fantasy XIII hatefest was the reveal of the ridiculous Chocobo music for XIII-2. A lot of people turned up their noses at it, but to me, an insane speed metal Chocobo song was an inevitable eventuality in the series' tradition of changing up the song's genre with each game. (Mambo de Chocobo. Techno de Chocobo. Etc.) This song makes me laugh. Every time.
So if I understood correctly what's written in the OP, I can skip the first game because this one has all of the previous tracks and DLC + more, right?
Man that Chocobo metal song is ridiculous. Thanks for the recommendation. That song is so awful and awesome all at the same time.
Here are my entries for the week!
Out of curiosity what's the hybrid style that you use? I always use stylus for FMS and button for BMS, but there's pros and cons with how I play for going either button or stylus on BMS, so I generally go buttons just for convenience sake as well as playing in bed etc.
Actually same here, I usually go pure stylus for FMS and pure buttons for BMS. But for Fight On, at the beginning there are sets of four triggers that come really close together and for the life of me I can't get that with buttons! So I used the stylus for that particular part, then quickly threw it away so I could continue pure button style (much more comfortable with that lol). But I guess that's still counted as hybrid.
I'm getting the feeling that the 3DS-XL is not that great to play Theathrhytm on. Or my eyes are getting worse, but heck is it blurry at times, especially in faster songs. Probably never noticed it that much before because I was used to it, but after playing some Miku on Vita it really irks me a bit. Probably will switch back to normal size for the N3DS, just seems smarter from an IQ point of view.
Fight On! is always throwing me off with that end section. :/
Totally unrelated question regarding Streetpassing in this game someone here may know the answer to; I rented a second copy of this game for my wife so I could essentially cheese the local battles trophy since I will never get it otherwise. I see that in Records there's also a listing for number of Streetpasses. Since we both have 3DS systems I streetpass my wife frequently; does anyone know if the game has to be in the system or anything for her to give me a streetpass that the game counts, or does it just have to be on her profile? Like, could I return the rental and still get streetpasses from her that count in-game? If that even makes sense.
Once you create streetpass data for a game, it lives on the system until you de-register it. You don't need the game in there ever again.
Well, that's not entirely true. Once you max out the number of Theatrhythm tags your wife's system can hold at a time, you probably won't be able to tag her again until she boots the game to clear them out of the 3DS storage, and make them a part of the save file proper.
That said, you MAY be able to share a card between both systems, with each of you using one of the save files, and each file having streetpass data that's associated with a different system. Assuming you own the card, that is, not the download version.
Do you happen to know if for in-game Records purposes on the Streetpasses stat if it counts streetpasses multiple times if it's the same person? This is all a moot point if that doesn't work.
8 hours after you last past them.I'll post if it works if it's the same person. Anyone know how often you can streetpass with the same person? I have no idea, where I live I never ever streetpass with anyone other than my wife usually, but I don't check it that often usually so I'm not sure how frequent it is.
This is probably a really stupid question, but how are people getting screenshots of the characters pre-song like above? There's no in-game camera option at that point, and the 3DS itself will only let me take screenshots of the bottom screen if it's in the Home/Suspend menu. Taking pics for this contest is the first time I've ever used the screenshot or camera function at all on the system, so assuming I'm just missing something.
This is probably a really stupid question, but how are people getting screenshots of the characters pre-song like above? There's no in-game camera option at that point, and the 3DS itself will only let me take screenshots of the bottom screen if it's in the Home/Suspend menu. Taking pics for this contest is the first time I've ever used the screenshot or camera function at all on the system, so assuming I'm just missing something.
Next DLC
BMS Final Fantasy IX Vamo alla Flamenco
BMS Sword of Mana 2 / Seiken Densetsu 3 Swivel
BMS SaGa Frontier 2 Miβgestalt
BMS Chrono Trigger Frogs Theme
FMS Legend of Mana Ruined Sparkling City
FMS NieR Gestalt/RepliCant Kainé/Salvation
Song of the Ancients (Fate) next plz
Also Chrono Cross when?
FUCK YES MIβGESTALT. And Nier, too? Definitely getting those tracks (seriously, guys, at least get the Nier track so that SE is encouraged to put some Nier BMS in) and all the restexcept Vamo’ alla Flamenco because I'm not fond of most of FFIX's soundtrack.
Please show me one good Nier track. The ones I've listened to were all very unremarkable.
Also, FF9 = best FF soundtrack, we all know it.
Please show me one good Nier track. The ones I've listened to were all very unremarkable.
FF9 has a few really good songs, but many feel like filler.
Also, here you go!
Please show me one good Nier track. The ones I've listened to were all very unremarkable.
Also, FF9 = best FF soundtrack, we all know it.
I am feelin a little bit like this DLC is all a prep for a fully fledged Theatrhythm Square-Enix. Which I would buy so hard my dick would fall off. But man I'm gonna feel like a sucker having paid for half the songlist as DLC.
Yes, the entire Nier soundtrack is great. I'm really disappointed that you aren't fond of what you've heard. Besides FF9, what are some of your favorite video game OSTs?
Just put it on random and there ya go. Need another great song? Listen to the next one.
I think VI and VIII are my favorites for FF, but really I love them all. IX is top tier though.
Please show me one good Nier track. The ones I've listened to were all very unremarkable.
Also, FF9 = best FF soundtrack, we all know it.
I was just interested in some standout tracks since all I've heard so far seems very run-of-the-mill.
Uh, I dunno, any personal selection would be inconclusive. I will say, however, that orchestral/choral compositions don't have an inherent value just by means of being loud and pompous despite what people who fall easily for things on a 'grand scale' might think (not referring to anyone specific or even NieR, necessarily, but there you go).
I have it running in the background. It's certainly not bad so far, well done even, but not particularly memorable. I have not listened to all the tracks, yet, that's why I was asking for a selection.
I think VI and VIII are my favorites for FF, but really I love them all. IX is top tier though.
I have it running in the background. It's certainly not bad so far, well done even, but not particularly memorable. I have not listened to all the tracks, yet, that's why I was asking for a selection.
Nier OST is overrated. It's pleasant, but nothing special.
Ah, I apologize for blasting you with the whole thing! I didn't mean to be like "YOU HEATHEN, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED--GO TO THE CORNER AND LISTEN TO THE WHOLE THING"...I actually think the entire soundtrack is that good. Also, there's some good low-key stuff if you're turned off by the more "DUN DUN DUN" stuff.
People dissing NieR OST because it's loud and pompous? Uh, fine, I guess.