Quite interested in this. Does this scratch a Dishonored itch at all?
I was more pulled into it then I was Dishonored... yet Dishonored is the more polished game.
Would you recommend turning it off or was his voice suitable and helpful?
Quite interested in this. Does this scratch a Dishonored itch at all?
For VPNs, can you switch to a server with faster downloads once you're in? I can't do the pre-load as my friend who I am family sharing with owns the game and subsequently the license lies with him.
EatChildren's excellent review said:There's decent potential here for those gamers [who are] perhaps a little daunted by the scope of complex stealth games yet infatuated with the genre to find themselves fairly easily caught up in Garretts adventure and the immersive world Montréal's artists and audio teams have created.
Interesting...So the world is just as immersive?
As I said in my review, I was worried that Garrett would be 2EDGY given his, err, visual redesign. But I actually ended up liking his character a bit. He's not a broody douchebag, and using has some smarmy commentary related to what's going on. And they took the effort to write/record commentary related to unique loot not integral to main mission. Overall I liked it and was happy to have it on.
Garrett looks so dumb. I laughed in shock when I first saw him.
He has the Batman problem of not being able to turn his head.
Anyways, some of the opening levels have actually been pretty solid. There's a jeweler's shop that, despite being a small area, was fun to clean out. The game also looks very nice.
Is it unlocked on steam anywhere already ?
No, only in Asian regions.
So meaning like in Singapore or somehwere like that people who have it on steam can already play it ?
PSA for Steam users: The game unlocks in several Asian countries in just under 24 hours. FlyVPN has free servers in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, all of which will suffice.
Isn't using a VPN against the SSA?
Technically, yes, but there are no verified or even reputable reports of Valve taking action against those who use a VPN to simply redeem region-locked keys or unlock released games early; indeed, myself and many other GAFers use VPNs on the odd occasion for these very reasons and haven't encountered any trouble. Valve's issue with VPN usage lies in using it to aid in the circumvention of region-specific pricing on Steam itself.
So my account won't be restricted?
Well, I can't guarantee that Valve won't change its stance, but you'd have to be the unluckiest person in the world to be made example of considering Valve's blind eye over the past several years.
FlyVPN keeps saying the servers are full/won't connect to a server!
If the servers are full, keep trying: sessions only last 20 minutes and upon disconnection users are required to wait another 5 before reconnecting. If you receive an error message when attempting to connect to a server, try a different one as some servers appear to be having issues accepting the protocols FlyVPN uses. Also ensure that the password for the main server you've connected to hasn't changed (see the link above for log-in info).
I'm connected to the VPN. Now what?
Begin the decryption process. You can disable the VPN at this point but you will be required to connect again for the "Pre-load" button to change to "Play", so unless it'll take more than 20 minutes you might as well leave it connected. You can also kill the VPN once you're in-game; although the "Play" button will revert back to "Pre-load", you won't be booted out of the game or anything of the sort. Once you're in, you're in.
Two quick questions: do you only need the VPN to unlock it, or do you need it every time you boot up the game? Do you keep yourself offline after using the VPN, or stay online?
I'm a bit new to the whole VPN thing. I'm a bit tempted to do this so I don't have to wait until Friday.
Polygon 6/10
Destructoid 7.5/10
Gamespot 6/10
Eurogamer 6/10
Thankfully, Eidos Montreal has made Thief highly customisable. Disable Focus and the game reveals itself to be worthy of the series’ name, but go further and play on the hardest difficulty, which makes civilian knockouts a failstate, and Thief becomes a moreish, slow-burning exercise in expertly delivered tension. Guards and civilians are alerted by all manner of things, including noise, unconscious comrades, extinguished flames or even something generally amiss, such as an open cupboard or safe door, making clearing out every room a self-contained puzzle. But you can use the environment to your advantage, too: naked flames can be extinguished with water arrows or your fingers, while some electric lights have switches nearby. Bottles and other items can be thrown to create a distraction, while carpets and grass provide a quieter surface across which to move quickly. It feels just how Thief should.
Thief is far from the disaster that many feared it would be, and fans who take the time to customise their settings ahead of their first playthrough will find a rewarding world here to pick clean.
Well, fuck :/
I was somewhat hoping it wouldn't be 'really' bad, but goddamn :/
Well, fuck :/
I was somewhat hoping it wouldn't be 'really' bad, but goddamn :/
The fact a 6 or 7 out of 10 is some how "really bad" really, really shows how flawed and broken modern game review ratings are.
Was thinking the same exact thing. I often enjoy games that have been given a 6 or 7 out of 10, including Ryse for instance. Never would I ever describe a 6 as "REALLY BAD."
No the game actually has an ending.man, even the 9/10 scores trash the ending, this must be Rage levels of terrible.
you are the man JasePSA for Steam users: The game unlocks in several Asian countries in just under 24 hours. FlyVPN has free servers in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, all of which will suffice.
Isn't using a VPN against the SSA?
Technically, yes, but there are no verified or even reputable reports of Valve taking action against those who use a VPN to simply redeem region-locked keys or unlock released games early; indeed, myself and many other GAFers use VPNs on the odd occasion for these very reasons and haven't encountered any trouble. Valve's issue with VPN usage lies in using it to aid in the circumvention of region-specific pricing on Steam itself.
So my account won't be restricted?
Well, I can't guarantee that Valve won't change its stance, but you'd have to be the unluckiest person in the world to be made example of considering Valve's blind eye over the past several years.
FlyVPN keeps saying the servers are full/won't connect to a server!
If the servers are full, keep trying: sessions only last 20 minutes and upon disconnection users are required to wait another 5 before reconnecting. If you receive an error message when attempting to connect to a server, try a different one as some servers appear to be having issues accepting the protocols FlyVPN uses. Also ensure that the password for the main server you've connected to hasn't changed (see the link above for log-in info).
I'm connected to the VPN. Now what?
Begin the decryption process. You can disable the VPN at this point but you will be required to connect again for the "Pre-load" button to change to "Play", so unless it'll take more than 20 minutes you might as well leave it connected. You can also kill the VPN once you're in-game; although the "Play" button will revert back to "Pre-load", you won't be booted out of the game or anything of the sort. Once you're in, you're in.
man, even the 9/10 scores trash the ending, this must be Rage levels of terrible.
I know it's been said already, but that audio really needs to be bumped up.
Also, learn to pronounce guard.
That said, great review, of the ones I've seen it's the most informative and seems the least spoilerish.
Games ending is terrible, and makes little sense. I'd put it right up there with Rage imo.
after you unlocked it, you can put steam in offline mode
then you can disable vpn and use it completely normally
after its officially released, you can go online with steam again
Would it be possible to start the vpn, unlock the game, boot up the game, turn off vpn while game is running, and then continue playing the game while online with steam? I could play offline, but I wouldn't mind having achievements and leaderboards update properly.
Quite interested in this. Does this scratch a Dishonored itch at all?