Playing on an iPad 2 and I've never had a problem launching the game with any of the patches. I'm on the latest patch and I can run my iPod music with no problem. Maybe it's specific to certain hardware?AlphaTwo00 said:Anyone stuck with unlaunchable game now? I've seen a few instance of it.
Also, no more iTunes music while the game is on?
Weird to get these bugs over and over again.
Could be that once they'd got the achievement for stocking the floors they demolished them and built another.Wario64 said:I had 2 dream jobbers into Karaoke last night. Bah, damn patch update.
Every achievement and you still only have 100 floors? Interesting.
The music one isn't a bug, they separated the sound settings into "sound FX" and "music" with this update. If you have "music" ticked, iPod music will be overlayed by the in-game track, but if you leave it unchecked it will still keep playing the music you were listening to.AlphaTwo00 said:Anyone stuck with unlaunchable game now? I've seen a few instance of it.
Also, no more iTunes music while the game is on?
Weird to get these bugs over and over again.
Fuu said:1.4.1 is out
- Fixed crashing on older devices
- Fixed occasional startup crash
- Reset button now visible on settings screen
They just need to take off 25% of time, or something.xbhaskarx said:They should just change the VIPs based on how many floors are in the tower, because right now they are useless.
Chopper said:I like the estate agent agent VIP. It's like receiving 5 free bucks! The others...not so much.
Out of interest, is anyone still playing 1.1? Probaly not, but I was wondering how many bucks you, and others have. I'm on the latest update, with all costumes unlocked and floors levelled to a 30 minute minimum restock limit, and have 1710 bucks. Feels good man. I am ready for a new elevator that plays itself!
That's the dream man!Pachterballs said:elevator that delivers people by itself?
True story. I spend more time micro-managing, making sure each floor's employees are wearing slightly different stuff. The forward and back buttons in the dress-up menu open up your options even further, as you can blast through, looking for the outfits you want, and just go back if you miss them. E.g. All my Music Store employees are wearing purple, and have headphones.mattiewheels said:Man, the spell was broken once I got to 100 floors. I literally played the game every single day since it came out, and now I just realized I haven't opened it for at least 5 days. The new costumes really bring me back though, since I really like figuring out what works best with what shop. Keep em coming.
This. I don't give ratass about getting a measly 1 buck tip for delivering people to their floor. Let the lift do that on its own.Pachterballs said:elevator that delivers people by itself?
Why? The lift is worthless if not for Bux/VIPs. If you're happy to let it do itself, you may as well just not use it at all and it's basically the same.Replicant said:This. I don't give ratass about getting a measly 1 buck tip for delivering people to their floor. Let the lift do that on its own.
Yeah, but for the sake of having an optimum, epic elevator, it'd be fun to have. And if it's automatically clearing through regular customers, it would increase the rate at which you get VIPs, no?toythatkills said:Why? The lift is worthless if not for Bux/VIPs. If you're happy to let it do itself, you may as well just not use it at all and it's basically the same.
I imagine the VIP rate would be cut right back to compensate, they're not just going to hand out free VIPs.Chopper said:Yeah, but for the sake of having an optimum, epic elevator, it'd be fun to have. And if it's automatically clearing through regular customers, it would increase the rate at which you get VIPs, no?
I didn't know that. Oh well. I don't mind at all. The last elevator is fantastic. I guess I just wanted something to spend my 2000 bucks on!toythatkills said:I imagine the VIP rate would be cut right back to compensate, they're not just going to hand out free VIPs.
I think people need to get used to the idea that there's never going to be another elevator, however much you want it. Nimblebit have already said that this is the "endgame" as far as elevators go.
Why? I'd lose out on LITERALLY 12 Bux and would be spending 6 just to put new ones in that may or may not have better stats. I'd rather wait for a damn Toy Store.aett said:Why not just evict the six Toy Store people with the lowest points in retail now and fill those spots with bitizens who might be useful for your other jobs?
I've had three people whose dream jobs are Cineplex since shortly after I started playing. I'm at 95 floors and still no damn Cineplex!
Real gamers will own all three anyway. (Can't we all just get along?)Jasoco said:So, who's the "winning team" if you have to sell your 3DS and Vita? Apple? Because I agree if so.
No. I wouldn't even consider a 3DS if Nintendo didn't have Mario and Zelda. And Sony has nothing I would even consider. Not even Lumines will get me to waste $250 this time. If I could play Mario and Zelda (Proper, no ripoffs or emulations of old games.) on my iPod or iPad, I wouldn't even bother considering one.hirokazu said:Real gamers will own all three anyway. (Can't we all just get along?)
I've got 129 floors and it only takes a minute or two to stock everything. All my stores are at level 9 at the moment with about 210/240 dream jobs, so when I check it there's only usually 10-15 things that actually need doing and most stuff stays in stock for ages.Meier said:Did the dream that is Tiny Tower finally die for everyone else? It takes too long to restock all my floors now and the wait to get a new floor is tortorous.. I maybe check it once a day at most now. Oh well, it had a good run.
Too long as in it's like 5+ minutes at least to scroll up and go through the motions of re-stocking. I have been enjoying Pocket Frogs though.. just about to finish the 37th award (going down from the top).
Why not delete it now? You big crazy.eznark said:Four more floors to 100. I cannot wait to delete this.
I thought it saved it on their server, so when you opened it it'd tell you there was a save or something.Pachterballs said:My IOS5 update wiped my ipad and deleted the save. My lvl 80 tower. gonesies.
Nope. It's stored on a server. It's still there. You must keep playing.Pachterballs said:My IOS5 update wiped my ipad and deleted the save. My lvl 80 tower. gonesies.