Fuck, now I have to do the Gooser challenge, pretty sure I won't be able to get this![]()
I literally got 10 in one night. Chaingun makes it super easy
Fuck, now I have to do the Gooser challenge, pretty sure I won't be able to get this![]()
from level 0 to G5 level 44 I got like 2Dude come on it's only 5.
I guess you're in luck as in Marked for Death, I noticed lots of player actually ejecting out from their Titan (with the auto eject perk).
Chaingun with accelerator is the most effective for me in taking out ejecting pilot. Even though they are cloaked, you can easily spot them from their jet exhaust if they attempt to double jump during their descent.
Just keep firing the chaingun and follow their trajectory falling path for instant gooser.
Thabks for the tips, everybody told me arc cannon and plasma railgun would be the easiest but will absolutely try the chaingunI literally got 10 in one night. Chaingun makes it super easy
from level 0 to G5 level 44 I got like 2
Thabks for the tips, everybody told me arc cannon and plasma railgun would be the easiest but will absolutely try the chaingun
Thabks for the tips, everybody told me arc cannon and plasma railgun would be the easiest but will absolutely try the chaingun
Skilled matchmaking is one thing, but the fact that I am on a 6 losing streak from games like this make me not want to play anymore.
Completely pointless.
I had the worst losing streak today at 10 matches (including bail out match due to 6 vs 3 for most of the match).
Frankly 6 vs 3 for an objective game is really unfair but that is the drawback of having quicker matchmaking.
Still to see you carry your team by killing the most minions is what I'll do if my other teammates are daydreaming.
Next two matches were like this.
I feel like the skilled matchmaking forces me to play my best every game, which is something I don't really want to do. I have to carry my team in order to win, and sometimes I lose even if I am the MVP of the entire game. THAT should be rare.
That's how it is for me. Get 100+ attrition points or lose. It gets old fast.
It seems like teams are being balanced by trying to give both teams the same average skill. That is a bad way of doing things. When one good player is "balanced" by putting the worst players on his team, that's not fair towards those players. They will have to go up against the better players and the good player has to compensate. It isn't necessarily the most fun.
I don't know if it's just bad luck or if the game really is designed that way. I hope it's the former.
A better way of balancing teams would be to sort all players by skill and putting all even players on one team and the others on the other.
I just don't understand why they thought me getting 100+ Attrition Points giving me a 50/50 chance of winning is a good idea. It doesn't come from minions, 50 minion points is hard enough to get, the other 50 come from me clearly carrying the team. I shouldn't win every game like it was before the patch, but this isn't any better.
So. the screen tearing is gone.
But I'm now getting massive slowdown at certain points during hectic play.
Next two matches were like this.
I feel like the skilled matchmaking forces me to play my best every game, which is something I don't really want to do. I have to carry my team in order to win, and sometimes I lose even if I am the MVP of the entire game. THAT should be rare.
This is what really winds me up when I'm playing with a shit team. I'm trying my best and trying to get as many points as possible and in the end it's all for nothing because my team mates are all doing challenges or just being morons.
Anyone on Origin want to play Titanfall now? Been on a losing streak since I'm playing with random. :S
My Origin ID is taukeke.
This is what really winds me up when I'm playing with a shit team. I'm trying my best and trying to get as many points as possible and in the end it's all for nothing because my team mates are all doing challenges or just being morons.
from level 0 to G5 level 44 I got like 2
Thabks for the tips, everybody told me arc cannon and plasma railgun would be the easiest but will absolutely try the chaingun
I love the Smart Pistol, but ever since the update it's just not the same. It's like I have to stop moving to get the kill most of the time any more.
Also any tips on getting the achievement for killing the whole team after the match?
Have to say teaming with up with a Gaffer is really fun.
Better than going in solo with random.
We're absolutely stomping everyone, doesn't help that everyone is a new player today though. Where are they all coming from!?
Marked For Death is amazing! I can't get enough of it. I wish they would make it permanent.
Also, for those needing the gooser challenge, it is virtually easy mode in MFD.
Marked For Death is amazing! I can't get enough of it. I wish they would make it permanent.
Also, for those needing the gooser challenge, it is virtually easy mode in MFD.
Marked For Death is amazing! I can't get enough of it. I wish they would make it permanent.
Also, for those needing the gooser challenge, it is virtually easy mode in MFD.
I find it easy too to kill ejecting pilot in MFD. Damn.
Edit: Was rampaging every match with Jito. What's up with the sudden increase of new players?
EA extended the free game pass duration I think. :S
Edit: I also have 12 Fast Learn burn card. Saving it up for Gen 9 and 10.
Today has been very populated on X1. Loving it.
Double XP is pointless on Gen 10 lol, also in Gen 9 I got LV50 in about 10-15 matches.
One thing that I observed is this new players willing to stick around even they losing real bad. Makes me think that they are secretly bots being powered by the cloud.
One thing that I observed is this new players are willing to stick around even though they are losing real bad. Makes me think that they are secretly bots being powered by the cloud.
Unfortunately the same can't be said for a lot of experienced players. Still running into a lot of mid match bail outs at the slightest shift.
I find it easy too to kill ejecting pilot in MFD. Damn.
Edit: Was rampaging every match with Jito. What's up with the sudden increase of new players?
Matchmaking must be acting up or there's been a massive surge of new players from somewhere. I'm glad more people are playing but it must be seriously off putting getting paired up with us. It was very surprising the amount that stuck around after getting beat though, like you guys said Gen players usually drop as soon as the match looks unbalanced.
Who is playing tonight on ze' XB1?? I think I'll be on in an hour or so.
I love the Smart Pistol, but ever since the update it's just not the same. It's like I have to stop moving to get the kill most of the time any more.
Also any tips on getting the achievement for killing the whole team after the match?
This is a bummer for in a lot of games. I get it in some extreme circumstances, but I've seen games where if someone had just stuck around we could have had a turnaround.
Two unrelated questions.
Can you join or invite friends midmatch? I was in a party with a guy last night, but on the other team and I was booted to the start screen right after the match started. This guy was fun to play with on the opposite side (we were giving each other shit about the weapon choice we were using and would switch to sidearms when we saw each other) and I thought it would be fun to actually play with him. Many times when reconnecting or quitting (so it kind of is related to the above) you get put back in the same match, but it put me in another one. The game he was playing was 4v2 and the game I was put into was also 2v4 (me sadly on the 2 side, but it made it easy for me to get MVP on my side and we kept it somewhat close considering). But I looked for a option to join him and it was greyed out and he couldn't invite me from the party. I think I was just a follower rather than a friend, but don't know if that makes a difference. (If this isn't a thing now, it would be cool in the future since this game does have JIP)
Second, is it worth getting the DLC? I'm gun-shy about buying DLC maps now although I've had decent luck in the past with getting on maps (halo and gears), but I'm questioning if it is worth it or not. For those that have it, do you get enough of the newer maps in regular matchmaking and do you feel they are worth it? (I think I'll really like the Swampland and Wargames aesthetics)
What do you think about the new mode? MARKED FOR DEATH? I love it!It's more alert than Attrition and more challenging than Pilot Hunter.
The only thing I DON'T LIKE is that they "forgot" to include the expedition dlc maps :/
I find it easy too to kill ejecting pilot in MFD. Damn.
Edit: Was rampaging every match with Jito. What's up with the sudden increase of new players?
Edit: Was rampaging every match with Jito. What's up with the sudden increase of new players?
Who is playing tonight on ze' XB1?? I think I'll be on in an hour or so.