You going to be on later?
30 mins. I saw Bear on the Xbox earlier. He might still be around. We could get 3 again.
You going to be on later?
It happened again guys. Lost another server to "Server shutting down". Had the best run of games with really balance teams but the cloud says otherwise![]()
30 mins. I saw Bear on the Xbox earlier. He might still be around. We could get 3 again.
I think he means something similar to what the recent Halo games have. Like you can load up replays of past games, view them from all sorts of different angles.
My GT is: RonanN1 (i'm offline now but send me a message when you wanna play and I'll join the game/send invite). It's 01:16AM here, lol.
Finally got to Gen 10! Now to get the last original achievement I am missing (All the Hardware) and the remaining DLC achievements!
When I played over the free weekend, I was happy just to be playing and learning the ropes. Didn't care if I won or lost. What's moving onto the next map going to do for me when I have so much improving to do now?
Later when I get better at an FPS, I still tend to stick it out because I believe I can turn it around![]()
why is it easier?
Congrats! Still Gen 8 with 36 wins and 7 more Titanfall kills to go.
All you lucky people with your 'I Killed Them All' achievements
Who knows. Apparently the population is dead.
I like how game clips show up in the XB1 feed, I really like watching them. They need comments enabled tho
Ha, that was exactly what I was thinking and said as much in that thread, I'm just not seeing it, but I only have XB1 to use as a gauge.
Thanks! Once you get past Generation 8, Gen 10 will come quickly. Gen 8 sucks!
I also got extremely lucky with that achievement. I feel like that's the only way to get it lol
PC might be a different story but this game is anything but dead right on XB1. Got 6 gaffers playing right now for the last few hours and the games have been nothing but full and steady.
I just realized that my response could have been taken opposite of what I meant and I didn't really clarify. I read your response as sarcasm and replied in that vein. I've also been seeing faster matchmaking times and more new players on the xb1 and I've been playing at off hours (middle of the day and middle of the night lately) and that was what I had responded with in that other thread.
Maybe my meaning did come through, but I've been drinking so there is a chance I'm overthinking it.
One other random thing but I've had more people using their mics and being cool about it. In the last two days I've had two separate occasions where people on the other team invited me to a party and we amiably chatted while playing against each other. I don't think that has ever happened to me, well ... ever.
Yeah dude. I knew exactly how you were coming off and I meant the same thing. Do I have your GT on XB1?
Probably the best gooser I've ever gotten. If you look closely, you can see Nori failing badly with his Arc Cannon
Probably the best gooser I've ever gotten. If you look closely, you can see Nori failing badly with his Arc Cannon
y'all suck
Get on my levels
Thanks to you all who gave me tips for killing goosers I completed the challenge yesterday in about 3 matches.
Now onto G6. Though the plasma railgun goosrr kill seems impossible for me, so no achievement for me.
I had luck with the kill em all achievement.
Gotcha. I agree that live-replay is fun and useful for mp games.
why can't I sit in the lobby for more than 10 seconds without it disconnecting me from the server. ridiculous.
why can't I sit in the lobby for more than 10 seconds without it disconnecting me from the server. ridiculous.
Why is titanfall kicking me off the server after about 10 seconds in a private lobby? there should be no reason for it.
Probably the best gooser I've ever gotten. If you look closely, you can see Nori failing badly with his Arc Cannon
47 more wins to go.. Gen 8 do feel like eternity for me before the Gooser Challenge nerf.
Just came in here to say that the R-97 is fantastic now.
Teaming up with Gaffers is a sure way to win a match with a Gaffer at least being the MVP of the match.
Also now I don't complain about bad ping. 300+ ping and either me or Jito rampaging the match lol.
Just came in here to say that the R-97 is fantastic now.
My best goose from last night, must have been from right before joining up with you guys, I had a couple once partied up but doing chaingun challenges so... easy mode.
I think I did Gen 8 wrong. Spent most of it playing solo, winning ~2/3, and getting MVP most times. Partied up with Grime and company a couple of wins short of finishing Gen 8, finished, regenned. Need MVPs instead of wins, got 6 MVPs over the course of 15 wins.
My weapon of choice will still be the CAR and Autopistol sidearm. The Autopistol is so useful when enemy just appear out of nowhere while you're reloading.
Here's hoping both weapons don't get nerf in future update.
This is the most ridiculous shot I've seen. I hope he watched his kill cam to enjoy the beauty of his death.Probably the best gooser I've ever gotten. If you look closely, you can see Nori failing badly with his Arc Cannon
Anybody gonna be playing tonight? Party was full last nightI should be on around 9 pm EST
Anybody gonna be playing tonight? Party was full last nightI should be on around 9 pm EST
If Nori and Bear are around then I will be too.
yeah i'll be on
fuck bear doe