it is.
If it's CTF, don't go for the flag if A) you have no idea how to wallrun B) you refuse to jump on your teammates titan
If a Vortex Shield is full of ammo and an Arc Cannon causes it to fail, anyone know what happens?
Also, gotten pretty nasty with the Smart Pistol/Bottomless Frags/Arc Grenade combo. I'm surprised I don't see it more.
PC or Console?
Pistol stinks on console.
PC and 360. I've had great success with both.
PC i've heard it can get pretty annoying. Console, not so much. I have yet to run into someone on console using a smart pistol and thinking 'hell with that guy'. Smart Pistol is a disadvantage compared to some other options.
Success.. you could have success kicking people the whole match.
Lost three games in a row. Turned things around that fourth. Felt good.
Vortex shield stops arc cannon shots right?
it is.
I get that not everyone is going to have the reflexes/aim to have a great K/D, but be good at something.
If it's CTF, don't go for the flag if A) you have no idea how to wallrun B) you refuse to jump on your teammates titan
I get matched up with people who go 0-10 in an attrition with 3 bot kills. THEY PUT BOTS IN THE GAME FOR PEOPLE LIKE THEM
just thinking about it annoys me.
Ha, good point, I'm just going to melee then.
To switch directions and actually be serious the arc canon is kind of ridiculous. I wasn't a fan of it for whatever gen that challenge was, but using it again when trying to get all the unlocks I warmed up to it. I still like chaingun the most, but now I'll always have an arc canon build at the ready if things go south.
Just sent friend request to all PC brehs here. My Origin ID is taukeke.
Going solo for now to do whatever daily challenges.
Well damn, got floored by some overly skilled players. 73/300 score. Get out.
What good is the money for? Anything else beside cards and stamps?
And also, is Hemlok really that terrible? What's the benefit of staying Gen 1 since launch week?
Wth imo
Can anyone make sense of this clip
Wth imo
Can anyone make sense of this clip
I'm on level 5 now and the arc canon is awesome. But, it absolutely takes some time to learn. Once you do, though, it wrecks shit. The only way it loses is if somebody rushes you but thankfully most people don't.Ha, good point, I'm just going to melee then.
To switch directions and actually be serious the arc canon is kind of ridiculous. I wasn't a fan of it for whatever gen that challenge was, but using it again when trying to get all the unlocks I warmed up to it. I still like chaingun the most, but now I'll always have an arc canon build at the ready if things go south.
But I am actually using the hemlock a lot now.
CTF solo is a rough slog. I was playing one game and went and grabbed the flag on a Titan waiting just outside, who then proceeded to stand around until the other team sent all of their Titans to kill us. I played defense the rest of that game.
It just outclasses all other Titan weapons. 40mm is still good too
Nightly titanbrehs clips
Bullet sponge
Airborne satchel
No scope
That was a nice comeback when my 300+ ping is stressing me out with hard to predict if I get the kill or get killed instead.
Sometimes you just have to do your own wet work.
This is a bit silly. It's because I make kills with vortex shield rockets.
CTF solo is a rough slog. I was playing one game and went and grabbed the flag on a Titan waiting just outside, who then proceeded to stand around until the other team sent all of their Titans to kill us. I played defense the rest of that game.
Nightly titanbrehs clips
Bullet sponge
Airborne satchel
No scope
second clip is my favorite.
1. That guy had to be mad
2. I get 3 kills with the arc cannon
smfh. trade your game in and throw your xbox off a building
How is the matchmaking still so shit? Every other game I'm getting teamed up with people still on there first match.
Are you from Europe and on PC version? We should play together sometime.
Back on the arc cannon discussion the one we almost lost last night was us 4v6 for several rounds and we went down 3-0. I and I think Croft switched to arc cannon (and maybe some others) and we pulled the comeback. It was like flipping the easy switch.
I'll miss you guys tonight, I've got a woodstock theme party to go to and will probably forget my own name by 8pm or so.
Yeh I'm on EU West, add MrStabby6 when you're next on!
Edit:Getting soooooo many "Connection timed out" messages lately as well, nothing changed on my end of the connection so something is fucking up on the servers. Really a pain in the ass using a burn card only to get disconnected from the match and lose the card before using it.
Edit:Edit:Well here's the cherry on top to end my pretty poor night on Titanfall. Already been disconnected from 3 games tonight mid game, but this one happened a second after joining a game.
What does it even mean?!
It means you found a bug. Fortunately those details are enough for us to fix it, so thanks for posting.
"Connection timed out" is something else, will investigate on Monday.
Tell your team that Haven is awesome.
And tell them that all of the new maps need a Hardpoint playlist. Attrition is my fav mode, but I wanna play the DLC in Hardpoint.
I have noticed way more people using the arc cannon. That thing is tough. I'll stick with my rapid fire quad rockets.