But I've just destroyed people when I use the scumbag loadout in other gametypes. and unless it was a one time thing, smoke isn't even necessary.
I wish I didn't have the strugglebox so I could have posted when I was able to arc cannon a pilot off my back since it chains.
It wasn't a fun game. I gave my best game but something like this is infuriating.
Still haven't stopped using the 40mm.
I highly doubt Arc Cannon is better though.
How do y'all feel about silencers?
pretty pointless since most guns are absolutely awful with it. Carbine laughs at the silencer like it does everything else
Brehs. I am free of my woman thing starting tomorrow. I expect playtime with the Brehs starting tomorrow.
There is nothing better than when you're in the middle of enemies and about to be Marked for Death, and you throw down a Satchel and take yourself out so that to spawn somewhere safer.
It's the only way I ever die in that mode lol
Sorry whoever I just rage quit on but im done with this game for awhile.
I posted earlier how I destroyed people with the arc cannon playing solo, and playing another team full of arc cannon/particle wallers was too much.
Respawn is never going to fix it, and even if they tried they showed they have no idea how to actually fix something considering the Carbine is still the best gun by far
Is the arc cannon comment specific to LTS?
If anyone is stuck on Look Out Bellow Gen 8->9 challenge, go into Marked for Death playlist and you have a chance to get into devonly lobby, pilot hunter on overlook, with 20 sec Titan cooldown. Took me an hour to get 40 titanfall kills.
Specifically LTS.
In my opinion it's really strong in the other playlists as well, mainly because you don't actually have to shoot a pilot to kill him, you can shoot the air next to him and it still registers as a hit
It's not that strong in other playlists unless multiple titans are using it. It's not quick enough to take out multiple pilots.
I haven't found playing against the arc cannon to be more difficult than playing against the other weapons. If they're using particle wall, just rush them, or flank them. Timing your vortex shield seems to help. It also helps if you shoot a cluster missile next around their particle wall, because then they have to move.
I haven't found playing against the arc cannon to be more difficult than playing against the other weapons. If they're using particle wall, just rush them, or flank them. Timing your vortex shield seems to help. It also helps if you shoot a cluster missile next around their particle wall, because then they have to move.
I haven't found playing against the arc cannon to be more difficult than playing against the other weapons. If they're using particle wall, just rush them, or flank them. Timing your vortex shield seems to help. It also helps if you shoot a cluster missile next around their particle wall, because then they have to move.
Check this clip.
Not really that good since my health is shit but I posted it for the first arc cannon shot. That shot is at long range and it basically ate my entire shield. If I were closer the damage would be worse and eat into my health. The other titan has dash capacity as well. The arc shot will completely drain your vortex shield. I'd love to do some testing with someone else but I think three shots with capacitor at any range will doom you. In a 1v1 battle, running might save you but charging one is a mistake IMO.
or they can just back up 4 inches..
rushing a competent player with arc cannon doesn't really work. Rushing a competent team of arc cannons is suicide, not to mention futile since they're going to rush you anyway since what do they have to be scared of? Your slow ass 40MM that doesn't distort vision? Or maybe your triple threat that only shoots 3 times then has a slow ass reload.
by the way did they lower the damage of satchels in this new update? I have at least 5 times now had dudes literally run through satchel explosions right under their feet and take 0 damage. Like it's a glitch or something, idk. Never had it happen until the update.
Looks like I've got to record some footage of me kicking some arc cannon ass with a 40mm.
Trust me you are not playing a good group of arc cannon users. I love the 40mm too but it is easily outclassed.
Play against a group that is using any decent weapon and you're going to have a hard time.
Yeah I got on one of those too, dunno how or why. Titans, Titans everywhere, fun mode hope they include it on the game.![]()
I censored the names and chat for fear of account banning--
Done playing on the DEVONLY LOBBY and it's Pilot Hunter mode with 20 secs Titan respawn cooldown!
And everyone start to nuclear ejection till kingdom come.
How Epic intended? Did epic intend on killing their franchise? Cuz that's what happened.
They made it less gritty, less about the shotgun, and killed it.
nice. BRAH
Lol no... Not at all a team of 40mm... Ehh iffy. A team of chain guns? I highly doubt it. A team of triple threats? Not even. But a team of arc cannon? Yup the distort is more than enough to make it a tougher obstacle then any other weapon lol.... Until 40mm shots are chaining to other titans then it is below the arc cannon... And when you lose the exchange you get goosed like nothing. If you try to jump out the front the chain lightning will kill you anyway lol.
This is why I made the leap from 40mm to arc cannon and I used to stick up for the 40mm all the time. It is a good weapon just not as good as arc.
What is a Devonly lobby?
Edit: deeerp Dev-only.
I want in on this, I need the titan drop kills
I am going to try out the Arc Cannon and tell you what I think.
I used it a bunch in previous challenges and didn't think it sucked, but it wasn't a 40mm with good aim...
EDIT: MVP at 98
Arc + Capacitor is powerful, kills as fast as 40mm never missing (without CHs).
I was able to Gooser EVERYTIME. I didn't use the Particle Wall because I don't like it as much, but there are downsides to the Arc Cannon that would make me not choose it over the 40mm.
First of all, without Capacitor, the damage sucks. With the Capacitor, you cannot dash or run while holding the charge. I get roughly the same amount of minion kills because the Cluster Missile handles it anyway.
Capacitor makes it impossible to chase after people who are running away since you can't run and charge, and the damage sucks. Even the Chaingun does more damage when CHing. Arc Cannon is not OP at all. Get better aim and use the 40mm for Attrition.
Ah shucks I'm on Xbox OneIf you playing on PC, I'm still at the lobby completing all the Titan challenges to unlock all the weapon mods.
It's the same Overlook map but since it's Pilot Hunter, I take my time wiping out enemy Titans to complete the necessary challenges to unlock the weapons mod.
Ah shucks I'm on Xbox One
Looks like I've got to record some footage of me kicking some arc cannon ass with a 40mm.
Yea it received a damage reduction or damage radius reduction.
Trust me you are not playing a good group of arc cannon users. I love the 40mm too but it is easily outclassed.
And now that you bring it up their are a lot more pros then cons to the arc cannon... What the only con is it isn't good up close? It just does way to much when compared to the other Titan weapons.
I am going to try out the Arc Cannon and tell you what I think.
I used it a bunch in previous challenges and didn't think it sucked, but it wasn't a 40mm with good aim...
EDIT: MVP at 98
Arc + Capacitor is powerful, kills as fast as 40mm never missing (without CHs).
I was able to Gooser EVERYTIME. I didn't use the Particle Wall because I don't like it as much, but there are downsides to the Arc Cannon that would make me not choose it over the 40mm.
First of all, without Capacitor, the damage sucks. With the Capacitor, you cannot dash or run while holding the charge. I get roughly the same amount of minion kills because the Cluster Missile handles it anyway.
Capacitor makes it impossible to chase after people who are running away since you can't run and charge, and the damage sucks. Even the Chaingun does more damage when CHing. Arc Cannon is not OP at all. Get better aim and use the 40mm for Attrition.
I fucking hate it when people say shit like, "Get better aim" or "Get good at this weapon" like I haven't put 160 hours into this game and have never played with me before. The X1 guys usually play together most if not all the time almost every night if we can and we run through people. Decent people. It's not like we're a bunch of amateurs. 1 v 1 battles vs Arc Cannon titans are doable. I still think the weapon is OP. Especially when you're fighting more than one.