I can fill his spot.
Nah for real, I read all of his posts... I couldn't find what got him banned.
couldn't even fill half those shoes brehhhh
I can fill his spot.
Nah for real, I read all of his posts... I couldn't find what got him banned.
BF3 is such a good game.
Does that game still have a fairly active PC community? My previous rig had issues with it to where it would crash every other or every few matches, so I'd like to try and get into it again.
According to the Titanfall facebook page there will be info on the 3rd and final DLC pack revealed wed. from Gamescom. I am guessing new modes, since it doesn't make sense to use the event to announce another map pack which everyone knows is coming.
We will invite you tonight if their is space. It depends on if we will run a titanbreh from neogaf team or a " just invite any non GAF person to the group to take up GAF breh space"
We will invite you tonight if their is space. It depends on if we will run a titanbreh from neogaf team or a " just invite any non GAF person to the group to take up GAF breh space"
Fuck non titanbrehs
Couldn't even play last night cuz non gaffers took my spot
I only invited Snapple cuz he's a pending member
Got called to bed. Another time =(
Fuck non titanbrehs
Couldn't even play last night cuz non gaffers took my spot
I only invited Snapple cuz he's a pending member
I put you on the spreadsheet here :
Plenty of us still play and there are always games going on every night.
sorry we usually play from 9 eastern till 1 am. So its pretty late when we start. Doed that fit into your schedule?
Tomb raider thread is a shithole lol
but the real megaton today is Geometry Wars 3
I'm still waiting for ps4... I want the white one but I need at least one more game to justify my purchase. I dont want it to sit and collect dust.
anyway what time the brehs getting on?
I'm amazed people still do this console war shit, used to be the Graystation vs the N64 when I was like 8. I guess people really like to justify their purchases by fighting it out. I'm getting a PS4 first for Destiny with friends and Bloodborne obviously, then a X1 next year, why miss out on all these great games because of childish shit like console wars?
I bought a vita like three years ago when ffx was first announced. That's the only game I have on it still... And old school RE games. Add me izuna
KPB Mr Croft
Is Bloodborne good like Demon's Souls instead of Dark Souls?...
The £350 question
Oh no you didn't.
I love Dark Souls but couldn't get over the jankiness of Demon Souls :/
Bloodborne looks great anyway!
I played Dark Souls first so explains why I think Demon Souls is janky. To be fair to it though I've never owned a copy myself or given it a real shot, just from what I've seen it looks like an earlier Souls game (which it obviously is lol). Maybe even after Bloodborne I might look back on Dark Souls with different eyes.
Edit: Sony fanboys in twitch chat want Fallout to be PS exclusive.
Didn't Fallout (and TES) sell more on Xbox? If anything, Fallout would be Xbox exclusive.
It's sad that none of this is really ever mentioned on GAF, and if it is it's barely mentioned. This isn't the only feature that either doesn't work or doesn't even exist.
This isn't OT, keep this thread to Titanfall talk. Going back to TF talk, avoid these X1 dbags (I LIKE LIFE and Goofle Mcfoogle) in Marked for Death. They like to lame out matches under and outside the map
Proof: http://youtu.be/Va5fe75znnU
Anyone still playing?
This was from a few days ago (haven't had time to jump on lately), but I've been trying the 40mm more. This was a time it didn't go so well (yeah, I should have moved sooner), but I followed it up strongly. We still lost, but I was happy to get the last kill right before the match ended.
Charge Rifle Gooser that doesn't count as a gooser.
I'm getting on in about 20 mins