Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I like when this game goes on sale.
I'll add you. mine is Killer 36o.
K I'll add you now. I'm still playing.
Finally did that gooser challenge XD
Did they make goosers easier? I rarely ever miss them anymore. It's crazy how easy it actually is.
I'll be playing later tonight. EST time.
They added a lot of new stuff in the game. Didn't touch it since release. I bought Expedition pack since it is on sale.
I like when this game goes on sale.
- If you like Xbox, stay the fuck away from gaming if you're a junior.
- If for some reason you ignore rule #1, never say anything negative about PS4. ALWAYS try to put a positive spin on it.
- racist/sexist/homophobic posts will get you banned pretty much on the spot.
- didntreadlol or something similar will get you banned. this isn't Reddit. as long as you're posting words it's fine but dropping by with a gif or jpeg and nothing else gets you banned
- major spoilers
- retail fraud
lol nori- having more than one account = perma
That's pretty much it. Either by experience or seeing people get banned for stuff like that.
Why did Grime get banned?
No brehs tonight???
this kid really had the balls to glitch off map vs me and a bunch of random 1 gens while in a party with a buddy.
This guy was madddddd
It is an issue with the achievement server on Xbox One. They will eventually unlock on their own, even if the Xbox isn't on.
anyone up for a game? my gt: Killer 36o (o=letter)
This game is getting worse and worse.
Anyone having their tagged challenges untagged every match?
yeah i tried to post a video. it recorded everything but the first 5 seconds of the match lol
no one else here has the problem to my knowledge because while we've played I've asked.
I've seen in some Titanfall threads lately the 'not enough content' statement come up and I'm curious what people mean by that. Do they mean not enough maps, not enough gametypes, no SP campaign, not enough gun unlocks, or all of the above?
content in a multiplayer game is pointless to me.
The whole point of them is to be competitive. To be better than the person you're playing. Give be balanced gameplay and people to play against and I'm good. I played SOCOM 2 for like 6 years.
Halo 4 has tons of content. No sane person would play that over Halo CE/2.
Yup, i played ShadowRun on 360 all the way up until Titanfall and that had less content than this game. It was just so amazing to play, and the community was really great. I miss how awesome that community was actually.
Wish Titanfall had that.
Something I don't get - why is there no easy way to tell bots and players apart? Everything just blends in.
Yeah Shadowrun is a way better example. Unfortunately I only started getting into it around 2009/10 (i forget when Reach came it but it was then), last played it a couple of months ago on PC.
That game had only multiplayer, 6 guns, 6 magic abilities and 6 tech abilities with 4 races. That was it. and I fucking loved it.
because it was balanced. Each weapon served a purpose. Each power served a purpose. Maps were designed to take full advantage of the powers.
IMO Shadowrun is only second to CS. I love Halo/Gears/SOCOM(PS2) but it's not close.
oh, and Shadowrun didn't have ranks. because fuck ranks. Play to win, not for a stupid symbol and number next to your name.
Looks like grimes bit dust for this
I'll, uh, i'll see if anything can be done
Just decided to give the game a shot again after a few months and it looks like I'm getting hit by the loading time bug again, which is kind of annoying. At least I'm not waiting too long.
Do they mix up the players after a match now?
It's pretty easy to tell apart as players animation are much more 'stiff' aka CS style whereby the bots are smoothly animated like any good animators will do.
Also players can jump and a dead giveaway when the players uses a female skin which does not exist for the bots.
How do you get your videos to show up on Xbox Clips? I had to upload mine to Youtube:
How do you get your videos to show up on Xbox Clips? I had to upload mine to Youtube:
I personally keep Minion Detector on for almost all gametypes and I memorise where they are so I can play process of elimination. I do it automatically that way.
I can't see any of my clips on My gamertag is BuG vBi and nothing shows uphowever, if I enter a friends gamertag I can see all of their clips.Anything you record whether it is Magic Moment or from Game DVR it automatically uploads to the MS servers in the background.