Ha! That does sound annoying. I like the idea of just bot hunting. I love the game so far. It seems to have a higher skill ceiling than CoD games while still be approachable. 
Picked up the game today and am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Is there a way to practice with just bots?
I feel like a complete liability to any team I am on.
Should I just focus on being a pilot for now and avoid getting in my Titan? How did you wrap your head around the game?
gooser is so easy for me now it's insane
Wwait, what? You want it to do the same damage?
I'll try dropping a titan on a marine pod but i'm rather sure I tried that before and got no notification or the titan dropped 10 miles away because it was blocked, that will help if true.
I think the damage the carbine does WITH a silencer should be the damage it does without one, that gun is a beast at all ranges 90% of the time, I try to mix up my gameplay using other weapons but I will always drop back to the carbine when things get tough, and it works.
And I use it with a silencer more often then not.
A carbine buff..? i don't even
goodbye thread
How long does it take for live to recognize you have the season pass for this? I just bought it but I can't play any of the map packs.... I tried restarting my console any everything. No dice.
Stupid question but did you download the map packs? The show up as free once you bought the season pass but they don't download automatically.
New patch should start rolling out in approx 13 hours:
New patch should start rolling out in approx 13 hours:
New patch should start rolling out in approx 13 hours:
Does anybody else think Titanfall would have been more popular if it went full on MOBA?
Disclaimer: I have never ever played LoL or DotA.
My biggest complaint about Titanfall is that it's hard for me to feel invested in the matches and outcomes. I think the scoring system(s) is the only real problem of the game. I'd love to see a mode where each team has a generator or something important to defend while trying to destroy the other team's important thing. Obviously map design would have to be different to support this vision, but I think the rest of the mechanics are there already. Possibly adding a system to gradually earn better titan or pilot weapons in a match would be useful too.
Figured out a good way to drop titans on foes without them running off with their 6th sense of knowledge that something is falling above them, I start hacking a spectre to hold them still as the titan falls, lol.
BTW warpfall is a perk I use all the time now, it's extremely handy.
New patch should start rolling out in approx 13 hours:
That's pretty smart. So you time it so that it drops before you're done hacking?
"Only 2 more Militia Pilots left. Take them down!
"Just 2 more Militia Pilots remaining. Hunt them down!"
"There's only one more Militia Pilot left alive. Hunt him down!"
"Only one Militia Pilot left alive. Take him out!"
"There's just the 2 of you left down there Pilots. Don't let your guard down!"
"It's just the 2 of you left now. Stay focused Pilots!"
"You're the last one left alive. It's all up to you now!"
"This round is ours!"
"We won this round!"
"That's how it's done. Good job Pilots, this round is ours."
"We lost the round!"
"The Militia beat us this round."
"They may have taken this round but we'll get them next time."
why can't i get in a game? what's up with this. been 'searching' for skirmish for like 3min.
why can't i get in a game? what's up with this. been 'searching' for skirmish for like 3min.
So it seems others are getting the 'searching' deal. Must be the update/server stuff.
I was just going to let out a loud and uniformed complaint too!
I got temporary radar pulse on my titan. You have to use it just before getting in.
I hope the update didn't remove this.
Cool. I had to get off but I'll try again tonight. Got a bit of the ol' TF bug.Yup I just jumped on and it's just searching for me as well.
Edit. Well after waiting several minutes. I just got dumped into a game in progress.
8 v 8 is more or less team snipers, everyone turtles lol.
Guess some perks will be more useful now.