my game keeps freezing for any time between 1-10 seconds randomly every 5 minutes or so.
Also matchmaking is still starting games without a full lobby. how hard is it to wait till we have a full lobby before you start the game?
I haven't heard anything good about the new mode yet, sounds a bit boring without the titans. Not sure if want
That isn't an issue in and of itself. I think its fine to start a game when it's 5v5. It becomes an issue when the teams are lopsided, or when it's 3v3 and the game becomes a ghost town.
First match in Pilot Skirmish:
I had more DMR's actually.
I think the mode can be good, but they need to get the bigger maps out of the rotation. I played skirmish on War Games and it was awesome.
I thought this game time would be good... But its low tier. The GODBINE (carbine) is everywhere on that game type.
Maybe you guys just suck at it and it's why you dislike it?
I'm kidding
I seriously need to get to it, really want to try it out.
This just proves that you should not listen to the vocal minority that screamed for a Titan-less game type. It simply doesn't work in Titanfall and more importantly it's not fun.
This game mode apparently turned the game into a shitty call of duty. You saw that video some PC gamer posted where every console gamer had their minds blown? Yeah, that's supposed to be Titanfall.
Oh and the difference between a BR and a Carbine is that one is a utility weapon in a game where there are better weapons that can be picked up that make that utility weapon not so useful. the other is the best close range, medium range, long range and anti-titan
Better option is to listen to the people that actually play your game. Apparently that's a difficult concept when it comes to developing games, because everyone outside of Valve just tells their fans to fuck off.
The only people that asked for this are the people that never even played it, or played it and didn't like it because it wasn't CoD.
Played the new mode one time with some brehs tonight.. first game in weeks due to Diablo and Madden.
Not a fan. Maybe it was just rust, maybe not. But fuck that mode. Most of the maps don't even seem like they'd be designed well for it.
why can't i get in a game? what's up with this. been 'searching' for skirmish for like 3min.
Are a bunch of sounds that didn't used to be there also normal?
I was getting freezing for a few seconds just before starting a match and when you go back to the scoreboard in the lobby. Is that a common issue post patch?
Yeah, new dialog is refreshing to hear. I hear a lot of unlock sounds at the lobby though.There is some new sound effects to me that didn't happened in prior update. Although I appreciate the new dialog that inform the players on the progress of the match.
Looking forward to playing some tonight on PC.
Are the connection issues resolved?
Are people still playing the regular modes, now that this Pilot only mode is not stealing away all the players after all?
This is pretty situational though. Before this update, my ping is so bad (like 300+ ping to my nearest data center even though it is reported as below 50ms in the main menu) and I just give up.
and? What's the problem? There's a crazy ton of snipers and even some C.A.R. So, I don't get why THIS is a problem to people. Do you get mad in Halo when everyone is rocking a BR? I don't get it.
The gametype is fine. It really separates the boys from the men in terms of who is actually capable of wielding a carbine effectively and who can move from one spot to the next super quick.
Cloak is annoying but only because a lot of people seem to think that's the best way to play, and i'm fine with it because they tend to sit around and let the game slip by them. Cloak+silencer campers can get obnoxious but only on the smaller maps. Bigger maps they suffer with that combo.
No, actually sometimes this is true. People feel like if they can't succeed in a game, or mode, it has to be the game that is broken or the mode that isn't catered to their skill sets. This happens all the time with the general crowd. It's always the games fault they got crushed, not because they aren't very good or that there's people out there that have mastered the game more than them. People like to get on the game and do just fine without little to no actual playtime, and that's ok, there's games for those people. That's not the type of game i like to play, i like to play something i can dominate at if i put time into it.
Again, i'm not talking about everyone, or even people here but it's something i have noticed since days of getting on Xbox Connect with Halo 1. It was always "man the pistol is too much" then it was "the br is too much", gears it was "the shotgun is too much, this is stupid".
Titanfall is pretty balanced.
Maybe it couldn't find enough players on your data center before. I think It will look for games on other data centers if it can't.
I've had freezing issues and member Diablohead has also reported the same issues.
anybody else experiencing a huge FPS boost from the latest update?
i'm able to play at 1440p with 8xMSAA with zero hiccups.
haven't played LTS on the "chuggier" maps yet to confirm, but it's all seeming gravy so far.
how the hell do you compare the BR to the godbine. How the hell do you a comparison of halo to titanfall! You cannot be serious right now? You just cant lol. A burst fire weapon that requires considerable skill to use to a weapon that is rapid fire that kills damn near instantly and from outrageous range for a rapid fire weapon ... Nice try... Who do you play with game with? Because it seems you play Gen 1s all day who run with their heads down.
you say it seprates the boys from the men in terms of "who can wield the carbine effectively" da fuq the game type should boil down to who can run one weapon well by using a tier perk that allows you to see through walls lol. This gametype strips everything that makes titanfall fun and turns it into a faster cod. You just haven't seen the players camping with arc mines and using whatever that perk is.
I still "succeed" (whatever that is supposed to mean) in this mode. My K/d hasn't fallen and I'm still top 3 with the brehs. It just isnt a game type that shouldn't be in the game. It doesn't feel right and feels rushed.