...I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't gave to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
Rememeber Remember the 5th of November, when Polygon gave a lower score to CoD:Ghosts on PS4, citing "framerate consistency is paramount!"
If they don't enforce similar standards for inferior Xbox One multiplatform titles, then... Oh who am I kidding? We all know they've been compromised.
It only takes 750,000 bucks to do it.
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
750,000... 7.5 (ps4 hardware review)....hmmm...
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
IQ is flawless IMO
If every next-gen game looked like this and they locked the performance at 60 fps, Next-gen would be worth it 20050505%
Got looked at funny when I asked for this today in Toronto. Tuesday, they said
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
You're dying too much in the stream.
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
They are always this way...all the PC specific forums and gaming forums i am a member at, same BS. The second i tell them i also really love gaming on consoles too...they are the first to start all the BS and if someone EVER mentions that a next gen console is better at "anything" gaming related..Oh man you better watch out..lol.
Personally it shows a lack of "real" appreciation for gaming as a whole. I have a pretty damn good gaming PC but i would be a F'n fool to say the PS4 will not bring some games to the table the will raise the bar in some way relating to graphics. I know it will..
Its like the biased PC gamer refuses to give a "inch" of respect for the things the PS4 can do or will be able to do. Shows so much immaturity and a lack of "passion" for gaming.
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
Phil Kollar, who's reviewing the game for Polygon, has already said he can't easily see the difference between 30 and 60 fps. You can guess how that review's gonna go.
Wish this would have been the default outfit.
Mountaineer Lara is best Lara...
From the review -"For a multiplayer shooter, framerate consistency is paramount."
I agree with that
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
How would you categorize tomb raiders multiplayer?
Then again we've already had a lack of comments on BF4, which has a more consistent framerate on PS4, but meh....that's not important.
Heh, I've only played a little bit of the game but it's been mostly 60 for me. When I got out into the woods I think it went down a little but not by much and that's where I've stopped.
Wish this would have been the default outfit.
Mountaineer Lara is best Lara...
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
30 vs 60fps locked is very noticeable and almost everyone that knows whats up should be able to see it.
(except maybe for cases like witcher 2 that make good use of motion blure etc. but that is a different story)
Now, 30-45 vs 40-60fps is not a very noticeable difference because the fps keep changing on both platforms and are a mess either way.
Stop giving reviewers shit for stuff like this and save that for when they actually aren't doing their job properly.
Square Enix just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about frame rates (I'm an expert), but film is a big part of it. It's not like it is a soap opera where you can become successful by displaying 60 frames per second. If you show too many frames it loses all the magic.
What this means is the game playing public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Tomb Raider for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's Enix games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square Enix has alienated an entire market with this move.
Square Enix, publicly apologize and cancel 60fps for PS4 or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I was afraid the Xbone version would be 60fps too. Looks like owners of that platform get the last laugh. Don't have to deal with that soap opera look for a game that's MEANT to be played at closer to film frame rate.
But have fun with fast motion gameplay if that's your thing; me, I like my games to progress the medium and it won't happen at innapropriate frame rates meant for 2d games from the 90s
At this point I think everyone, including you, should simply refrain from stating their framerate range as fact until there is actually an analysis to base these assumptions.These framerates are getting progressively more ridiculous. Stop adjusting the framerate range to suit your argument. The X1 is around 30fps and the PS4 is around 60fps. Just accept it.
Because...... You've played both.... Right? Just asking?These framerates are the getting progressively more ridiculous. Stop adjusting the framerate range to suit your argument. The X1 is around 30fps and the PS4 is around 60fps. Just accept it.
So if Both framerates are varying but one is slightly lower than the other, the review score shouldn't be lowered? In that case you should read the Polygon Ghosts review where the PS4 version is docked points for having a slightly lower framerate at times.
The problem is the hypocrisy.
Just change FFXIII to 60fps and you're good to go.
At this point I think everyone, including you, should simply refrain from stating their framerate range as fact until there is actually an analysis to base these assumptions.
These framerates are getting progressively more ridiculous. Stop adjusting the framerate range to suit your argument. The X1 is around 30fps and the PS4 is around 60fps. Just accept it.
These framerates are getting progressively more ridiculous. Stop adjusting the framerate range to suit your argument.
At this point I think everyone, including you, should simply refrain from stating their framerate range as fact until there is actually an analysis to base these assumptions.
Tbh, XB1 is at best 45fps while PS4 at worst 45fps so I'd say it's about even.
...but you are wrong. So far it seems x1 is above 30 for most of the game then drops in 30s in big scenes
its no different then you stating the ps4 is 60. Its only 60 when nothing is going on, it drops to 50s and 40s in bed g scenes
but go ahead and claim double fps but it is a fact it is not
So Eddie Bauer
Don't you mean Aviator Jacket Lara?
Tbh, XB1 is at best 45fps while PS4 at worst 45fps so I'd say it's about even.
How much money will the TR DE need to make for Square to consider it a success?
How much money will the TR DE need to make for Square to consider it a success?
Tbh, XB1 is at best 45fps while PS4 at worst 45fps so I'd say it's about even.
What kinda of shit logic is this? The PS4 is 60 most game and drops.into the 50's occasionally during chaotic scenes. The Xbone goes up to 45 in.empty scenes. How the fuck that the same?
So what about the review on USGAMER that mentions the XB1 version hovering around 30fps most of the time, while reaching about 45fps in the most stationary scenes? And the PS4 version hovering around 60fps most of the time while dipping to ~50fps(maybe 45fps) during very heavy moments?...but you are wrong. So far it seems x1 is above 30 for most of the game then drops in 30s in big scenes
its no different then you stating the ps4 is 60. Its only 60 when nothing is going on, it drops to 50s and 40s in bed g scenes
but go ahead and claim double fps but it is a fact it is not
I only had stuttering when it was loading.I'm not sure if it's the animation or just the variable frame rate, but it seems like this game stutters a lot.