I only had stuttering when it was loading.
Uh oh. Hope my PS4 isn't about to catch fire or anything.
I only had stuttering when it was loading.
I did notice frame rate drops at a particular section in the game though.Uh oh. Hope my PS4 isn't about to catch fire or anything.
...but you are wrong. So far it seems x1 is above 30 for most of the game then drops in 30s in big scenes
its no different then you stating the ps4 is 60. Its only 60 when nothing is going on, it drops to 50s and 40s in bed g scenes
but go ahead and claim double fps but it is a fact it is not
Get Leadbetter on the line then and let him know.
I tend to rotate between those two, yeah. I only discovered the Mountaineer outfit though with this edition of the game.
I was going to come and comment on this, but you took care of it for me. That posters logic makes no sense. How does one versions worst performance that matches another's best performance mean they are the close to the same?What kinda of shit logic is this? The PS4 is 60 most game and drops.into the 50's occasionally during chaotic scenes. The Xbone goes up to 45 in.empty scenes. How the fuck that the same?
I tend to rotate between those two, yeah. I only discovered the Mountaineer outfit though with this edition of the game.
Where the hell are you getting those stats from?
I was going to come and comment on this, but you took care of it for me. That posters logic makes no sense. How does one versions worst performance that matches another's best performance mean they are the close to the same?
It's a joke.
I think.
Should be.
I thought it was pretty clear..
Where the hell are you getting those stats from?
I thought it was pretty clear..
So what about the review on USGAMER that mentions the XB1 version hovering around 30fps most of the time, while reaching about 45fps in the most stationary scenes? And the PS4 version hovering around 60fps most of the time while dipping to ~50fps(maybe 45fps) during very heavy moments?
Sure, you can ask him to provide the charts so that everyone can end the argument. Until those charts are available people here have been taking great liberty in throwing around ranges and when the game hits those numbers without even playing it.
We have no concrete numbers on the framerate, only what has been said by PR, reviewers, and my leak. Performance is yet to be measured, and most reports floating around online seem to be about the PlayStation 4 build.
Based on what I was told, I expect the frame difference to be on average ~20fps, give or take a few frames.
EDIT: I will say, the witch hunt against reviewers who may not mark down the Xbox One build for performing worse brings me back to the last generation when the Wii was getting the odd port here and there. It's not something I really agree with.
If it ends up making you eat crow then sure.
the developer said it held at 60fps most of the time on the PS4 but 'occasionally' dipped below that when the scenes get more complex. He can't be any clearer than that.
I can't understand that some people don't get that this description describea almost all 60fps games on consoles. You can barely count on one hand 60fps games on consoles that don't dip into the 50's.
I thought it was pretty clear..
We have no concrete numbers on the framerate, only what has been said by PR, reviewers, and my leak. Performance is yet to be measured, and most reports floating around online seem to be about the PlayStation 4 build.
Based on what I was told, I expect the frame difference to be on average ~20fps, give or take a few frames.
EDIT: I will say, the witch hunt against reviewers who may not mark down the Xbox One build for performing worse brings me back to the last generation when the Wii was getting the odd port here and there. It's not something I really agree with.
According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
What could that mean for tomb raider framerate in xbone?
How does the PS4 version compare to the PC version?
Tbh, XB1 is at best 45fps while PS4 at worst 45fps so I'd say it's about even.
Can you at least upload a comparison so we can see it? I don't have an Xbox One and you obviously have the game on both systems to make these claims. Can you show us an example? It would only take a few minutes of gameplay from each. I cannot wait to check it out.
I think it won't have any effect on already released games, or games to be released soon (like next month or something).
I thought it was pretty clear..
You're dying too much in the stream.![]()
That's good news for Xbox one games.According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
What could that mean for tomb raider framerate in xbone?
750,000... 7.5 (ps4 hardware review)....hmmm...
How does the PS4 version compare to the PC version?
According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
What could that mean for tomb raider framerate in xbone?
According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
What could that mean for tomb raider framerate in xbone?
According to the latest tweet by famousmortimer, xbone GPU reservation will go from 10% down to 2% soon.How the fuck did MS manage to do that?
What could that mean for tomb raider framerate in xbone?
TR has unlocked framerate, so changing GPU reservation should affect the game.
Serious question, as I am an idiot when it comes to these things mostly, but how would the decrease affect current usage of the Kinect and/or apps that the already imposed 10% uses? I am wondering because I can imagine quite a few peeps being upset, at least for a little while, if say the Snap function is inhibited in any way. I did a quick search and, while not entirely informative, it seems like the 10% is tied to functions like Snap and such. Thanks in advance and sorry for the slight derail.
Hard to wait. Stay strong!When will DF release their tech analysis? I wasn't excited so much about DF article than ever before. I really got hype for game again, even though I promised to myself to not buy it until it's $30. But if it's actually staying 60FPS most of the time with IQ close or same as on PC, I might decide to grab it now.
He was joking. He got me too.
Optimization happens all the time with consoles. But to decrease something that drastically, in such a short amount of time? I have no idea what they could have done to achieve something like that. If there's zero difference on the UI side in terms of "downgrading" snap or something, I'll be seriously impressed.
Wow, that sounds pretty smooth to me. If it dips into the 50fps range to me that still feels pretty smooth.What kinda of shit logic is this? The PS4 is 60 most game and drops.into the 50's occasionally during chaotic scenes. The Xbone goes up to 45 in.empty scenes. How the fuck that the same?
PS4. Too much Botox, Lara.