Finished TR last night and absolutely loved it, it's a brilliant game. So many things about the game has been done really, really well, and there isn't much at all to complain about. I played on Normal difficulty which felt about right, although later when you're tooled up... Yeah I should of selected hard
CD absolutely NAILED the controls and camera, they feel fantastic and Lara is a joy to move around the environment. Gunplay is great, it feels really solid and Lara is in full-on badass mode. Climbing is awesome, the tombs are really good although I would like to see more of them and more complex puzzles, but it is what it is and I was happy with what we got.
The game looks and runs beautifully on PS4. 60fps is fucking sublime and I hope that TR2 on PS4 follows suit and they don't go for 30fps with better visuals. It looks stunning as it is, so I'd be more than happy with that standard again at 60fps. Drops? Well here and there but for the most part it fucking rad, and show me a game that doesn't.
Not tried multiplayer out yet, I might give it a go, but I am not that fussed as I have plenty else to play.
I got all of the single player Trophies except Former Adventurer (Dodge and Counter finish) and the conversation one. I will go through the game again at some point for the conversation one, but maybe I could go and find enemies post-finish and mop up the other counter-kills?
Anyway, awesome awesome game. Up there with Uncharted if you ask me, now then CD, can we pleeease have a new Soul Reaver?