Thought it was solid but never really excelled in any particular area of gameplay. I enjoyed it overall and look forward to where they go but for me they need to tighten the design down overall.
Combat was good but compared to the likes of Uncharted 2 & 3 the encounters in TR

E were fairly pedestrian - more reminiscent of the simpler combat arenas from Uncharted

F. Uncharted 2 & 3 really improved the varity and approach and TR needs to do the same IMHO.
Platforming was fairly solid too but lacked the fluidity of Uncharted for me although I did like the use of rope arrows and the like to make your own path. Again like Uncharted the game felt too rigidly separated into platforming bit then combat bit - while downtime and pure exploration is important like U2/U3 they need to find a better mix of the two when the shooting starts.
Tombs looked great but were underwhelming to play. They were really just a single big room each time with a single, simply themed puzzle to solve. Pretty weak sauce TBH compared to previous TR games and Uncharted. The need to deliver bigger tombs with multiple puzzles. Making them purely optional didn't help either IMHO. Some could be but one or two should contain stuff your really need.
The listen/eagle eye/hunter sense was a decent way of allowing for unobtrusive directions. If you want you don't use it and solve stuff yourself. If you want an easier ride you use it and have the game mostly hand feed you what to do. Only thought here is it's a bit too much nothing or everything - would be nice to be able to change what it reveals or not with a few simple settings (for example turn on showing you next waypoint but turn off showing you climbable surfaces etc.).
I found the semi-open world interesting although I think it hurt the drive/flow of the game - certainly it made the whole affair feel much less driven than the Raiders like pace of Uncharted which powers you through from start to finish.
I did like the zero HUD.
Engine/graphics were very good I thought and I think the new direction shows a lot of promise - given how much it felt they were looking to Uncharted I found it ironic how like Drake's Fortune the game was (slight sense of open world aside) in terms of channeling what worked and what was weaker about that title equally.
Now let's see if they can make the leap ND did with U2.
Played on PS4 for reference - no issues with variable frame rate for me and glad to have the game feel as smooth as it did for as much of the time as it did.