Tomb Raider apparently is paced very well, and all the UC games have mostly great pacing (UC3's second act asides...). I think that would definitely be a good approach.
In fact, we could probably still globe trot and do that. Imagine hubs in different countries, multiple inter-connected hubs to explore.
Yep, NP anything else you might want to see?
Dat hair.
I think I should explain to people that I don't rate Uncharted 2 quite as highly as most. I think it is very good, but not anything too amazing.
yes and no, of course we all want some sort of idea how the pc version is but lately square have release very good pc ports so im relatively calm this time aroundLeaning toward the PC version. Should I be worried there are currently no reviews for the PC version?
Hey man, can you describe how the gunplay feels? snappy? punchy? satisfaying? Killing dudes feels very cool?
Also the controls, how exactly does they feel? like Uncharted?
I really hope the gunplay is not like Uncharted at all, I don't like bulletsponge enemies.
Leaning toward the PC version. Should I be worried there are currently no reviews for the PC version?
Hard to say really. The fact that it is arriving on the same release date as consoles plus being ported by Nixxes assuages some of my concerns.
That hair power!
Shooting feels solid. The dodge/crawl on the ground move is handy. The bullets feel like they pack a punch with enemies reacting, but playing on hard they sure can take quite a few hits before going down. I don't really feel the gunplay feels exactly like uncharted though. Then again it's been a few months since I played it.
It almost lessens the pain knowing we won't ever get another Alice game... :'-(
I really wish Digital Foundry would hurry up and compare the games. Gotta know if I need to switch my pre-order before the 5th!
Have not beaten it yet but I keep telling people this. It truly is the RE4 of Tomb Raider.
I really wish Digital Foundry would hurry up and compare the games. Gotta know if I need to switch my pre-order before the 5th!
Almost indeed
It's so crazy to think that no game since Alice has really even shown us some awesome hair graphical capabilities. I think devs have tried, but maybe the tech hadn't been established?
God knows I'm dreaming of Tress FX Bayonetta 2.
Conan's Clueless gamer for this was great.
yes and no, of course we all want some sort of idea how the pc version is but lately square have release very good pc ports so im relatively calm this time around
Hard to say really. The fact that it is arriving on the same release date as consoles plus being ported by Nixxes assuages some of my concerns.
That hair power!
It very much seems that way. In fact, i would say development of this game seems almost completely driven from a mentality back in the day around when Tomb Raider Underworld was releasing. Before that game was coming out, a lot of talk was made about how Tomb Raider needed an RE 4 equivalent to spice up the franchise. When Underworld finally arrived and was still very much like Legend, people were disappointed (i still liked the game). They said it wasnt the RE 4 reboot Crystal Dynamics was hoping it would be.
There were so many comparisons made at the time, i would not be surprised if this new game is a direct result of design coming directly from RE 4, to try and mimic that success of a reboot. Seems like they pulled it off, only sales will tell now if they will get more sequels.
Which version did you pre-order? I always used to get whatever version most reviewers got a copy of.
Doesn't 360 version have some extra DLC or something? And I don't think I've seen any footage outside of pieces of the diaries/E3 presentation (seemed to be on 360, maybe I'm wrong?). Didn't want to spoil anything!
I was burned by Red Dead on PS3 (did double dip later though!). After that, those Digitial Foundry comparisons seemed of utmost importance!
I've got the 360 version pre-ordered.....they have showed literally zero footage from the PS3 version. It seems like the safer bet at the moment, but I still just wanna be sure. And the 360 version gets timed exclusive DLC.
Ya, I'm convinced. I had to pull the trigger on the CAGROCKS code. Can't beat $33 for the PC version day 1. Just think of all the poor saps paying $60 for it.
God damn that's tempting as hell...Ya, I'm convinced. I had to pull the trigger on the CAGROCKS code. Can't beat $33 for the PC version day 1. Just think of all the poor saps paying $60 for it.
God damn that's tempting as hell...
But I feel like I'll play it once and never touch it again.
Now her hair can finally look as dirty and messed up as she does.
Frame rate drops, ahoy!As long as it's swaying in the wind, no worries!
Frame rate drops, ahoy!
I hope AMD implemented it well.
I would say there are lots of games that focus on platforming and puzzle solving and lots of games that focus on shooting, but very few games that do BOTH, whether they focus more on shooting, platforming or puzzle solving.
I haven't played it yet, but the dozen or so reviews I read all praised the action elements. Even the Machinima review said the action was well done.
I wouldn't personally classify Uncharted as a third person shooter. It's more of an action adventure game to me. It definitely influenced a lot of games in terms of scripted sequences, linearity and trying to be cinematic. I'd put things like Gears and Max Payne in the third person shooter bracket.
Again, I haven't played this yet, but the Arkham games have very few real puzzles, and nothing that sounds like the optional puzzles included here. I'd put those firmly in action adventure too.
I guess the disconnect between you and me, is that I've always seen both games as action adventure, with one a bit more towards the action end of the continuum, and the other a bit more towards the adventure side. What I see as a slight shift along that continuum you see a flipped bit tantamount to a complete change of genre.
I see a game that has the things I expect to see in a Tomb Raider game. I just see a bit more action that I'd expect and a bit less platforming and puzzle solving than I'd expect. It still looks like a fun adventure in the kinds of environments I prefer the series to focus on (which it hasn't always done to the degree I'd like). It still looks like a Tomb Raider game. Uncharted was never so different as to avoid the Dude Raider tag early on, because there are plenty of similarities between both games. Tomb Raider 2 had way more action than Tomb Raider 1. Tomb Raider 3 had way fewer tombs than Tomb Raider 1. I still enjoyed them.
We're not going to agree, obviously because our perspectives on this are completely different. But I still see plenty of platformers on the market. I still see plenty of action adventures. I still see plenty of third person shooters. So I look at that, and I shrug.
Yeah I hope that 1 little thing isn't a framerate killer. You wouldn't think so but stranger things have happened with AMD.
I'm really looking forward to the MP.
I wouldn't put it past them to fuck it up.
I didn't think so, but I was just pointing out one of their most recent missteps. Really hope they pull through with TressFX.Tomb Raider isn't an OpenGL game, though, which has always been the bane of ATi's existence.
But the hair on the PC version, man.
The player will want to brush her hair.
So paint the picture for me: What is it like when you’re doing mo-cap for a game like this?
You’re in what they call “the volume” and it’s this huge, huge room and there are cameras 360 degrees around above you. That’s kind of amazing because you’re never having to pay attention to where the camera is like when you’re on a TV show. You’re in motion capture suits but they have flat-screens around the room, and once you get synced into the suits—you have to do all these little actions with your hands and the computer syncs you in—Lara would appear on the flat-screen and I could look up and wherever I would move, or if I cocked my head to one side, she would do the same thing.
In the room they would have these boxes and they would say, “This is a fire” or “This is a tree” or “This is a wall” and I would walk up to it and look up at the flat-screen and see the fire. That was kind of incredible. I was able to constantly refer back to the TVs to see what this landscape would look like. And that made it very real because sometimes you’re standing on a box and they’re saying, “This is a boat,” and you can look up and it gives you visual that I didn’t think you’d be able to get.
But it’s hours and hours and it’s exhausting, and I didn’t tell anyone forever that I was doing it. I remember, I had bruises all over my body at some points because it was rough. I was doing Californication and doing some nudity and they had to cover the bruises. They must have thought I was being abused at home or something. I’d be like, “Oh, I just bumped into this thing today,” because I couldn’t talk about the project, so they were slightly concerned.
Obviously, one of the major components of Lara Croft is the way in which she’s been used as a blatant sex symbol for most of her shelf life. What was the plan in terms of making her more of an actual person and less fantasy-fulfillment?
There were conversations to make her more realistic. She can still be a sex symbol of sorts without having to wear a tiny pair of shorts and these gigantic boobs while running around. There was a lot of talk about the fact that with the Batman reboot and the James Bond reboot, those characters became more gritty and less stereotypes of what they were becoming, so they wanted to steer away from that.
She’ll be taken more seriously and that’s what they wanted. I don’t know how well it would have worked if she’s going through these sincere and brutal experiences and she’s in hot pants.She’s just more relatable and I think that’s more interesting for a gamer to play because you want to relate to that person while you’re playing them and get invested.
Tomb Raider |OT| "You'll want to condition that hair"The player will want to brush her hair.
I'm just gonna sit here staring at the Google image results of 'camilla luddington esquire' until Tuesday, k guys.
I cut out the middleman and just re-watch Californication episodes that she's in. Underwear? Pshh.
I cut out the middleman and just re-watch Californication episodes that she's in. Underwear? Pshh.
Frame rate drops, ahoy!
I hope AMD implemented it well.
I should probably watch that.