Game is so incredible! A few hours in playing on PS3. I'm surprised with how much depth there is to the game.
Define "depth".
Game is so incredible! A few hours in playing on PS3. I'm surprised with how much depth there is to the game.
I hardly get the impression that it's a 'disgrace' from the reviews. Thats definitely stretching the truth.
Most reviews seem to think it's an overall better package and an improvement over the older games even though it's clearly not like them anymore. It basically comes down to if youre willing to accept the change or not. If you're a die-hard Tomb Raider fan that's willing to accept it as a Resident Evil 4 situation you should be ok and realize that it's a different, polished - really well made game....if you don't care for the older games then you should just look at it as a more open Uncharted that matches its quality and in some ways even looks to surpass it.
Define "depth".
The axe goes pretty deep into skulls.Define "depth".
Define "depth".
It is a disgrace to the older games. RE 4 still was unmatched at its time, unlike Uncharted vs Tomb Raider. While not being scary, it retained the survival elements like limited ammo and typewriters for saves. What does this new Tomb Raider maintain?
Improvement maybe in the wrong areas like combat and human enemies.
He's playing it in automatic 2D>3D conversion mode on his HDTV.![]()
It is a disgrace to the older games. RE 4 still was unmatched at its time, unlike Uncharted vs Tomb Raider. While not being scary, it retained the survival elements like limited ammo and typewriters for saves. What does this new Tomb Raider maintain?
Improvement maybe in the wrong areas like combat and human enemies.
It is a disgrace to the older games. RE 4 still was unmatched at its time, unlike Uncharted vs Tomb Raider. While not being scary, it retained the survival elements like limited ammo and typewriters for saves. What does this new Tomb Raider maintain?
Improvement maybe in the wrong areas like combat and human enemies.
There was hardly any survival in RE4. Typewriters were just save points, no ribbons needed, and there was ammo for days. Tomb Raider is as big of a curve as that game was.
Not quite sure which RE4 you played.
Giving Resident Evil 4 a free pass just seems illogical.
It's been a while, so I'm probably remembering wrong on the ammo count but I remember running out in some instances and resorting to melee. Still was unmatched unlike Uncharted that exists, and had much better paced combat encounters compared to RE 5 and 6 that were straight up action games. Don't really have a high opinion on RE 4, but it was a well-designed game. RE 4 did probably kill survival horror games until the PC space revived it.
RE4 will always have a "free pass" because it's a masterpiece on a scale we haven't seen since. You'll have to accept that as long as it keeps being brought up in this thread.
It is a disgrace to the older games. RE 4 still was unmatched at its time, unlike Uncharted vs Tomb Raider. While not being scary, it retained the survival elements like limited ammo and typewriters for saves. What does this new Tomb Raider maintain?
Improvement maybe in the wrong areas like combat and human enemies.
The combat in the old games was terrible, you seem hell bent on dissing the game i dont get it. Its not as if the old games were good, they controlled like hot garbage, platforming was hard because it controlled like hot garbage and wasnt clear at all at times. I dont know why the old games are being held up as some sort of beacon of games design masterpieces, they werent.
So many upgrades/skills/collectables.
Feels like a more fleshed out Uncharted.
Can you still do hand stands at the edge of sheer drops?
The combat in the old games was terrible, you seem hell bent on dissing the game i dont get it. Its not as if the old games were good, they controlled like hot garbage, platforming was hard because it controlled like hot garbage and wasnt clear at all at times. I dont know why the old games are being held up as some sort of beacon of games design masterpieces, they werent.
I like the old games
I actually think Anniversary is one of the most underrated games this Gen.
Am I the only one genuinely interested in the multiplayer ? Don't get me wrong, I know it screams 'tacked on' but for my shame some of the most fun I've had has been in tacked on multiplayers. A good example being Bioshock 2, I spent an unhealthy amount of time playing that, especially Capture The Little Sister. Of course it doesn't mean Tomb Raiders multi will give me any of that enjoyment but never know.
I do feel sorry for the old Tomb Raider fans, it must be gutting to see a formula you love so much get changed and I can completely empathise with that. I still don't know what to make of it but I must admit I'm looking forward to playing it next week. PC version should hopefully be up to scratch as well.
I think Anniversary is great as well.
The PS1 games....not so much. Loved em when I was younger, but definitely not now.
Game is so incredible! A few hours in playing on PS3. I'm surprised with how much depth there is to the game.
Watered-down RPG elements with arbitrary collectibles aren't necessarily what I would classify as "deep".
"Deep" in terms of game systems/rules refer to challenging and flexible game mechanics that accommodate many different playstyles, thus creating a "deep" experience with many different options available for many different playstyles. Deus Ex 1 is deep. Dark Souls combat is deep. Upgrades/collectibles are not deep.
Come the fuck on, y'all.
couldnt agree more. also with the character design.
This will probably be the first real good tomb raider game here.
I would sure have appreciated it if there would have been more platforming, puzzles and actual tomb raiding. but since this is some kind of origin story I am easily ready to forgive that, if the rest really holds up to to the RE4 comparisons.
lets just pray that she never gets her old outfit back in the sequels.
This game is being considered to Uncharted, not Deus EX or Dark souls... Compared to Uncharted the weapon/upgrade system adds depth to the gameplay...
You can upgrade any weapon in multiple ways and get different skill sets depending on how you want to play. Does this not provide more depth than Uncharted?
Dat target audience...
This game is being considered to Uncharted, not Deus EX or Dark souls... Compared to Uncharted the weapon/upgrade system adds depth to the gameplay...
You can upgrade any weapon in multiple ways and get different skill sets depending on how you want to play. Does this not provide more depth than Uncharted?
I was just wondering: can you approach situations with stealth? Also, how is the performance/framerate on PS3? I'm about to order this but i still remember Underworld on PS3, which had pretty bad performance.
Okay: compared to Uncharted then, the game is deep.
But so are most video games when compared to Uncharted, so it isn't saying much
All I said was that I was surprised with the depth to the weapon upgrade system and skill set upgrade system but yeah.. Obviously the game is nothing like an RPG but they could've easily not put any of the upgrade stuff in.
What changes does the patch make? General bug fixes?Just got a patch. Its 53MB.
Plus, Lara as a character was nonexistent. Just a quiping blow-up sex doll. People attacking the new game from the "badly written, immature" angle must have played different Tomb Raider games than I.
Yeah i lapped it up when i was a 11 year old playing the first games on my new ps1 but looking back on her look just makes me cringe. Those boobs were just grotesque and uncalled for, i guess thats what drew people in though, i can remember to this day how utterly frustrated i was in how it controlled though.
I just dont get the backlash to the story the gameplay being more polished than ever, this is a reboot this is her very first adventure im sure the next games will be more focused on the tomb aspects. I dont get the story hang ups either, hell you fought t rex for god sake in the old games, i can suspend disbelief in her becoming a killer to survive better than fighting a bloody dinosaur and the like.
Can you still do hand stands at the edge of sheer drops?
Plus, Lara as a character was nonexistent. Just a quiping blow-up sex doll. People attacking the new game from the "badly written, immature" angle must have played different Tomb Raider games than I.
not happy with the framerate so far (360). its sub 30 with constant slight stutter. when you turn the camera, replace slight stutter with heavy stutter. and there hasnt been any shooting/action so far (aside from cutscenes/qte)...
its not as bad as far cry 3 or assassins creed 3, but it annoys me.
I am getting more and moe hyped now as this is sounding like this generations' Resident Evil 4 in terms of mood and gameplay. I am a lot with Tricky Shadow here, being a big fan of Resident Evil (all the way up before 6 and loving 4 for what it was) and what they gave me, this game has just been giving me that vibe ever since seeing the first trailer and images. Playing this on the big TV with my PC with surround sound is going to be godly <3
If anyone in the UK has pre-ordered with ShopTo, they've advised me that orders will begin dispatching this Saturday.
Odd question but was their originally a subtitle for this game? or was it always "Tomb Raider" from the start?
But nobody is attacking the new game based on the old game's depiction of Lara. She was barely a character before, that's true, but the reboot gets criticized for talking a big game when it's just another third person "character vs. army" shooter, not because it doesn't live up to the standards of how Lara was written in the old games.
They could've just dropped the pretense and this would be a much smaller issue. If they wanted to make a videogame ass videogame, why shove all this emotional stuff in there that's tugging in a completely different direction? Yeah you're crying over killing guys, but go kill more guys so you can upgrade you bow with "salvage" and return to old "zones" and find "secret tombs," and now your pickaxe can chop off TWO heads at a time, oh look you've upgraded your pistol to shoot sharks, BUT KEEP CRYING. YOU'RE KILLING AND THIS IS SAD.
But nobody is attacking the new game based on the old game's depiction of Lara. She was barely a character before, that's true, but the reboot gets criticized for talking a big game when it's just another third person "character vs. army" shooter, not because it doesn't live up to the standards of how Lara was written in the old games.
They could've just dropped the pretense and this would be a much smaller issue. If they wanted to make a videogame ass videogame, why shove all this emotional stuff in there that's tugging in a completely different direction? Yeah you're crying over killing guys, but go kill more guys so you can upgrade you bow with "salvage" and return to old "zones" and find "secret tombs," and now your pickaxe can chop off TWO heads at a time, oh look you've upgraded your pistol to fire sharks, BUT KEEP CRYING. YOU'RE KILLING AND THIS IS SAD.
You could pretty much say that about most games that had or played on the emotional aspects.
are you even playing the game?
Have you not gotten the shark firing pistol upgrade yet?